The 3 ways rest can keep us safe

Did you know that not getting enough rest is bad for you beyond how it affects your body?

There are three key reasons why rest is one of the components to our overall well-being, besides the benefits physically.

1. Rest denies the enemy from affecting our soul.

It appears that rest is one of our main defenses against the enemy.
Resting in God allows Him to be our defender, as outlined in:
Psalm 91

While we rest in Him, He battles for us, and will win:

God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Romans 16:20 NIV/ESV

Our souls are protected when we rest in God.

2. Rest restricts the emotional attack against us.
When we keep ourselves from becoming anxious, and give things over to God when we are upset or concerned, we align our hearts up with the rest we have in our soul & body.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

Maintaining our emotional rest not only shields us from the enemy’s attempts to send fiery darts to harm us, it allows us to walk in the rhythms of His grace. Our faith & trust in Him becomes our shield.

3. Rest restrains the mind from speculation.
When we keep our focus on God, and through His Word, worship & time in His Presence, we get to closely know the God we love, we are building a solid foundation of fact in our minds. Knowing His lavish love for us and memorizing His Word are how our mind can find rest through the storms and from the distracted thoughts the enemy likes to subtly shoot our way… “God couldn’t forgive you for that!” “nobody will love you when they hear what you did” etc.
Knowing His Word & resting in the truth contained there is protection for our minds, the helmet of salvation.

Final Thoughts:
God our Warrior battles for us.
Placing our faith & trust in Him helps shield our emotions.
Spending time with Him, our Truth, protects our minds from attack.

Resting in Him, when added to taking care of our bodies by getting enough physical rest, is our strongest defense against the enemy’s schemes.

But more than that, as we get to know God more & more, and draw closer to Him no matter the season we are in, He offers rest that encompasses our whole being as we seek Him every step of every day.

We were never designed to find rest on our own, but through God, who is both the rest we seek & holding out the rest we need for every part of us in His loving hands.

I am not missing out on that offer of all encompassing rest!

*All quotes in black bold font are from: Graham Cooke, The Practice of Rest

7 thoughts on “The 3 ways rest can keep us safe”

  1. So true, it’s often the case when I’m feeling down or defeated about something that the root cause is simply tiredness. Everything seems so much harder and overwhelming when we are tired. The Practice of Rest sounds like an interesting read.


    1. I agree. Actually the Practice of Rest is a DVD teaching by Graham Cooke..I have heard only part, but his twitter & Facebook keep posting some of these kind of quotes that beg my mind for interaction 🙂


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