Sonday Psalm: worship

Today is a double celebration day.
I am celebrating my eldest child’s birthday, and singing as a part of two worship teams today.

But every day is meant to be a celebration for those who discover  who they are in Christ.

I want to encourage you too today to celebrate. 

Bake a cake.

Walk in the wonder of nature near by.

Read the Word.

Sing with abandon.

Shout for joy.

Craft a new song, poem or picture.

It’s Sunday.

The day Christians usually set aside to worship the Son.

I like to think of it as Sonday.

It’s time for a new psalm to arise from His Beloved.

It’s time for us to let Him know how thankful we are to be His.

Celebrate the blessings you have been gifted with today, whatever they are!



Hello, it’s Me

Like so many of you, I too have been enthralled by Adele’s song Hello. Everyone can relate to feeling disconnected from someone who love, who may not be returning our affection. The passion Adele harnesses as she sings it stirred me so, it brought her revelation that someone this song was really God’s song for the ones who don’t yet know Him.

I have pondered, played and waited on rewriting this song to be sung from God’s perspective over the lost. For if He sings over us, which the Word confirms to be so, He must be singing a song for everyone. Whether we answer His call to relationship and restoration or not.

May He stir us anew to know his heart for the lost, those without hope or direction,  those who are looking for home but haven’t found Him yet.

For the ones He loves are never far from His thoughts and are ever constant on His heart.

Hello, it’s Me
I was wondering if after all this time you’d like to meet
To discover everything
that really matters to you
But I seem to be the only One trying
Hello, can you hear Me
I’m right here in the Word showing you who you could be
When you were innocent and free
You’ve forgotten how it felt before sin dropped you to your knees

There’s such a wall between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I paid for everything that you’ve done
But when I call
you always seem to be on the run
Hello from here deep inside
I’ll never stop My loving cry
To tell you I’m here to help restore your heart, and your life matters
dont let things tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you
It’s so typical of Me
to talk about you
I’m sorry you’re not doing well
Do you want to be free of that lie
where nothing good will ever happen?

It’s no secret that one of us
Could be running out of time

Come home Love is My forever cry
I must have called a million times
To tell you I paid for everything that you’ve done
But when I call, you always seem to be on the run
Hello here from deep inside
I’ll never stop My loving cry
To tell you I’m here to help free you at last and you truly matter
dont let life batter you down anymore

Hello I’m waiting for you
My arms are open wide
Can’t you hear my heart beat wildly
As I keep looking at you?

While Shepherds Watched…

While shepherds watched
Their flocks by night
All seated on the ground
The angel of the Lord came down
And glory shone around
And glory shone around

God decided to let the lowly know before the mighty that Good News was just around the corner in the Christmas story.

Notice the angel didn’t show up again in the Holy of Holies as He did with Zechariah, father of John, but the King of Kings was announced to a humble group of shepherds with all the fanfare of celebration you would come to expect from a statesman with might and power!

Fear not,” he said,
For mighty dread
Had seized their troubled minds
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind,
To you and all mankind.”

And like most of us, when we see something of beauteous wonder, we tremble with fear.

Those shepherds were no different than us in their immediate reaction, but the carol reminds us to focus on the message, so we don’t miss the Good News!

“To you in David’s
Town this day
Is born of David’s line
The Savior who is Christ the Lord
And this shall be the sign
And this shall be the sign.”

“The heavenly Babe
You there shall find
To human view displayed
And meanly wrapped
In swathing bands
And in a manger laid
And in a manger laid.”

Here is the best part of this carol in my opinion….

The shepherds were not only told the prophecy of Messiah was coming true, but where to find Him!

And He was in their midst, within arms reach! 

Thus spake the seraph,
And forthwith
Appeared a shining throng
Of angels praising God, who thus
Addressed their joyful song
Addressed their joyful song

“All glory be to
God on high
And to the earth be peace;
Goodwill henceforth
From heaven to men
Begin and never cease
Begin and never cease!”

Not only have these shepherds just heard the Good News live from an angel, with directions of how to meet their Messiah, they are then treated to a wonder no one else recorded in the Word has ever enjoyed – a heavenly chorus of angels singing Gloria!

For not even the angels can keep from offering God His due for the arrival of Jesus. Emmanuel, God with us. The Messiah promised through the ages, present with His people.

May we too continue to proclaim the Good News this Christmas to a world full of people who need to see the Light in all His wonder!


Historical Background:

This carol was written in 1703 by Nahum Tate (poet in residence to Queen Anne) and Nicholas Brady. This was one of the first paraphrased pieces from Scripture outside of the psalms to be sung in the Church of England.

Ding Dong Merrily on High

Ding Dong! Merrily on High
in heaven the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
is riven with angel singing.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

One of the most awesome revelations i have ever experienced came to light when I was quite young via the song above.

I had a sense/glimpse of the angels filling heaven singing praise to God.  My hair on the back of my neck stood up. I could almost hear bells along with a chorus of voices beyond imagination.

There was a real sense of awe and majesty hovering, echoing in that flash of a moment, which I later came to believe was a thin place between Heaven and earth.

In that moment was the echo of the Incarnation.

When Heaven met earth in such a powerful way, the world was changed forever.

God came to be with us.

Heaven on earth.

And that miracle?

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

We who know this truth will continue to join with the angels in singing this forever song, which will keep ringing out for eternity.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


Historical Background:
Ding Dong Merrily on High was originally called Gloria in Excelsis Deo in Latin.  It is believed to be French in origin and written in the 16th century.

Carol of the Bells

Hark! how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say,
“Throw cares away.”
Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old
Meek and the bold

-Carol of the Bells

The songs of Christmas have been playing in homes, public gatherings and over the airwaves since that first night when Jesus was born.

And different nationalities bring their uniqueness to the ADVENTure, offering us a rich variety of song to express to our King as praise.

Just as each of us have a unique song of praise to offer Him.

I have a coworker who plays handbells with a team of talented musicians, whose church here in town had stood for many many years with a rich history.

Over a year ago now, that church burned down through a roofing accident.

Our town, and especially its parishioners were devastated.

No one was physically injured, yet the losses were huge.

One day, one of those cleaning out the structure recovered the church’s set of handbells.  And a few choir robes.

A bit smoky and in need of cleaning, but all in one piece.

Both tools used by those who knew how to offer up praise.

Those bells sound all the sweeter to their users now, for they know it was a miracle how they were spared in the fire.

We are the bells of Christmas.

God uses our unique songs to blend together and resound His love for the world, especially at this time of year.

For all those who are focused on what they have lost or lack need to be reminded of the Hope which arrived in all the humbleness humanity had to offer.

“Love came down to rescue me” and what a sweet sound that reminder is to the lonely, hurting ones among us. At any age and stage.

May He echo in the sounds of this season through those willing to let His praise resound.


Historical Background:
Composed by Mykola Leontovych in 1904 with lyrics penned by Peter J. Wilhousky, Carol of the Bells song is based on an Ukrainian folk song, “Shchedryk.”

Sing a new song: Over Me

Yesterday, for the first time in quite a while, I wrote a new song.

Not a new psalm as I do each Sunday, but an actual song I believe He wants me to sing one day.

Many who know me know how much I love to sing. You only have to get into a car with me and turn the music on, glimpse me on the bus lip synching to my iPod or catch me singing along at my local Starbucks.  I dreamed of doing musical theatre professionally, did a brief stint as a rock band backup singer and have sung at weddings, coffee houses & funerals. Music is part of my DNA.

At church, I sing without abandon as I worship my God.  I used to hold back out of dear of what others thought about how I was worshipping.  Now? I really don’t care what anyone else things but my God.  Coz its for His enjoyment and glory, not anyone else’s.  He made me to use His gift of music and words to bless His heart, and point others towards Him.  He has given me the nickname, Songbird.

For someone who was scared of public opinion so much she used to quake in her boots everytime someone called or emailed, “Can we talk?” without any details being given, this has been a huge breakthrough for me.

God has brought me out of the desert I imposed upon myself into the freedom He has for me in the Promised Land of His Presence.

Where I can hear His voice more clearly, and long to spend increasingly more time with my True Love.

In a shocking turn of events for me, I received this song in its entirety in less than 5 minutes.
Lyrics, melody, bridge…and i could hear the harmony as I rushed to write it down. In those moments, He rekindled my long lost dream to write songs again.

Today, I feel led to share these words with you.

Because I sense this is your song too.

Please be aware that as a writer, offering what is most precious to outsiders is a huge risk. My heart is intertwined with this song He birthed in me last night.

Sharing it with you when it is still a newborn feels awkward to me, but I want to be obedient to follow where He leads.

May Holy Spirit whisper what He wants you to hear as you read these words from His heart through mine. 


OVER ME– by Karla Lees

You’re drawing me deeper
the more I surrender
abandon my ways for Yours

You’re holding me tighter
the closer I come
exchanging my heart for Yours

and You sing over me
You sing over me
You sing over me
how You love me
how You love me

You’re drawing me deeper
the more I surrender
abandon my ways for Yours

You’re holding me tighter
the closer I come
exchanging my heart for Yours

and You pour over me
You pour over me
You pour over me
overwhelming love
overwhelming love

as You sing over me
my spirit soars free,
my spirit soars free…
Deep cries unto deep
as You love me
as You love me

beaten not defeated

I’m pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I’m blessed beyond the curse for His promise will endure
for His joy’s gonna be my strength
Though the sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning!

Darrell Evans, Trading my Sorrows

When I fail or slide the slippery slope into sin, I have a habit of wallowing in it.

It ain’t pretty.

It isn’t necessary.

Freedom awaits!

God reminds me He is more than enough to meet ALL of me:

He is my Saviour
all my sins are made white as snow when I approach the cross, each and every one.

He is my Freedom
because of the cross, and who He is, God can break any chain that may bind me, and set me free into wholeness and wide open spaces of grace!

He is my Provider
all my needs are met in Him.

He is my Healer
in every way, He can heal me- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually

He is my Protector
He is my safety, my shield, who keeps me safe & protects me

He is my Song
He sings over us! Like a lullaby, reassuring us He is near.

He is my Source
as my Maker, I can bring all things to Him, as He knows all things!

He is the Giver of Gifts
all our gifts, talents & blessings come from His hand

He is my Peace
He calms the raging torrents within me in the battles

He is Present, God with us
God is always here.
There with us.
Waiting for us.

This is just a few examples of how despite hard times and circumstances, God’s got our back & is helping us make a way through the storms in our lives.

I am never defeated when I run to God in the skirmishes.

I may be pressed for His fragrance to be more easily released afterwards, but not destroyed by the enemy’s attack.

I may be persecuted because of the One who will never abandon me; my constant, rock solid, for me God.

I am blessed beyond the curse as I am His, and He is mine. His Presence brings blessings that far outweigh any hardship the enemy tries to curse me with.

His promise will endure, forever.
God never changes, and what He has promised comes to pass. What He has spoken comes to life. What He whispers to us sinks into our souls and grows new hope within.

My Joy will arrive. He rides a white horse, and has written my name on His love pierced hands, and He will come for His people in a triumph which leaves me breathless with anticipation.

His Spirit stirs the joy within me every morning that I am not alone, and this God who loves me so wants to be known by me, and to pour out His devotion for me 24/7, 365, and into infinity & beyond!

May you too jump into the Word, and find the names of who God is. May He reveal to you His heart as you do, and draw you closer than you could ever imagine as you invest in seeking Him first.

If like me, you have a hard time seeking freedom, would you consider the book “Stronghold” by Beth Kinder of Remade Ministries?
It is designed to move you out of the enemy’s shackles and into His stronghold of freedom, love and becoming whole. God is already using it to set people free, and it doesn’t launch until March 13th!
Please visit to learn more download the first chapter for free,and pick up some scripture cards & screensavers!


when the pain cries out to be heard


I woke up this morning to my worst overall pain day in a long while.

I am not going to tell you exactly what hurts, because I had a revelation about pain earlier today I need to share.

I have spent too much of my life listening to pain’s voice speak louder than God’s voice.


I am standing on my belief that God is more than enough to get me through whatever is paining me whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

I am taking the megaphone away from pain and handing it back to God:

the Song who wants to sing His strength into me.

The Love who wants to pour His heart into mine.

The Peace who wants to bring solace to my spirit.

The Truth who will never leave me or forsake me, who is always with me, and eternally keeps His promises.

The Living Water who wants to splash His Presence over my pain, until He is the focus of all I can see, hear & sense.

The Eternal One who will never fail, whose goodness abounds from everlasting to everlasting!

Recently, God gave me the revelation that when I am able to abandon myself before Him in worship, my pain ebbs away, and often completely disappears in His Presence.

If pain ebbs or goes in His Presence, then I intend on keeping myself close to Him.

Not just because I feel better, but because He wants to take away my pain.

Jesus went to the cross not only for all sin & shame, but pain, infirmity & illness.

He reigns over all of it, this amazing loving awe-striking Saviour, who came to meet ALL our needs…

I choose to listen to the One who is for me, over the voice of the one who tries to tear me down.

Now is the day to tune in to His voice first, making it the loudest voice you hear each day.

All of heaven resounds with His voice…and as I align myself with His best for me (hearing Him first) I believe, I know my pain will be put in its rightful place by my Maker, Saviour, Healer & King!

I believe You’re my Healer,
I believe You are all I need.
I believe You’re my portion,
I believe You’re more than enough for me, Jesus You’re all I need!

-Kari Jobe, Healer


lifted hands
raised in adoration
humble heart
bowing down in praise
joining the forever chorus
of One body
One heart beating
to the rhythm
of Your Love
One mind united
in devotion
to the Son
as we are
intertwined with
One Spirit
in the love dance
of the ages

the more I lay me down
and lift You up
the freer I become
both able to soar high
and stay close
to Your Presence
as I align my will
to Yours
so Your Kingdom
can reign in me
and receive
all the Glory
You are due
for ever and ever


Image from:

here in Your Presence

You give me peace infused with love
here In Your Presence
You hand me joy to refill my hope
here In Your Presence

You grow faith out of grace
here in Your Presence
Your gaze is soaked in kindness
here in Your Presence

Spirit have Your way in me
Unchain my heart,
come set me free
Cleanse me from my sin
Leave Your fingerprints within
As I come to You now
Draw nearer to me

Here in Your Presence
Spirit have Your way
Here in Your Presence
I find the real me.

-Hope in His Presence, 2014