in His strength


Last night, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took part in a 12 hour worship burn…where we offered God praise and worship for 12 hours straight. Six teams, 2 hours each.

As a vocalist, usually two hours is a good maximum for keeping your voice strong without too much strain.

I had the beginnings of a cold when I woke up on Friday morning.

And was signed up to sing for 2 two hour time slots, 2 hours apart, in the wee hours of the morning (1-3 am) and when I am usually getting up (5-7 am).

I prayed and asked Him if I should cut back, and the following familiar verse came to mind:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

So I didn’t, and I prepared for two sets.  From the time I arrived, I stayed away from caffeine and sweets, drank about 8-10 glasses of water, rested my voice way more than I usually would, and only had the two things to help keep my throat moist besides water, shot glasses of pineapple juice and a few potato chips (the chips are apparently Amy Grant’s go to before a performance too).

And more than all that, I had to depend on Him in a way I normally never ask for help in.

An early riser, I am usually down for the count by 10 pm.

Last night, I didn’t get any sleep, nor did I sense God wanted me to.  I had a strong reassurance I would be able to make it through without sleep, and without losing my voice or incurring too much strain.  Since I am also singing Sunday morning, this was quite a bit outside my comfort zone.

I chose to trust He had me in His grip, and would get me through.

When I got to work this morning, I happened to look up the verse to double check it was the verse I remembered. I was stunned to see what Philippians 4:13 says in the Message translation:


Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

I stepped out, and God stepped up to meet me there. I am still stunned with the wonder that I have now been up for 29 hours straight, and do not feel as exhausted as I would have expected.

God took me in His strength beyond what I am capable of in my own strength, and then beyond even more!

When we step out and trust He is more than enough for all we will encounter and endure, our trust is not placed in vain.

If the Maker of the universe made me, He knows what I am capable of, both on my own and with His empowerment.

I can place myself with confidence in His care.

When I expectantly come close into His Presence, He never fails to meet me in each instance.

I am able to do far more than I realize when God holds me together and strengthens me.

Which He does because of:

  • His great love for me
  • His character – God of compassion, refuge, power, might. Its part of who He is
  • His desire to draw close to be with His Beloved
  • the truth that I now live in and within Him, so His strength is an overflow of His loving kindness

and not the least, due to

  • His acute awareness of how much I need Him!


let Him decide

Max Lucado- Let Him Decide

There is an old song that still echoes in my mind from time to time “Take everything to God in prayer.”

Most of us, if we are really, really honest with ourselves, go elsewhere first.

To a touchable breathing live person.

One we already know will be there for us, to listen, comfort and be with us.

Why do we run to people instead of God?

For me, I honestly have felt I wasn’t important enough to bring my little things to Him. Why would God care whether my favorite shirt ever is missing from my closet since Mother’s Day when I last wore it? (which is absolutely true, by the way!)

The bible tells us the truth from a different perspective.

Jesus valued me, you, us enough to give up His life on the cross so we could truly live.

You don’t die for the ones you don’t love.

You give your all for those you love.


The Bible says God has numbered the hairs on my head, knows each tear I cry, has prepared a place for me to be at hone with Him,  provides for me, made me and understands me beyond my comprehension.

If someone loved you like that, wouldn’t He be the first person you would run to when the news comes you can’t bear on your own? Your loved one becomes seriously ill? You are afraid your marriage won’t make it? You didn’t make enough on your last pay cheque because your child was sick and you may not have enough to make ends meet?

Priscilla Shirer teaches about God meeting us beyond our beyond in the Faithful, Abundant & True teaching dvds.

Our beyond is based on how we dream and think.

God’s beyond is based on how He dreams and wants to bless us beyond our beyond.

Priscilla gives a few examples, but I will share the one that made the illustration come alive for me.

You are away from home for the weekend, and your teenager has promised to clean their room before you come home. That is your beyond.

You walk in the front door, and not only is their room clean, but they cleaned the whole house and dinner is in the oven. Reeling from shocked joy, you head to your bedroom to put your suitcase away, and there is a bath drawn, hot and bubbly, and waiting for you to hop in and relax.

That would be beyond our beyond. Exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can imagine. (Ephesians 3)

God is waiting for us to bring Him our cares, hopes, dreams, stresses, grief, pain, hurt, ailments. All of it.

When my kids get hurt, I don’t ignore them, whether it is physically or verbally. Words can cut in ways blows cannot, with bullies coming in all shapes, sizes and guises.

The momma in me riles and I want to protect my child as much as I offer them comfort. After they are feeling better/calmer, then I am willing to offer my wisdom if they ask for my help.

God is the same.

As much as a person is able to be of comfort, God is able to see the whole picture, beyond what I share to what is really at the heart of the matter.

Nothing is too small to bring to God.

Let Him decide if what is bothering you is important to Him. I know you will be surprised by His answer. He is more than able. He is the best listener, comforter and peace giver in any circumstance. He offers not only the best advice, but helps us make the changes with His strength. He is always available, forever alive and has seen in all, literally!!

“Ask and it will be given to you.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7

So God, about my favorite top that is missing? Can you help me find it please?  Thanks! I love you too.

tap in

A few days ago, I was chatting with my boss at work while he was having physio on a painful spot on his leg. He had one hand raised over his head while the physiotherapist was applying deep pressure, as if he wanted someone to tap him out. At that time, I didn’t think about it too much beyond the photo I took (with permission).

Over the past few days, I have been reading the Well Spring novels by James L.Rubart, Soul’s Gate & Memory’s Door. Both of which God is using to shake up & sift out some incorrect ways i think. Stretching my faith to trust & believe for more grace, more love, more of His Presence, more able to hear His whispers.

In a flash jolt today, I read Ann Voskamp’s tweet, pictured below…


I realized my boss had it right.

When we are feeling weak, we are to reach out.

We were not designed to do it all on our own. To grit out teeth and endure in painful isolation.

We were meant to tap into the source.

We are to reach out to our Abba, the Father who wants us to seek Him, to knock and interrupt Him to come on in and ask whatever we want to talk to Him about.

We are to reach out to Jesus, our Savior and brother, who intimately knew deep emotional, spiritual and physical pain. Who understands our needs even better than we do. Who is there to set us free, protect and speak up for us as we cry out to Him.

We are to reach out to Holy Spirit, our guide in all truth and knowledge. Who offers a comfort beyond comprehension, peace beyond our limited vision. Who strengthens us from within, beyond what we are capable of on our own.

Tapping out for help is not only wisdom, when we are faced with something we cannot cope with on our own, it’s the smarter way way to go.

Acknowledging your weakness and allowing God to fill in your lack is life changing.

I am somehow more than I ever imagined when I come into God’s Presence and tap into who He is, acknowledging I need His help in everything.

Will you join me and raise your hand in surrender?

Life beyond limits is awaiting….