survivor, meet the Overcomer

Survivors are terrified of a reality they already innately know to be true: even if people did know, they wouldn’t do anything to help.

Kaeyley Trillis Haver, childhood rapper survivor

When we are under siege at a very young age, we can pick up partial truths and run with them:

It’s my fault my parents divorced.

I must have done something to deserve this.

I am unlovable.

No one will help me.

As my childhood molester told me, “No one will believe you, so you might as well keep it a secret anyways.”

So I did, until I came to know God.

Shortly after, in a counseling session which ended in being Sozo in style before I even knew what that was, God showed me where He had been in that scenario, then told me to tell my mother.

And I did, and she believed me.

Because molesters and rapists like to get you alone, we all believe that there is nothing any one would have done had they known what was going on, as the above quote from a survivor states.

I don’t fully accept that statement.

In the moment we may feel that is true. However, I believe there would be more of these incidents happening if Holy Spirit led people were not listening to His prompts to leave a situation, stay in pairs, step up and speak up, or not go when we sense we should stay home.

I also believe His angels protect and cover us from way more than we realize.

Although I didn’t know God at the time I was molested, the fact that He later showed me He had been there crying over me, and had prompted my brother to enter the room when he did proves to me God cares for me. And He moved to stop it from progressing further.

Soon after I became one of the Beloved, I was waiting for the subway train late one night on my way home from working an evening shift. I was listening to my Walkman, and wearing a backpack.

Just as the doors opened and I stepped on to the subway car, someone not on the train tried to pull me back onto the now empty platform by grabbing my backpack.

Within a split second of my face registering fear, a man within arms length inside the train grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me forward so the doors could close.

He saved a perfect stranger from who knows what, and he didn’t have to but he stepped up and rescued me anyway.

Some times the truth is found somewhere between the lies we believe based on our experience and the vastly bigger reality God sees and moves in.

God in all His wisdom knows what we have come out of and what is coming ahead for us.

He doesn’t leave us how He found us to just survive our past any longer. God takes us gently by the hand, helps us to face our pain stored there, shows us the truth in a loving way, and guides us on into the wide open future ahead He has for us.

We are not left as just survivors in His Kingdom. God not only rebuilds and restores us, He bestows us with the ability to overcome through His Presence, power and strength.

When we are able to leave our pasts in the past as just part of the story which helps shape us but doesn’t dictate our storyline, we will no longer see ourselves as survivors.


We will know and be able to walk out the truth: we are overcomers in and through Him.

And we will know that for every person who won’t get involved to help when there is a need, there is One who always will.

He can’t help Himself, His very nature of love cannot help coming to our rescue. Every time we cry of to Him, and even those times He sees our need before we do.

May we leave our outdated pasts and mindsets fully in the past, and move with confidence into the freedom God has for us as He walks beside us into the wonders up ahead, Beloved!


PS. If you are in need of healing from something in your past, I have found God led counseling sessions very effective to help me step into the freedom I have in Him. Sozo is one such tool I have both experienced and learned about. If you would like to learn more, please visit

hearing what isn’t being said


The emotions are the distraction. Take a moment to hear what is not being said and proceed from there. -Melaniece Lovejoy

When our emotions are on high alert, we can tend to get distracted as we listen, or think we are hearing things which aren’t actually being said.

At times, we may seem like we have temporary amnesia.

We don’t hear or see what is really being said, but instead get caught up in the whirlwind inside our hearts & heads.

God reminds us so many times not be afraid, and how much He loves and cares for us because we tend to forget the truth when we are stressed out, burned out, weary or just plan down and out.

How long may be the predominant tune playing in your mind, woe is me is echoing within your heart, or your senses may be resonating with anger.

Help me remember You love me when my thoughts deceive my fragile heart. I know that You’re for me even when my worlds fallin’ apart.

God never stops trying to get past our blockages to meet us where we need Him most, deep within….where our thoughts are swirling, our heart is beating wildly and our body is more tense than a tightrope.

Do not fear– 415 times He reminds us of that truth in His Word. Love is mentioned 668 times in the NIV version of the bible. Specifically God’s love &  His care for us is expsed several times.

Because He knew we would need a tangible way to be reminded of His love and care which we could grasp beyond our feelings.

So on those days where I temporarily lose sight of the truth that we the Beloved all have in Him?

I open His Word, and let His truth speak as it soaks into my spirit, beyond my frazzled emotion, battered heart and weariness along the journey.

Its time to wake up.

Its time to say no to falling into the enemy pit of temporary amnesia.

Its time to choose to fix our whole being upon the truth of who He is, and the truth of who we are in Him.

No more reacting based solely upon our emotions.

The choice is ours to lay what we feel and think in the natural down at His feet, and invite Him to show us how He feels and guide us to respond in the supernatural.

With You there is no worry, yeah, You plan my life from the start. So what do I do? I choose You.

Lyrics in italics from Group 1 Crew’s song, Wake Me Up (Amnesia)

neon handiwork

I have been enjoying and learning so much from digging into His Word, without speed reading. I have purposely slowed myself to take in each verse, and seek the Message for me to apply to my own life.

When I read or study a book, I pull out my trusty highlighter. I mark it up and make it obvious to myself what I need to remember from what I just read.

God not only uses His Word to show us the way He has for us, Holy Spirit highlights it for us as we read it to draw our attention to what He wants us to see or learn in that moment.


God Himself highlights His Word to capture our attention to it!

Holy Spirit knows us so well, the right verse in the right time will become neon to us when we open the Word & ask Him to reveal what Word He has for us in that moment.

‘But, isn’t that weird’ you may be asking yourself. That God Himself would take the time to make a verse or passage jump out to us?

God is the Source of all wisdom, the Knower of all things, seen & unseen. All Truth, Holiness & Righteousness.

Asking Him to highlight what we need to hear or work on is wise living to me!

Why let worry or anxiety rise to the surface when you can sit at His feet at any time & hear Him speak to you?

Retraining how we respond to stress, how we see time & how we connect all intersect in Him.

He is our source of peace & rest.
He is beyond time & space.
He is the one who designed us all & shaped our very beings.

Why wouldn’t all things find themselves in Him?

Ask Him to bring to light a Word He has for you today. It may be a Word you have stored in your heart, or one you will newly discover when He highlights it for you.

PS. And what shade of highlighter is Holy Spirit? Yes…all the perfect colours ever!

bedazzled? beware!

Over coffee last night, a girl friend and I were sharing a bit of our backgrounds & story with one another….as new girlfriends are likely to do as part of our get to know each other chats (Right girlfriends ;D)

She mentioned how sometimes when something seems to good to be true, it is a warning.

You know…like how a little strategic decorating versus bedazzling the heck out of something appeal differently to our senses.

Sometimes we don’t take enough care to take a closer look at the bedazzling package in front of us.

True beauty is deeper than the surface beauty we often settle for.

I have found God’s gifts have a natural wonder which take my breath away in appreciation, but never glitters so much I can no longer clearly see His handiwork.

Years ago, pre-believing, I was very flattered by the attention of an older handsome man, and threw caution to the wind.  I found myself quickly over my head, and looking back now, just as quickly longed for a way out.  I was bedazzled by the outer exterior, but saw some glimpses of what was underneath, which wasn’t pretty at all. I still thank God that He got me out of that relationship as quickly as He did. 

Just coz it looks great, doesn’t mean it is great.

Ever since that experience, I look beyond the exterior into the interior character of people.  To me, the beauty of you is found in who you are, not the shell you are housed in.

I may be outwardly overweight, but inwardly I am way more attractive than I was when He found me!

Anger and rage have been tamed, with sarcasm wrestled & left at the foot of the cross….but what He left in their place is way more beautiful and dazzling than i could have imagined.

God moved in, and began to shine His Presence in such a way i startednto see the decor within might have been bedazzling on the surface, but was really tarnished underneath.  It was time to trade up!

Now i decorate within in the Vintage style which will last for eternity!

The beauty found in spending time with my Maker, who is continually making me new from the inside out.

So if you suspect something is too bedazzlingly wonderful to be true, ask Him to reveal what is really under the surface.

It may be the enemy is trying to decoy you away from where God really wants you, or God may have something better ahead than you ever believed possible, Beloved.

Being aware doesn’t mean we need to be scared. It simply means take a moment to ask God, “Is this what You have for me?” and awaiting His response.

May we cease being surface dwellers, and dig deep for the vintage eternal treasures He has waiting for us to unwrap & enjoy.




It’s hard to believe that God yearns & longs…

Maybe like me, you somehow have the notion that God is a solid figure sitting on His throne, staying set apart in His Holiness as He rules.

So far from the truth, that notion is.

God is actively present in this world. He is aware of each person on it, intimately.  He knows us all inside & out, knows our weaknesses, strengths, hopes, dreams, areas of brokenness.

Because He is right there with us in the midst of it all.

Jesus came to put skin on the heart of God.

God with us.

Jesus was the earthly demo of the heavenly reality of God always having been with us and always will be with us.

Jesus stepped into earthly time & space to give us the tangible face of Love.

Because His Beloved has never, ever been far from His thoughts, or removed from His heart.

No matter how far we run, where we try to hide or fall where we fail, He was & is, and is going to be there.

Actively pursuing His interest on earth- you, and I.  His beloved.

If, like me, you need to get rid of the lie that He remains separate from what’s really going on in your life, come into His Presence & soak.

Let His truth was over you like a waterfall, and His love flood & well up with in.

Its time to look square into His gaze today, head up, returning the love we see written all over Him to the Lover of our souls.

Beloved, come & be with your Beloved.

Give in to the yearning He has stirred up within you.

For it was designed to match His yearning for you!

One of the most precious pouring outs of yearning I have heard is Shane & Shane’s song Yearn. May it ignite the passion to worship within you, and lead you to a deeper revelation of who you are to Him!

to do continues…

Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace.
– 2 Cor 13:11

I don’t know about you, but when I see a list like this in the Scriptures, I am reminded of my daily to-do list.

We are to show our joy, our maturity, our love for one another through encouragement, and harmonious peaceful living.

His to-do list.

On the days when I can’t see that being possible, God always reminds me that I was never meant to do any of this life on my own. He is with me, in me and guiding me through each moment.

My job? To let Him live His to-do list through me!

Lord, i am ready to do the living You have for me today, as You live it through my words, actions and thoughts. May time with You head up my to-do list every day, and may all I do flow out of where You are leading me, for Your Kingdom & Your glory, always.


slave no more

So He brought His people out with joy, His chosen ones with singing.
Psalm 105:43 ESV

When we are in the bottom of the pit, we cannot yet see the joy which awaits ahead.

The slave within us cannot hope for the freedom it feels is beyond its grasp.

He knows.

God’s Word is full of the overflow of His heart for His people:
and yes, even joy.

If you have been a slave for longer than you can recollect, the concept of joy can be a startling one to accept.

Freedom can take some getting used to, not because you don’t see it. but because you haven’t yet accepted it is yours.

The Israelites spent 40 years of wandering around in the desert, when the route God had had for them was only months long. Because they couldn’t escape their mindset of slavery.

Slavery brings along depression, whining, complaining and rebellion when it lingers & takes hold.

Unless you believe all of you is set free, including your mind, you may return to the bonds God has set you free from.

For the battle is won on two fronts:
by His actions, and our acceptance.

God has completely set us free through the one time action of Jesus dying on the cross.

The legal bonds of slavery have been obliterated for all eternity.


The mental bond to slavery is the one which we need to break, through our acceptance of His act of freedom- regardless of whether we can see or not.

It was finished – His action.
It is finished – our acceptance.

When we agree with His freedom, and align ourselves to show our acceptance…we remove the last tether to the chains God has already broken off of us.

When that happens, we go out with joy, knowing we are His beloved, singing Him the songs of love welling up within us, filling the expanse where freedom now reigns.

The battle is ultimately won through Jesus, but conquered in each of us when we accept the truth…

He is the freedom we seek,
we are the vessels He longs to remake & restore.

It’s our choice whether we allow Him to finish the freedom for which He paid the ultimate price.

Our minds need to choose His freedom, agree with our Maker, and allow the fullness of all He has for us to fall upon us.

When we are overflowing with love, we long to be with the one we adore.  We long to serve them, because they show us their care & devotion in all they do as well.

We are no longer slaves.

He has served us first with the offering of freedom, hope & a future, and awaits for us to take and eat, sip from the cup, and begin to live free.

If the slave mentality is lingering because you have severed that last tie, the one trying to lure you back in….

Begin to pray.
Worship Him.
Call on His Name.
Proclaim the truth, in Jesus you are no longer a slave.
Speak out your true identity, free one in Christ. Chosen, Beloved.
Cut the cord of the lie tying you to the former things which are no more in His Kingdom.
You are His.
Sing out your thanks as you soak in His Words of hope, truth, love.
Shout your freedom from the rooftops at full lung capacity.
Go and walk in joy as He leads you out, once and for all, into the Promised Land in His Presence.


we long to be-loved


(image via Bonnie Gray

We all long to be loved.

We were hardwired with that longing, which was integrally woven into our design by our Designer & Creator.

For He longs for us to awaken from our slumber, and accept we are beloved.

But we are not only loved, and created to be loved.

We all long to be beloved.

That special someone to our special someone.

The treasured loved one, precious and not just wanted, but pursued with delight by our Beloved.

The truth is:
We are His beloved.

He paid His dearest to show us that love with abandon, right up to dying on that cross.

His drops of blood shed for us? They cleanse us, clothe us in the white robes of the Bride, His Beloved.

His heart beat? Beats for you.

When He sees you approach, His face glows with affection as His eyes catch yours.  He leans towards you, with wide open arms, ready to embrace you. He waits to hear what you have weighing on your mind, pressing on your heart, or have been carrying since you last got together.

But God? He doesn’t just sit there and wait for you to come.  He is proactive.

Jesus chose the cross out of His great love for us, full well knowing He would turn the world on its axis for all eternity.

He deposited His Spirit within you, so we would know we are His Beloved 24/7, wherever we go, whatever happens.

He not only loves us enough to save us, but to walk with us, moment by moment, through this life.  Actively loving us, 100% of the time.

That kind of devotion does not easily come around in this world.

And the clincher is: its yours, whenever you want it.  For all of your days, here and in heaven.

Beloved is not only our position before God, but our new name.

Today, let that truth steep into your very core.

Say it out loud, “I am His Beloved.”

Wait for God to say to you in return, “And you are Mine.”

My beloved is mine, and I am his.
Song of Solomon 2:16


Yes in Him

For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him.—2 Corinthians 1:20

Maybe you are like me, and you have had one too many people break the promise they make to you. You find it hard to trust people whose word doesn’t seem to follow through on what they say they will deliver.

Today, I remind you, and myself, of this Good News:

ALL of God’s promises come to pass because of who He is.


He is 100% good, kind, loving, devoted to you. He has plans for your future to give you hope on the journey you walk together as they come to pass.

God is 100% pure, holy, truth. He cannot lie, for there is no shadow or darkness hidden in Him at all.

He is 100% worthy of our trust, for He has our best always on His mind and heart.

If God gives you a promise, it WILL come to pass.

Especially on the days when we let each other down or are hurt by one another’s words, actions or lack of follow through, be reminded of the assurance we have in Him:

ALL His promises come to pass in Him.

Yes! Yes! Yes!


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its banner time

A banner is a declaration of who an army belongs to and whose name they fight over.

Stronghold- The Secrets Behind the Wall” by Beth Kinder

The Lord is my Banner.

Exodus 17:16

So far today, I have forgotten two things i was supposed to remember to do this morning, and remembered to find something I had been looking for for the past 2 days.

My short term memory has been affected by my recent fall, and I find myself relying more heavily on sticky notes & Keep reminders to keep on top of what I need to know.

The funny thing about this short term memory issue I currently have?

I am so excited every time I read the Word!

He’s making it new, fresh & alive with each Word.

Its as if its for the first time all over again, which for me & my recent studying, is actually true!

These truths I shared above are just a few of the ones I am trying to etch into my heart, and remember every step along the way.

God is the banner over me.

I am His, and He is mine.

I belong to Him, His at great cost.

He fights for me, my Captain.

I am part of His army, lifting His name high for all to see.

If I forget where I put a piece of paper, my favorite pants or my glasses, no biggie in the big picture.

If I forget His banner over me is love, grace, mercy, refuge, truth & so much more?

I might take a blow I wasn’t prepared for, because i stepped out of His Stronghold.

There are two strongholds in the spiritual realm: His, and his enemy’s.

I want my spirit to be living in the True Stronghold, no longer flirting with or stumbling into the enemy’s counterfeit one.

My spirit’s true Home is with its Maker, the One who died for me to become fully His as I was, and who is reshaping me to become who He knew I could be in His hands.

The enemy’s plan is to distract me from His truth, to lure me off the path with a trail of stale breadcrumbs instead of feasting on the Word which gives me life.

I need to know who He is in order to remember who I am, & come fully to life in His hands.

God is my Banner.

He is More than Enough.

He is Love.

He is Truth.

He is covering me, and has it all covered.

All my hope is in Him.

His promises never fail.

He is my anchor in the storms.

Dig deep into the Word.

He is a treasure within just waiting to be found!