in His strength


Last night, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took part in a 12 hour worship burn…where we offered God praise and worship for 12 hours straight. Six teams, 2 hours each.

As a vocalist, usually two hours is a good maximum for keeping your voice strong without too much strain.

I had the beginnings of a cold when I woke up on Friday morning.

And was signed up to sing for 2 two hour time slots, 2 hours apart, in the wee hours of the morning (1-3 am) and when I am usually getting up (5-7 am).

I prayed and asked Him if I should cut back, and the following familiar verse came to mind:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

So I didn’t, and I prepared for two sets.  From the time I arrived, I stayed away from caffeine and sweets, drank about 8-10 glasses of water, rested my voice way more than I usually would, and only had the two things to help keep my throat moist besides water, shot glasses of pineapple juice and a few potato chips (the chips are apparently Amy Grant’s go to before a performance too).

And more than all that, I had to depend on Him in a way I normally never ask for help in.

An early riser, I am usually down for the count by 10 pm.

Last night, I didn’t get any sleep, nor did I sense God wanted me to.  I had a strong reassurance I would be able to make it through without sleep, and without losing my voice or incurring too much strain.  Since I am also singing Sunday morning, this was quite a bit outside my comfort zone.

I chose to trust He had me in His grip, and would get me through.

When I got to work this morning, I happened to look up the verse to double check it was the verse I remembered. I was stunned to see what Philippians 4:13 says in the Message translation:


Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

I stepped out, and God stepped up to meet me there. I am still stunned with the wonder that I have now been up for 29 hours straight, and do not feel as exhausted as I would have expected.

God took me in His strength beyond what I am capable of in my own strength, and then beyond even more!

When we step out and trust He is more than enough for all we will encounter and endure, our trust is not placed in vain.

If the Maker of the universe made me, He knows what I am capable of, both on my own and with His empowerment.

I can place myself with confidence in His care.

When I expectantly come close into His Presence, He never fails to meet me in each instance.

I am able to do far more than I realize when God holds me together and strengthens me.

Which He does because of:

  • His great love for me
  • His character – God of compassion, refuge, power, might. Its part of who He is
  • His desire to draw close to be with His Beloved
  • the truth that I now live in and within Him, so His strength is an overflow of His loving kindness

and not the least, due to

  • His acute awareness of how much I need Him!


when it’s hard to believe for the best

Yesterday was a day filled with highs and lows, from which I am still both in shock and filled with praise as i process it all.

It is hard seeing your child reeling with hurt. One of mine is struggling to show honor in a placement where she has been discouraged and put down by the leadership for the past several weeks, simply because they are negative people.

The other child heard he may need surgery to fix a disc and nerve problem.

It has been hard to come alongside them and not take over, as the momma within rages at the circumstances.

Instead, I have stood and praised Him despite how I am feeling.

My children are not my babies anymore. They are both young adults who have had curve balls hurled their way, and are still standing up to praise Him in the midst.

If I have done nothing else right in the hard times of my life, seeing my kids raise Him in praise no matter the season blesses my heart for my part modeling how to do so.

But more importantly, it blesses His heart for their part in bringing Him the sacrifice of praise.

Last night, my country took a radical turn politically.  One that i sense will leave scars across every province. People who had served their constituents well were voted out because the nation decided to teach its former leader a lesson.

Experience can help guide us in the hard times, but faith in who you believe in needs to be our bedrock during the storms.

There is no one politician upon whose shoulders Canada can rest for safe haven in the coming storms.

There is only One pair of arms who can wrap around us and help us to stand, safe and secure in His embrace from what may come.

That became evident in a conversation with a coworker who had been reeling from an unexpected demand to prove himself again to a new team addition in another organization he works for, when he already has done so to the team as a whole for over a year.  His commitment to his word and the Word has been an inspiration to those who know Him, and inspired me to dig deeper into all He has for me. He cried out to God, spoke in response as He led, and God is stirring up the leadership to come out swinging in his defence.  As he waits, not yet knowing how this will all play out.

Yet He knows His security is not found in the support of human leaders, although he is blessed with their favor, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In the last 48 hours I have stepped up to the plate three times as God has called me to, and used my gifting in ways I wasn’t quite ready for.  I suspect that was so He could show me just how solid and dependable He could be for me as I solely put my Hope and trust in Him to strengthen and empower me for the tasks I stepped into.

He blew me away with His grace, and the knowledge He was with me. He showed up in power, and lives were blessed through the encounters with Him as a result.

Because I emptied myself of me all the more, He had more room to move through and in me to use me as a blessing where He had placed me.   It wasn’t easy to let go of my struggle to be in control, but it was so sweet to rest in Him and allow Him to lead.

In a hard place?

Wounded from an unexpected arrow in the battle?

Weary from the race?

Fearful of what lies ahead?

Find comfort in knowing you are never alone, Beloved.

Draw strength from His embrace.

Proclaim His praise even when things look dim and grey.

Rest in Him, as He keeps you by His side, and helps you to stand.

May He fill your heart to overflowing with His love, as you fix your eyes upon Him above the waves, and take hold of the Rock of Ages. He promises He will come to us, His Beloved, the ones He died to save from sin. He will not abandon us in the battle.  He will come to our rescue, and show Himself strong as our defence.




God’s a safe-house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax; you’re never sorry you knocked.- Psalm 9:9-10 (MSG)

Feeling battered by turbulence about you?

Seeking shelter from the swirling storm?

Head for Home.

God Himself is our Home, our safe-house in times of trouble.

He is the sanctuary for our wounded spirits, who binds us up, broken & battered, when we come to Him.  

And miraculously, we being to relax in the peace we find in His Presence, as He ministers to us from the inside out.

I have never regretted heading into the safety I have found in His embrace.

May you too experience Him as your safe-house, the never failing refuge found in the loving safety of His arms, whenever you need shelter in the storms of life. God is always waiting for us to find our way Home to Him.

(This blog post is today’s Drop of Encouragement over at Remade Ministries. You are more than welcome to join the community there!)

call on His name

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to Him and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

Not only is God Himself our stronghold, our safe refuge, but His very name is a strong fortress!

Have you ever faced something so mind-numbing, grief-paralyzing or shockingly painful that the only word you could speak was Jesus? I know I have, and the peace that He poured into my heart, mind and body as I continued to cling to His Name? Amazing.

If you too need Him to draw close to you, call on His Name, and picture yourself running into His embrace.

He is our ever present source of refuge, and He is just a Name away!

Join the chorus of believers crying out for God from across the ages… for His Name was, is, and always will be our Refuge, Fortress, and Home!


PS. This piece was featured as one of Remade Ministries Drops of Encouragement, where I am one of their guest contributors.  Drop by & be encouraged, or sign up for e-updates of new posts at:

beaten not defeated

I’m pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I’m blessed beyond the curse for His promise will endure
for His joy’s gonna be my strength
Though the sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning!

Darrell Evans, Trading my Sorrows

When I fail or slide the slippery slope into sin, I have a habit of wallowing in it.

It ain’t pretty.

It isn’t necessary.

Freedom awaits!

God reminds me He is more than enough to meet ALL of me:

He is my Saviour
all my sins are made white as snow when I approach the cross, each and every one.

He is my Freedom
because of the cross, and who He is, God can break any chain that may bind me, and set me free into wholeness and wide open spaces of grace!

He is my Provider
all my needs are met in Him.

He is my Healer
in every way, He can heal me- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually

He is my Protector
He is my safety, my shield, who keeps me safe & protects me

He is my Song
He sings over us! Like a lullaby, reassuring us He is near.

He is my Source
as my Maker, I can bring all things to Him, as He knows all things!

He is the Giver of Gifts
all our gifts, talents & blessings come from His hand

He is my Peace
He calms the raging torrents within me in the battles

He is Present, God with us
God is always here.
There with us.
Waiting for us.

This is just a few examples of how despite hard times and circumstances, God’s got our back & is helping us make a way through the storms in our lives.

I am never defeated when I run to God in the skirmishes.

I may be pressed for His fragrance to be more easily released afterwards, but not destroyed by the enemy’s attack.

I may be persecuted because of the One who will never abandon me; my constant, rock solid, for me God.

I am blessed beyond the curse as I am His, and He is mine. His Presence brings blessings that far outweigh any hardship the enemy tries to curse me with.

His promise will endure, forever.
God never changes, and what He has promised comes to pass. What He has spoken comes to life. What He whispers to us sinks into our souls and grows new hope within.

My Joy will arrive. He rides a white horse, and has written my name on His love pierced hands, and He will come for His people in a triumph which leaves me breathless with anticipation.

His Spirit stirs the joy within me every morning that I am not alone, and this God who loves me so wants to be known by me, and to pour out His devotion for me 24/7, 365, and into infinity & beyond!

May you too jump into the Word, and find the names of who God is. May He reveal to you His heart as you do, and draw you closer than you could ever imagine as you invest in seeking Him first.

If like me, you have a hard time seeking freedom, would you consider the book “Stronghold” by Beth Kinder of Remade Ministries?
It is designed to move you out of the enemy’s shackles and into His stronghold of freedom, love and becoming whole. God is already using it to set people free, and it doesn’t launch until March 13th!
Please visit to learn more download the first chapter for free,and pick up some scripture cards & screensavers!


Sunday Psalm: Safe Haven

worrying & working
my fingers to the bone
only leads to exhaustion,
and hiding myself within
only leads to frustration.
You have better in store
for me
than that,
Your Spirit reminds me.

Your love
offers a portal of rest.
A safe haven in my storms,
a refuge in the midst of the battles that try to ensnare me,
a home where i am always welcome.
Always & forever.

You calm the storm
raging inside of me
when I come to You,
my safe haven.

You don’t just love me
in a heart adoration devoted overwhelmingly for you kind of way, but in a “Come away with me, my love, and find peace no matter the season, shelter in the storms, in my embrace literally” active kind of love.

Love does.

Your love is real,
and You want to move on my behalf.

Calmer of the storms
swirling inside of me
and all around me,
You invite me to pull
into Your harbor,
anchor myself in You
and find peace, rest
for my soul.



The 3 ways rest can keep us safe

Did you know that not getting enough rest is bad for you beyond how it affects your body?

There are three key reasons why rest is one of the components to our overall well-being, besides the benefits physically.

1. Rest denies the enemy from affecting our soul.

It appears that rest is one of our main defenses against the enemy.
Resting in God allows Him to be our defender, as outlined in:
Psalm 91

While we rest in Him, He battles for us, and will win:

God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Romans 16:20 NIV/ESV

Our souls are protected when we rest in God.

2. Rest restricts the emotional attack against us.
When we keep ourselves from becoming anxious, and give things over to God when we are upset or concerned, we align our hearts up with the rest we have in our soul & body.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

Maintaining our emotional rest not only shields us from the enemy’s attempts to send fiery darts to harm us, it allows us to walk in the rhythms of His grace. Our faith & trust in Him becomes our shield.

3. Rest restrains the mind from speculation.
When we keep our focus on God, and through His Word, worship & time in His Presence, we get to closely know the God we love, we are building a solid foundation of fact in our minds. Knowing His lavish love for us and memorizing His Word are how our mind can find rest through the storms and from the distracted thoughts the enemy likes to subtly shoot our way… “God couldn’t forgive you for that!” “nobody will love you when they hear what you did” etc.
Knowing His Word & resting in the truth contained there is protection for our minds, the helmet of salvation.

Final Thoughts:
God our Warrior battles for us.
Placing our faith & trust in Him helps shield our emotions.
Spending time with Him, our Truth, protects our minds from attack.

Resting in Him, when added to taking care of our bodies by getting enough physical rest, is our strongest defense against the enemy’s schemes.

But more than that, as we get to know God more & more, and draw closer to Him no matter the season we are in, He offers rest that encompasses our whole being as we seek Him every step of every day.

We were never designed to find rest on our own, but through God, who is both the rest we seek & holding out the rest we need for every part of us in His loving hands.

I am not missing out on that offer of all encompassing rest!

*All quotes in black bold font are from: Graham Cooke, The Practice of Rest

Where to find hope when the world throws you for a loop?

Today, I am headed with one of my kids to the hospital emerge for a minor but very necessary semi emergency surgery.

It is not my first run to the emergency room, but this time I am better prepared.

How can I stay calm when my baby is headed under an aesthetic & the scalpel?

I have a choice over how I handle  things, regardless of the situations or outcomes in every storm that picks up speed and rages with the intent to pull me under.

I will let you in on a secret.
This step isn’t easy.
The more you have vested in what the storm is threatening, the more fear will swirl about you.

Where do you find hope when the water is headed over your head?

1. Look up. Make eye contact with the Father.

2. Listen for His echoes of hope, eternally sounding for all to hear.

3. Let loose with your need. Open your mouth, and cry out for His intervention.

4. Leave it with Him.

These are the four steps to claiming the peace God has for you, and experiencing Him as your hope, no matter what.

When we reach for stability when we can’t feel the bottom, God is there to anchor us.

When our hearts feel like they will break in two, God will keep you close.

When the words fail to make it to your voice, God hears the cry deep within.

When all else fails, God never has, and never will.

How do you walk out finding hope in His Presence?

It is not easy to do, especially with the sudden shocks we can find ourselves faced with. I so get that.

I can only tell you that when loved ones have died, God was there for me.

When health caused unexpected losses in income, God provided.

When loneliness threatened to pull me under, God drew close.

When pain screams loudly for my attention, God soothes my soul.


who am i

There are many days
where my busyness
causes a daze
resulting from a haze
of scattered thoughts

Who am I
where do I belong
what I am here for
become my heart’s song

and if I am not careful
I will miss the cue
that who I am pales besides
the Presence of You

Maker of the Heavens
All Earth Land & Sea
Every creature known to man
down to the smallest bee

Who I am still echoes
in the light of who You are
I hear Your voice speak to me
I see the hand that is scarred

reaching for me
reminding me
I am never alone

The One who set the stars in the heavens
and the rhythm of the tides
calls me back to life again
from His eternal throne

Who He is
is the key
to the answer I seek
Who I am
flows from His heart
where redemption & I meet

I am my Beloved’s
and He is mine
forever more to stay

The hope of more
than in the now
helps get me through today

I am chosen
here with purpose
planned to be His
marked precious deep below the surface

I am the victor
as He leads me
into peace despite the storm
my refuge and hiding place,
safety from the swarm

I overcome
in His name
the Name above all names
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
frees me from all shame

The chains fall off
in freedom’s song
as Jesus moves in me
His Presence defines
who I will become
as unveiled I begin to see
that as I look
into His face
all else fades away

I am His
He is mine
and beside Him will I always stay

I belong.

(because some days
the words write themselves out of these hands,
and in thankfulness for all He is,
I follow His plans)


And if like me, sometimes you need God to sing the reminder of who you are over you, please listen to:
Jason Gray: Who i am to You



No matter where you go, you can never escape God.

He is there.

Psalm 139 is still with me today, reminding me that even if I go as far as the east is from the west, He  is always present.

If I were to go to the deepest depths of the ocean, or I flew to the highest of heights, I could not escape His Presence.

When I try to hide, as Adam & Eve did in the garden, He calls out…. asking where I am.  Not because He doesn’t know, but because He is trying to get me to acknowledge I am hiding.

Hiding from myself leads to trying to his, futile as it may be, from God.

There is only one exception that allows for hiding as a good thing, and that is when danger is imminent….

We all need a safe place to hide from the enemy.

God is that safe place, shelter, refuge.

We can hide in Him, knowing He will keep me even keeled when the waves are rocking my boat.

He keeps my heart full of His love when it is wounded & brokenhearted.

He keeps me peaceful when pain and loss threaten to well up and spill out for all to see.

He keeps His word, never leaving me despite the Judas’ kisses I have been given.

He reminds me who I really am,who He says I am, when the lies of the enemy resonate loudly in the battle.

He is my hiding place.

I made a decision not to hide any longer from God. 

Since He knows me so well, down to every hair & tear, and can see my life from all directions & times (past, present, future, eternal), it really is a waste of time trying to hide from Him.

Its time to hide myself in Him, again…

Every day.
Each moment.
All situations.

Claim your spot next to His Presence, in His arms, close to His heart:

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Psalm 32:7 NIV