when it’s hard to believe for the best

Yesterday was a day filled with highs and lows, from which I am still both in shock and filled with praise as i process it all.

It is hard seeing your child reeling with hurt. One of mine is struggling to show honor in a placement where she has been discouraged and put down by the leadership for the past several weeks, simply because they are negative people.

The other child heard he may need surgery to fix a disc and nerve problem.

It has been hard to come alongside them and not take over, as the momma within rages at the circumstances.

Instead, I have stood and praised Him despite how I am feeling.

My children are not my babies anymore. They are both young adults who have had curve balls hurled their way, and are still standing up to praise Him in the midst.

If I have done nothing else right in the hard times of my life, seeing my kids raise Him in praise no matter the season blesses my heart for my part modeling how to do so.

But more importantly, it blesses His heart for their part in bringing Him the sacrifice of praise.

Last night, my country took a radical turn politically.  One that i sense will leave scars across every province. People who had served their constituents well were voted out because the nation decided to teach its former leader a lesson.

Experience can help guide us in the hard times, but faith in who you believe in needs to be our bedrock during the storms.

There is no one politician upon whose shoulders Canada can rest for safe haven in the coming storms.

There is only One pair of arms who can wrap around us and help us to stand, safe and secure in His embrace from what may come.

That became evident in a conversation with a coworker who had been reeling from an unexpected demand to prove himself again to a new team addition in another organization he works for, when he already has done so to the team as a whole for over a year.  His commitment to his word and the Word has been an inspiration to those who know Him, and inspired me to dig deeper into all He has for me. He cried out to God, spoke in response as He led, and God is stirring up the leadership to come out swinging in his defence.  As he waits, not yet knowing how this will all play out.

Yet He knows His security is not found in the support of human leaders, although he is blessed with their favor, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In the last 48 hours I have stepped up to the plate three times as God has called me to, and used my gifting in ways I wasn’t quite ready for.  I suspect that was so He could show me just how solid and dependable He could be for me as I solely put my Hope and trust in Him to strengthen and empower me for the tasks I stepped into.

He blew me away with His grace, and the knowledge He was with me. He showed up in power, and lives were blessed through the encounters with Him as a result.

Because I emptied myself of me all the more, He had more room to move through and in me to use me as a blessing where He had placed me.   It wasn’t easy to let go of my struggle to be in control, but it was so sweet to rest in Him and allow Him to lead.

In a hard place?

Wounded from an unexpected arrow in the battle?

Weary from the race?

Fearful of what lies ahead?

Find comfort in knowing you are never alone, Beloved.

Draw strength from His embrace.

Proclaim His praise even when things look dim and grey.

Rest in Him, as He keeps you by His side, and helps you to stand.

May He fill your heart to overflowing with His love, as you fix your eyes upon Him above the waves, and take hold of the Rock of Ages. He promises He will come to us, His Beloved, the ones He died to save from sin. He will not abandon us in the battle.  He will come to our rescue, and show Himself strong as our defence.


when the going gets rough

I get a bit queasy on buses & boats.

As long as I can keep my eyes fixed on a permanent spot, I am able to calm myself.

In our daily lives, the waters can become rough with towering waves in the blink of an eye.

Insecurity & doubt can rise to try and crash over us.

That task you thought was impossible you now know is almost unachievable the closer you get to it.

And then He lovingly whispers to you, “Do not be afraid, I am here.”

The words “I am” at first don’t seem too deep, just letting the reader know the person speaking is there.

But God’s very name IS “I AM”.

So its not just a person present, but the God of all ages, past present & future, who is right there in that moment.

Once a day, you can read a verse where God speaks to His children, “Do not be afraid,” or “Fear not.”

Coz He knows many of us need that daily reminder to soak in deep. To help center us in the storm. To keep our eyes on the StormKeeper instead of the storm itself.

God is not a distant being far removed from His creation, His children.

He dug in deep for the long haul wit humanity since He first brought Adam & Eve to life.

He stepped in and made a way back Home for all who believe in Him though Jesus.

But He didn’t stop there.

The Word is filled with stories of broken, stumbling people like you and I. Ones who break the rules, veer off the path, leap before looking or react without thinking it through.

God has woven Himself through each and every story recorded in the Word.  Literally & figuratively.

He literally is the same God now as He was in those recorded stories.

For I AM never ages.

He is not bound by the laws of time & space as humanity is, God He was, is and always will be.

For I AM is beyond our limits.

He has not hidden His heart from His children, but lavishly displays it every single day.

Through each sunrise & sunset.
Through each new birth.
Through each rain drop, gust of wind, new growth in the gardens & fields.
Through each act of love where the receiver’s needs are placed ahead of the giver’s.
Through each smile, hug, belong hand.
Through His Words, recorded across time, language & culture, encompassing a small glimpse into the mighty I AM we can spend eternity getting to know in His entirety.
Through His Son, the anchor of God’s love in any storm which may come our way. He is the Lighthouse showing us the way back Home, in His embrace.
Through Holy Spirit, the GPS reminding us the way to take, and how much we are loved as we make our way towards Him.
Through the love of the Father. Who will never stop calling to us above the waves to hold on, He’s got us.

Feeling a little seasick from the storm?

Stop filling your eyes with the view of the storm.

Start fixing your hope, your heart on the Anchor above it all.

God is the only one who will never fail you in any storm. His commitment to you lead Him to the cross, His love for you kept Him there. His desire for you caused Him to overturn death & make His way back to you.

The God I write about is alive.
Active. The Great “I AM.”

His promise holds fast.
Do not be afraid, I AM with you.
Every day, through every storm, in everything.


Sunday Psalm: Safe Haven

worrying & working
my fingers to the bone
only leads to exhaustion,
and hiding myself within
only leads to frustration.
You have better in store
for me
than that,
Your Spirit reminds me.

Your love
offers a portal of rest.
A safe haven in my storms,
a refuge in the midst of the battles that try to ensnare me,
a home where i am always welcome.
Always & forever.

You calm the storm
raging inside of me
when I come to You,
my safe haven.

You don’t just love me
in a heart adoration devoted overwhelmingly for you kind of way, but in a “Come away with me, my love, and find peace no matter the season, shelter in the storms, in my embrace literally” active kind of love.

Love does.

Your love is real,
and You want to move on my behalf.

Calmer of the storms
swirling inside of me
and all around me,
You invite me to pull
into Your harbor,
anchor myself in You
and find peace, rest
for my soul.



how the weight of His glory can fall like snow

How much does a snowflake weigh?

Someone who measures such things determined that an individual snowflake weighs 0.02* grams. At that weight it would take 50 flakes to make a gram. For comparison, a Hershey’s kiss weighs 4.7 grams – equal to about 235 snowflakes. There are about 95 kisses in a pound. Using the kiss-to-snow crystal calculator that comes to 22,325 snowflakes/pound.
*this would be the heaviest end of the spectrum. Most are much lighter, weighing from 0.001 to 0.003 grams.

In reality, it’s hard to measure the weight of a snowflake. For one thing, each snowfall is different. Some snow is light and fluffy, and some is heavy and wet. That’s due to the water content in the snow, which is related to the temperature high in the clouds where the flakes began forming, and the temperature of the air they fall through.

Quote from: http://archimedesnotebook.blogspot.ca/2011/01/how-much-does-snowflake-weigh.html?m=1

An individual snowflake doesn’t weigh much in the big scheme of things.  Yet God designed each one uniquely, placing great care in its creation.

And despite its miniscule weight, it still manages to fall to earth, again as part of God’s plan.

Why am I bringing up snowflakes during winter?

Because of last night.

Last night, while worshipping, I “saw” how snow & the weight of His glory relate in how they both fall.

Each snowflake is designed for a purpose, and only fulfills that purpose when it falls with the rest of the snowflakes in the same snowfall or storm.

On its own, it isn’t particularly heavy, but when you add up the weight it forms when it piles up, it can be quite significant.

Each snowflake’s composition is perfect for the design of its fall, the exact amount of water contained within to be the perfect part of the team alongside the other snowflakes….all unique yet made to fall together.

There are two ways snow is a great example of the weight of His glory.

We are all like those snowflakes. And He will perfectly fill us with the right amount of water (living water, His Presence) so we are filled for the purpose we are to live out that day….so we can share it with those around us.

His glory? Its weight falls like the snowflake. Perfectly attuned and made for its recipient.  And when a group gathers seeking His Presence, the weight of His glory gets heavier, as He falls on everyone in the room.  Some can sense it landing heavily, others sense a light touch.  He uniquely meets each of us with the exact right weight, more than enough for us in that exact moment, but never exactly like someone else’s.

Just like each snowflake, God’s Presence falls on each of us how He knows it will best soak in & water us.

When the weight of His glory falls heavily, as a heavy snowstorm can cause traffic to come to a standstill, so does time seem to come to a standstill.  The air gets thick, charged with power and spiritual electricity as He enters the room in His majesty.

The weight of His glory
falls snowflake by snowflake
until the full weight
of His tangible Presence
soaking in,
as Heaven
meets earth
in a fantastic

Unlike how we have no control over the snowfall, we can ask God to come to us.

His word promises He will come when we seek Him:

Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit.

 -Jesus, Acts 1:8

He will come when we seek Him. Exactly how & the when is up to Him.  Who He falls on with the weight of His glory? That depends on us:

Read the Word.  The God you find described there is real, and wants a real relationship with you.

Take some time to seek Him every day.  Even a five minute break can be used by Him to refresh you.  An extended period of time where you just seek and wait for Him? Even better. Even in the midst of being about His business on a short timetable, Jesus still made the time to spend with His Father:

As often as possible Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer.

Luke 5:16 MSG

Worship Him for who He is.  He loves to be praised, and promises to live where He is honored & lifted high:

Yet you are holy,enthroned on the praises of Israel, Your people.

Psalm 22:3 ESV

Thank Him for what He has done. For making you His. For caring for you. For the blessings He has already poured out on you and the ones He promises are to come:

I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

Jeremiah 29:11 MSG

Believe He will come:

Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus. “The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a mustard or  poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.

Matthew 17:20 MSG

Just like the snow, which continues to fall, so will the weight of His glory when we keep seeking Him.

It may feel like a snowflake landing on your nose. It may be  like a tingle or charge of static electricity. It may feel like a heaviness on your shoulders. It may feel like a heat wave, a fresh burst of wind, bubbling up joy or a peace unlike any you have ever known.

He will come. Just as sure as winter will always come again!

(PS. Here is a great song to hear to help set the atmosphere to seek Him: Weight of Glory)


Image from: http://www.kidzworld.com

Where to find hope when the world throws you for a loop?

Today, I am headed with one of my kids to the hospital emerge for a minor but very necessary semi emergency surgery.

It is not my first run to the emergency room, but this time I am better prepared.

How can I stay calm when my baby is headed under an aesthetic & the scalpel?

I have a choice over how I handle  things, regardless of the situations or outcomes in every storm that picks up speed and rages with the intent to pull me under.

I will let you in on a secret.
This step isn’t easy.
The more you have vested in what the storm is threatening, the more fear will swirl about you.

Where do you find hope when the water is headed over your head?

1. Look up. Make eye contact with the Father.

2. Listen for His echoes of hope, eternally sounding for all to hear.

3. Let loose with your need. Open your mouth, and cry out for His intervention.

4. Leave it with Him.

These are the four steps to claiming the peace God has for you, and experiencing Him as your hope, no matter what.

When we reach for stability when we can’t feel the bottom, God is there to anchor us.

When our hearts feel like they will break in two, God will keep you close.

When the words fail to make it to your voice, God hears the cry deep within.

When all else fails, God never has, and never will.

How do you walk out finding hope in His Presence?

It is not easy to do, especially with the sudden shocks we can find ourselves faced with. I so get that.

I can only tell you that when loved ones have died, God was there for me.

When health caused unexpected losses in income, God provided.

When loneliness threatened to pull me under, God drew close.

When pain screams loudly for my attention, God soothes my soul.
