let your weight of burden go

I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me. Philippians 3:13b

I have had a few conversations of late where wonder was expressed at how I can leave my past behind me.

It was not easy learning to let go and to forgive, but I figured out quite quickly I couldn’t hold on to the old me if I wanted to become the new me He had in mind with my design.

The tighter we grip our past, the less able we are to step forward.

We weren’t meant to be under that kind of strain, nor to carry that kind of baggage.

God reminds us that we are to:

Come to Him, all those who are weary and burdened, and He will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Al;though I knew this as we all do on one level, God made this verse come alive to me in a very unexpected way.

One day, soon after my second child was born, I was walking from our car into a mall to go shopping.  The moment i got out of the vehicle, with each subsequent step, I could feel an increasing weight being applied onto my shoulders. I felt more and more weary,  with a strong sense of despair all at the same time.

I was beginning to hunch and limp so much so as I kept walking I thought I might be having a stroke. I was pretty close to completely freaking out on the inside when it suddenly occurred to me to pray in the moment.

So I did.

The weight briefly got heavier as i did, and then i heard, “Are you ready to let Me carry those burdens?” in His sweet soft voice.

That was the eye opener my squelched down hurting soul and spirit needed.  I stopped, prayed and asked Him to take anything i might be carrying off of my shoulders, and to give me rest in the place of those burdens.

He did, almost immediately.

My  exhaustion and sense of burden lifted. My back straightened, my neck and shoulders loosened up, and my gait realigned with every step i took after giving Him that weight.

The weight of our past and our disappointments we were never meant to be lugging along with us.

We were meant instead to carry the weight of glory, Beloved.

The moments in our past where we were hurt or experienced a sense of loss?  He asks us to give Him those as we draw close to Him.

The moments in our past where we felt joy or celebrated? These too can become traps when we stay stuck in them, and can’t move beyond them.

We are meant to live in the now of this moment, Beloved.

God has reminded us in his Word how He has plans and a purpose for us, each and every one of us.  Good plans.

Plans which will incorporate the blessings and lessons from your the past, as He uses them to help His design come to light.

If you haven’t fully stepped out of the reach of those shadows lurking from your past, take comfort.  God knows.

His plan is for your full freedom.

And your full freedom will come to pass, because He isn’t a liar.

When the weight of the past speaks loudly at you, remind it you know it isn’t His voice trying to get Your attention.

Its time to take the igniter out of the liar’s hands, and let God heal and remove the past wounds weighing us down.

Then He can reignite…

Our hearts with His love.

Our minds with His hope.

Our bodies with His touch.

Our purpose with His guidance.

Our lives with His life in us.

Before this busy season of celebration begins to pick up speed, set some time aside to soak in his Presence.

Just like a bubble bath relaxes you physically and emotionally, soaking in his Presence helps the dirt of the past to be washed away as He restores and rejuvenates your spirit.

Let the weight of His glory cover you and make you whole as you place the weight of your burdens and hurts into His loving hands.


careless in His care


I have been an avid bird lover since I learned that penguin parents sing to their young.

As a ‘songbird’ myself, that resonated deep within me.

I liked that love can be shown through a song.

As a child, i often wondered to myself who cared for all the wild birds I enjoyed soaring across the sky, nesting in the trees and flocking around.

That question gave me a swift shove after I became a believer as a young adult, and first read Matthew 6.

I am called to live carefree.

Nor carefree without consideration for others, but carefree in the ability not to worry.

Because I am covered under His wings, safe in His embrace, completely cared for by the God who loves me.

And the birds we all see about us remind me of that truth almost every day.

If birds are cared for, all their needs are met and they are able to chirp, fly, nest as birds are meant to do because of His care….why do we tend to think He would care less for us?

As a mom and wife, I have a tendency to make sure my kids and hubby are well taken care of before meeting my own needs.

That is a characteristic of our heavenly Father we reflect here on earth, when we care for our loved ones.

He’s a good good Father.
It’s who He is.
Not chooses to be, but intrinsically part of His very nature.

So when we read verses about living carefree in His care? He wants is to take Him literally.

For God doesn’t lie.

If He says He is caring for us, He is.

If He says we are of great value to Him, we are.

You don’t offer up your son as a sacrifice for people you don’t care about.

You give your best for those you adore, don’t you? On their birthday, graduation, Christmas?

God gave His very best on a regular day, because He knew we would need to know He cares about all our days, not just the religious ones.

Just as every bird is under His watch, so is the rest of creation.

But the pinnacle of His love is found in the ones He made in His image.

You and me.

We are the ones He cares so much for He made sure His heart of love and all the actions it inspired was recorded. A living testimony to the God of life who allowed Himself to be recorded within the Word.

In snapshots of promise, hope, purpose, love and care.

His love in action, caring for us all.

He not only shows us how much He loves us, He reminds us how much He longs to take our cares upon His shoulders and shoulder the load for us.

Every care we have matters to Him, because all of us matter to Him. All our hopes, dreams, worries, concerns…. He cares about it all.

So I don’t have to carry my cares all upon my shoulders.

He calls me to bring what I care about to Him, and allow Him to carry it for me, so I can live carefree in His care.

His love is so great for me, He not only rescued me but He holds my cares for me.

He paid a weight of love to redeem me from my sin, and carries the weight of my cares so I can be free to follow Him without worry.

Does that mean I never worry?
I can honestly say, I don’t worry as long as I used to.

God made this verse come alive to me about 15 years ago and each year I take shorter and shorter the length of time to bring my cares to His waiting hands.

I am loved by You.
It’s who I am.
Completely cared for in the safety of Your love.

May God give you too a revelation of His love for you. May it awaken within you like the song you were meant to sing. May you remove the weight of your cares, and allow Him to carry them, and you, as you follow Him into the wide open spaces of grace He has waiting for you.

free to be

Today is Canada Day, and Independence Day for our neighbors to the south is fast behind.

These dates remind me of the cost of freedom.

Much blood has been shed, and even more prayer, hope & dreams invested in freedom around the world.

And yet, we still have slavery, prejudice, racism & hatred in the forefront of many news stories.

It isn’t enough to be free.

We need to stay free.

Free to not make those same bad choices we may have made in the past.

Free from seeing others through our selfish human viewpoint.

Free to be all God desires for us to be.

We are not called to judge one another.  God is more than enough and capable of handling that role without us.

We are called to love, and proclaim freedom in His Name, for His ways.

We need to stay free of stepping into the role of judge.  We are to be His hands & feet, walking free and speaking His freedom for all.

Does that mean we don’t comment on the atrocities going on in the world around us?

Not at all, because God’s heart is breaking over the hurt caused in the wake of full blown sin.

We are called to help heal the wounds, not add to them.

We are called to help set the captives free. Love up on hurting hearts. Pray for those who don’t yet know they are meant to be free to encounter Him.

We are free to leave the judgment to God. His Word speaks for itself as to what His standards are. The cross shouts His love to open hearts. His Spirit speaks to those who are listening.

We are free to be ourselves, and love the world as He leads us to love them.  How that looks for you may be very different than it does for me, because of how we are gifted.  God uses each of us as He purposes, for His glory.

We were set free at a great cost, in the ultimate battle.
God won.

May we press in close to Him, as His Spirit leads us into greater & deeper freedom. 

May we share His freedom & His heart, and allow God alone to be the judge.

May we hear where we are to best serve, and wholeheartedly do so for His glory.

We are all free to choose how we interact with one another.

His choice was your freedom.


Let Your freedom be part of our battle cry, Lord.

May we worship with abandon, and freely love as You have loved us.

Forever grateful.


under pressure

In Me you can have peace. In the world you have pressure, but be daring! I have conquered the world – John 16:33 ERV

“Under Pressure” by Queen is one of the most popular songs of past 35 years, not just because it is catchy, but all of us can relate…

We all feel like a pressure cooker ready to blow off steam.

Jesus gets it. I am sure He felt the pressure the world tries to put on us to behave just so, look this way, live up to others’ expectations.

That is why this verse is so stunning in both its simplicity and depth.

We can have peace, because the Prince of Peace conquered the world.

Not just as God, but also as a flesh and blood man.

We serve a daring God, who doesn’t take the easy way or short cut to getting the job done right.

Our prayer life is to be no different.

Ask Him to be daring, and give you the peace He offers in the middle of the pressure cooking around you.

He can, and He will.

His peace releases our spirit from the pressure exerted onto it by outside forces.

And in Him, we have access to that peace at any time.

The dare is ours: to confidently approach our Prince of Peace, and believe He will give us the peace we seek.

May we come running to You when the pressure begins to build, and rest in Your embrace, Prince of Peace!


name the doubt & grab His hem

I am more than a bit timid when it comes to asking God for something i want for myself.

In fact, I tend to ask for myself as a tag along, or add on at the end of praying for other people’s needs.

Which isn’t a healthy symptom at all.

You see, that likely means i am not submitting to the fullness of what God has for me.

By struggling to try and cope on my own, i miss out not only on the strength He has for me, but experiencing His care and growing in our relationship.

And I am oh so tired of caring for myself on my own.

I remember reading the verses about the woman with the bleeding issue when i was first a believer, and relating to her:

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her.  Luke 8:43

I too have had an issue with cysts and heavy bleeding since i was 14 years old.  No one has been able to stop it here on earth. I am thankful that it has slowed with medical intervention & eating a healthier diet (staying away from too much caffeine along with all soy & dairy has helped develop less cysts and keep my hormones more in check), but it has not been healed so far…

And today, I acknowledge to myself, God and all of you,  my heart has stopped believing in my dream…. to be able to say the following as part of my testimony:

She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. Luke 8:44

Boy, putting that into words both hurts and feels freeing to my spirit.

I say i believe, but my trust in His best plan for me has waffled over this issue….literally, of blood.

I believe, I know He can heal, for I have both seen it and experienced it in other ways.

But will He?

The Word reminds us God is our healer in many places, and how He has the best in store for those who love & follow Him.  I believe in that truth deep down.

His capability is not in question in my mind or heart.

His will is for me to be whole, fully restored, and healed.

But will He heal me in this area?

Ultimately, I know when I meet Him face to face as i enter eternity, I will be the me He planned for me to be since creation.  And i do draw comfort in that actuality, that fact yet to pass.

But will He heal me in this area now?

Timing becomes the question… I want His healing now.  I am weary of having spent 20 years of gross frustrating embarrassing and exhausting at times handling this issue.

And that is the crux of the problem.

I have been gripping this issue too tightly.

I have not fully let go of it and gripped on to His hem.

I am tired of trying to hold it all together, Lord.

I am letting go of my timing, my desires for You to heal  me on my terms.

I am grabbing the hem of Your robe, pressing in and refusing to let go.

Because I KNOW You want me healed.

I speak this out right now, I believe You’re my Healer.

You can, You want to, and You will heal me.

And until Your timing is released for this issue of blood to be removed from me, You will be more than enough to keep me in the midst of my struggle.

You have been for me since before I was born, and always will be.

I surrender my doubts that You don’t care about me enough to heal me, You may not ever heal me while I am here on earth, and I am not worthy to be healed.

Because of what You did on the cross, Jesus, You have made me worthy through the covering of Your blood. I can approach with confidence because the veil has been torn, and You invite me to come.  The One who rose from the grave? He is more than able.

And like the daughter in this story, I do not go unnoticed. You are keeping Your eye on me.

I pray that how the story ended for the woman in Luke 8 ends the same for me, but I am determined not be hiding when You do heal me, God, but shouting it from the rooftops. May You build in me the Rock solid faith I need for my healing to come to pass because of Your touch:

 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked.  When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.”  But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Reader,  did you know its okay to have doubts?

Its not okay to keep your doubts hidden.

We need to bring them out into the light of His presence, so He can help us seem them in alignment with His truth, and who He is.

Doubts hidden become strongholds of the enemy, giving him space in our minds where he was never meant to roam, and begin to trap our spirits in chains from the pit.  

God made us to long for more.

Come as you are to God. He loves us as we are….whether wounded, broken, hurting, doubting, fearful, angry, insecure, lonely.  He never makes us feel bad for our feelings, but as He pours His love into us, we can be healed and made whole beyond imagining.

He is and always will be more than enough for all we need, and works tirelessly to bring His design for us into reality!

So I will never let go of Your hem God. Because close to You is where i was meant to be.




resting declares freedom

Resting is a declaration of freedom. -Kerri Weems

We are meant to wield our rest.

Rest is not the lack of action, but a weapon to choose.

Our choice not to act is in fact an action.

When we fail to choose rest, we find ourselves ever increasingly exhausted, stressed out and not focused on God.  We become trapped on the world’s running wheel,  at a pace we were never designed for.  We become captive to the action of go, through our lack of understanding in just how much of a blessing to us rest actually is.

The bottom line is this….if God Himself rested after a busy week, why do we think we can keep going? The Maker of the Universes & all that is in them needs to nap, but His creations don’t?  Everything God created has seasons of planting, growth, pruning, harvesting and last but not least: resting.

When we deliberately choose to rest, we free ourselves from the enemy’s mindset that we have no other choice but to stay in the whirlwind of busyness.   In answering His invitation, we find His rest, true restorative rest deep within begins to seep into our mind, body and spirit:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. – Jesus, in Matthew 11:28-30

In choosing to go to Jesus, and choose rest, God not only restores us, but gives us the weapon we can use to protect ourselves from the enemy: deliberate choice to sit at His feet, and rest there.

In His Presence, we learn to unwind, de-stress, listen to His voice,  and follow His graceful leading.  When we stay resting in Him, we keep free, and our spirits remain refreshed.

Rest is not only about sleeping, but the laying down of ourselves before Him, allowing Him to fill us with His love, peace, joy, hope.

We find our true selves at His feet.

We find the refuge, the shelter, the safe place, our true Home in Him.  Where we can fully become the “us” He designed us to be, and be released to live the life God intended for us!

The enemy knows that if we draw close to Him, he will have less access to us.

If we keep His words in our minds, and live our lives in His flow for us, the enemy has less of a battleground to attack us from.

For when we rest in Him, we are drawn into the wide open fields of freedom God has for us, like a bird released from its cage who immediately heads to the currents of wind where she was meant to soar.

Like Mary, we were meant to let go of what the world tells us we must do, and choose the best yes by remaining at Jesus’ feet.

Now before you start complaining nothing will ever get done if i do that (been there, thought that!), let me tell you that somehow in the design of time, spending the time in rest with God seems to make me more productive.  My purpose for the moment seems clearer, and i get more done in less time with less errors or distractions.  I am less stressed out when emergencies pop up, and keep my cool way longer than i am capable of naturally!

I don’t get it, but i don’t have to! I just need to choose to grab hold of rest, and wield it as He leads me to use it!  When I seem headed back onto the never-ending to-do treadmill, prompt me early God to use the rest You have given me to break the tentacles of busyness and stress from reattaching themselves to me.

Lord, may we pick up rest  today, and use it as You lead us to in the coming moments, hours, days.  Because of Your actions on the cross, You declare us free, and desire for us to stay free in You.  Help us to draw close, lay our burdens and to do lists before You. May we pick back up that which You desire for us to complete each day, and may we never stray far from Your voice as we live out the purpose for which You called us.  May our preoccupation ever be Jesus!


Freedom is Calling


One of my favorite moments in human history occurs in Luke 4:15-21:

(Jesus was teaching in their synagogues, & everyone praised him. )

He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,to set the oppressed free,to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Wow! God came down in human form, sat in the synagogue he was used to teaching in, & revealed to His people that He had come, to bring His favor & freedom for all.

Heaven intersected earth and declared His intention of loving & freeing His children.

Jesus was anointed for such a time as that to announce it is now such a time as this!

Freedom is calling out…
*speaking good news to the poor
*healing those who hurt
*freeing all captives
*pardoning all prisoners
*proclaiming the year of God’s grace
*celebrating God’s win over the enemy
*caring & comforting the mourners, giving them living bouquets, messages of joy, praising hearts, a new name: Oaks of Righteousness, whom He planted to show His glory on display!
*a rebuilding is on the horizon, a new city will arise. You will bring in outsiders & immigrants to work along side you, but you will be My Ministers. The bounty of nations will be your feast, they will show you their favor.
*a double dose of inheritance will be yours for all your troubles
*your joy will go on forever

My question for you today is simple. Do you believe it?

Jesus lived this out every day when He followed where His Father & the Spirit led Him to go. He spoke His words, revealed His heart, healed His beloved, fed His people, love on display.

Do you believe He wants to do this for you? In the here and now?

I believe God chose this scripture for a particular reason. It was a comforting verse for the Jews, and one they dreamed of their coming Messiah fulfilling.

And He has, just not in the form they all could recognize.

If the Jesus & God you believe in couldn’t possibly mean all this verse contains? You either are looking through broken glasses, or have forgotten who it is you are following.

This Easter, take a closer look at Jesus. See how He lived, breathed, healed, spoke, prayed, taught, loved, cried, cared for the lowly, fed the flock, comforted those grieving, raised the dead, followed the heavy path to the cross.

The whole Word of God came to life when Jesus walked among us, and announced He was here.

Our Risen Jesus is still with us, and this Word of blessing is still His intention for His children.

He wants His people free.

Renewed, rebuilt, full of joy.

Our part is two fold.

1. To believe He is who He says He is, and wants to show us such grace & blessing.

2. To come to Him, and tell Him we believe.

The rest is up to Him. Our freedom is based upon His actions, not ours beyond drawing close and listening for His direction. He is more than capable of doing ALL we need for our full freedom release!

His list of blessings and hope and love and grace and mercy for each of us?

Mind blowing with His intention for our complete restoration!

Freedom is calling…
Do you believe,
will you come?

The full version of Isaiah 61:1-7 in the Message version is posted below. Some time reading familiar words in a different way helps us to capture nuances we might otherwise miss. I try to read passages in 2-3 versions so I can get a good handle on the overall story before digging in for the nuggets they hold for me now!

Announce Freedom to All Captives

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners.

God sent me to announce the year of his grace—a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies—and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, messages of joy instead of news of doom,  a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness” planted by God to display his glory.

They’ll rebuild the old ruins,raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They’ll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new. You’ll hire outsiders to herd your flocks
 and foreigners to work your fields,

But you’ll have the title “Priests of God,” honored as ministers of our God. You’ll feast on the bounty of nations, you’ll bask in their glory.

Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.

the best revenge

As of late, there have been a lot of TV shows and movies out there that seem to have the theme of revenge interwoven throughout them.

The natural reaction to pain is to strike back.
To wound the one who wounded us.
To seek revenge, our own personal justice upon our attacker.

Falling into the mindset of revenge tightens the grip the enemy has on us, and does not lead to the inner peace we so desperately seek when we are hurting, broken, beaten and wounded at the actions of another.

There are only two ways to ensure you are not falling into the lie of seeking revenge:

1. Hand it over to God.

Give your wounding, whether emotional, mental, physical or spiritual over to God. Ask Him to be your justice seeker, and allow Him to deal with the feelings that well up within when you think about the situation.

The best offense is the best defense.

With God as your defender, you will have justice, for He knows what was done to you, and will hold every one to account for their actions one day, your wounder included.

By the way, giving it to God in no way means you are letting your wounder off with no consequences. If you need to break off relationship, post & enforce firm boundaries or safely distance yourself, then do so as He prompts. Just because we don’t see His justice that doesn’t mean God will not see to it on our behalf. As the Holy One, all injustice bothers Him, and will be judged before His throne.

Give it over to God as soon as you realize you need to. This will help ensure you….

2. Live free.

Living well is the best revenge.
-George Herbert

Living free means what the enemy intended to hold you down with becomes ammunition for God to use against him.

In His hands, you will be healed, can be renewed & restored, and live out the live He has planned for you.

I was once told of an old custom of making your enemy carry hot coals upon their head as part of their punishment for their offense towards you.

We don’t need to do that here on earth. As God has carried our punishment for us. He alone is in the position to judge offenses. He alone is to carry out the sentences He will pass. He alone will extend grace and mercy to His people.

Living free means we don’t carry the weight of such wounds within us one moment past when we extend them to God, and ask Him to carry them for us.

The best way to seek revenge?
To let the desire for personal vengeance go, and let our Warrior take the role of our defense, as He was meant to do.

When the feelings of revenge swell up above your hurt and anger, bring them to the cross. Take a good long look back at what Jesus did for us there. If anyone was due to exact His revenge, it was Jesus. Instead of condemning, He forgave. Instead of anger, He offers grace & mercy. Instead of disappointment, He extends His nail pierced hands of love towards us.

For all we have done to nail Christ on the cross, we deserve the full vengeance of God.

Because of His love, shown with His very blood , we instead receive grace and a new start.

Take your new start, and allow Him to help you live your life to your fullest.

Let Him be your Warrior & Shield, and let Him judge those who harm you.

Live your life without the chains of offense dragging you down into the minefields of revenge.

Live free.

live free

Did you know you are free?

You really are.

You are free to make any choice you want to.

You are.

No one can make you choose.

Our wills determine our choices.

If you are stuck in a bad habit, you may feel like you have no choice but to keep doing what you have been doing…but that is a lie.

We always have a choice.

God designed us to be free.

And God allows us to make our own choices, even when He knows they aren’t the wisest or how we will be hurt by them.

Why would such a loving God allow us to do so?

Because He wants us to freely choose His way, just as Jesus did.

Do you grasp that Jesus CHOSE the cross? He freely agreed to follow through, despite the devastating pain & separation from His Abba & Holy Spirit when He took on all our sin?

As we are made in His image, we too are designed to be free to choose. We are free to say yes, and likewise no.

This may seem childish and simplistic a concept to some of you, and I bless you in the level of freedom you are walking in.

Some of us are not that free yet.

I have the tendency to bottle my emotions when I am upset…and this shows up in eating past my hunger cues.

I have not always has this extra weight issue. There have been periods where I am healthier, and my appetite is based on real physical hunger desires, versus when I fall off the wagon and eat based on my emotional hungers not being addressed properly.

I am free to choose to eat well, or not. But my choice, either way, comes with consequences. Over eat? Overweight. Eat healthy? Healthier temple.

This is just one example of how we are free to choose.

We are free to say no to good things too, when we want to say yes to the best choice for us. I left a job I loved because God was calling me into a new direction. I was both free to follow, and free to stay. The choice to obey His call? Up to me.

Your choice in a single moment has future impact.

Choosing God, means your future will not end once we leave this earth, nor will it be the same while you live out the rest of your days.

Choosing Him of our free will invites Him to release the fullness of His freedom within us, stirring us up to answer its call.

Choosing His way means we allow Him to direct our path, as only He knows the way ahead, and if we are listening closely, we will avoid pitfalls and distractions along the path.

We are always free to agree, or not.

If there is an area of your life you want to bring into alignment with the freedom He has for us, ask Him to shine His light on it, and break you free from the unhealthy consequences you have been dealing with. Especially our mindsets, emotions & spirits.

For when we freely agree with something that isn’t healthy for us, we are impacted by those choices.

You may think or feel unhealthily, such as hearing ‘You’ll always be so pudgy’ randomly run through your mind or feeling yucky when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, while trying on clothes.

Your spirit may be wrestling to break free from the chains of your choices as well, for it knows when we choose well or badly, for it is eternal and always trying to commune with its Creator.

Here are a few tips to help us stay free to make the best choices:

1. If you know you are bound by a bad choice, you are free to run to your Abba and ask Him to break the chains binding you. Always.

2. If you have a bad mindset about yourself (stupid, lazy, ugly…) ask your Abba to remind you who you are to Him. Write down what He tells you. Read it over every time an old name pops up. Choose to be free from the negative mindset of your past.

3. If your emotions are driving your decisions, its time to ask God to move into the driver’s seat, and filter all your decisions through His love and best for you. You are always free to put God on the throne of your life.

4. If you know you need help to break free to be the you He designed, run for it. Don’t hesitate. Today could be the day you are set free! You are always free to ask for help, for we were meant to be in community. To seek support when we need it, to offer help when others need what only we can give.

5. Remember you are free to choose in every decision you make. You are always free to ask God His opinion, and free to choose to wait for His response.

These past seven days, I have been working through this freedom especially in regards to my eating, which is really about my emotions. I believe I am free to eat whatever I want whenever I am hungry. I am also free to say no when I am not, and to stop when I am full. I am very thankful to Beth Kinder & Sandi Krakowski for their wise Spirit led input into stepping fully into the freedom God has waiting for me as I freely choose His way, every day!

I am free not to live for anyone else but You! Help me walk that out each and every today I have with You, Lord.


pressed to release His fragrance

I am in a season of being pressed.

Not to be broken & destroyed, but so that I can release Him more fully within me & to those around me.

Maybe you can relate.

I had a glimpse another pressing season was headed my way with some words spoken a few weeks ago, and then I got clearer direction as I soaked & waited.

There are three books He is calling me to work through & bring what gets pressed in me to Him- either because it needs to go, or He is releasing it to flow.

The first is to press the past out of me and lead me to a deeper rest.

The second is to break out from the beliefs & ways I have hidden myself away, to lead me to deeper relationships.

The third is to press through into the full release of freedom He has for me, and to move into His stronghold, to make God my refuge in a way I have not yet experienced.

I am excited enough to want to jump up & down with excitement, and scared enough to want to toss my cookies, all rolled into one.

Can you relate?

I heard clearly today that on the other side of our deepest hurts is the greatest freedom where we are meant to roam.

I don’t want my fear & desire to stay the same to hold me back from all He has for me.


The first book is Finding Spiritual Whitespace by Bonnie Gray.

I am so weary from trying to hold all my broken pieces together for so long.

God is calling me out of hiding and into wide open spaces of grace & rest unlike any I have known before.

The second book is Scary Close by Donald Miller.

I have read half of the first section, and it is truly scary close how much this book is already resonating within me.

The third book has not yet been released, and was written recently by a new sister and fellow writer Beth Kinder, called Stronghold.
(Remade Ministries)


Freedom awaits, and the cage door is opening.

I plan on running through it, albeit with tears, headlong straight into the embracing arms of Jesus, Daddy & Spirit.

It is going to be rough trying to work full time while I am undergoing open heart & brain surgery, but He is reminding me He is more than enough for ALL my needs, and this is the time.

Are you ready to leap towards the flight of freedom &  or allow fear to keep you bound & tethered?

Join me.  Press in for what He has for you today, in this season.

A richer, deeper faith awaits, along with a new level of wholeness for your life.

He will release a new sense of His presence within us, and we will become a sweeter fragrant aroma as a result.

NOW is the time for freedom!

PS. I will be asking God each time i hang out with Him where i am meant to  work through that visit. Where to start, & where to stop.
An avid reader, I have a tendency to speed read, and He is wanting His words of freedom to soak in & take root as He uproots the weeds of my heart & mind.  Allowing Him to take the lead declares my belief I am safe in His hands, and willing to go wherever He leads.