Sonday Psalm: worship

Today is a double celebration day.
I am celebrating my eldest child’s birthday, and singing as a part of two worship teams today.

But every day is meant to be a celebration for those who discover  who they are in Christ.

I want to encourage you too today to celebrate. 

Bake a cake.

Walk in the wonder of nature near by.

Read the Word.

Sing with abandon.

Shout for joy.

Craft a new song, poem or picture.

It’s Sunday.

The day Christians usually set aside to worship the Son.

I like to think of it as Sonday.

It’s time for a new psalm to arise from His Beloved.

It’s time for us to let Him know how thankful we are to be His.

Celebrate the blessings you have been gifted with today, whatever they are!



Sunday Psalm: in the depths

In the depths
where we hide our hearts
the deep cries are made

In the heights
of Heaven
Your tears at our plight
were great

For You so loved us all
You decided to send
part of Yourself
to meet our need
with the gift of Your son
merged with our DNA

Such depth to Your love

That very same babe
free to be a Rabbi of renown
who spread Your Words of love
as He walked through our towns
speaking peace to our hearts
and life into our hidden places

No matter to You
was too large or too small
You touched each of us
with the greatest Love of all

Such depth to Your Love

Never ending
Your love will go on and on
Your heart will beat for me
Drawing me out
from where I’ve hidden away
into Your embrace
which restores each day

Such depth to Your Love!



Rejoice & be merry

Rejoice and be merry
in songs and in mirth!
O praise our Redeemer;
all mortals on earth!
For this is the birthday
of Jesus our King,
Who brought us salvation,
His praises we’ll sing!

With the announcement of the season of Christmas, many of us first think of all the extra tasks or jobs we have associated with what is to be one of the most joyous occasions of the year.

Instead of focusing on the wonder wrapped about the miracle Christmas is.

It took a death, then a birth to restore my vision.

My sister in law passed away suddenly at the beginning of winter a few years ago, and the weight of grief hung heavy over my heart.  I knew we were to be celebrating Jesus has come, but all I could feel was the loss.

I allowed it to overshadow the gain.

For Jesus isn’t just a gift doll we pull off of the shelf each Christmas, playing with him for a bit then putting him away with the other ornaments until the next.

He is the gift itself.

He is Present.
He is Love.
God with us, through it all.

One of my coworkers had a baby the next Christmas, and the excitement His arrival brought into my heart made me realize the miracle of God coming to us as one of us.

But the story doesn’t just stop with His birth.

It begins.

This Christmas, choose to rejoice.

Not because you have to, but because you choose to.

You may be under the weight of loss, pain, weariness.

He knows, and He came to join you right where you are at.

Not in the castle of the rich and famous, but in the humble shed of a working man, surrounded by the works of his hands.

To a woman who’s priority was serving God before all else. Her reputation, her engagement, her family ties.

To a man who although he started off shaking with doubt, came through when she needed him most.

Love was the undercurrent of the Christmas story, and the story He is continuing to write in our lives.

For the sky may be dark and the fog blocking our sight, but He is there to lovingly guide us as He Himself is our Light.

Because He never lets us go, we can rejoice.

Because He is always with us, we can be merry.

Because of who He is, we can always have a song to sing in praise!


Historical Background:
This carol is also referred to as the Gallery Carol, one of the traditional pieces sung by many choirs in their church galleries before the invention of the organ, in the early 19th century. It is believed to have been written in the 18th century, and is considered to be a Dorset Carol.

Sunday Psalm: HalleYOUjah

As I’m reminded of all the wonders
made by Your command,
I arise from my seat
to quickly take a stand
I close my eyes
and raise my open hands
then Your praise shot forth
as I began to understand,

It’s all about You
it always has
and it always will
be all about You
Father, Son & Spirit
we shout HalleYOUjah
for all the world
to hear the truth
It’s all about You!

When I saw the words
as Your love shone forth
when You opened my eyes,
I dropped to my knees
with a grateful heart
from the surprise
I lift my hands
asking You to shine through me
so all world can see

It’s all about You
it always has
and it always will
be all about You
Father, Son & Spirit
we shout HalleYOUjah
for all the world
to know the truth
It’s all about You!



Sunday Psalm: Adventure

From near and far
You call Your own,
from the outcasts
You invite us Home.

As the season changes
and the time draws near
You remind us to approach
without fear

O Come
O Come
God is with us
O come
lift up your voice
Jesus is born

The adventure lives on
as Advent draws close
with its heart full of love
which Jesus rings out

As time passes on
and His light starts to dawn,
we will join with the angels
to sing loud His song…

O Come
O Come
God is with us
O come
lift up your voice
Jesus is born
and we sing Hallelujah



waiting for Hope

In the hard times, I have begun to speak words of hope to myself, especially when i want to wallow in my situation.

Life can be hard, can’t it?  And we can easily become swamped down by the what ifs, why mes, will it ever ends and Argggghhhhs.

I especially love the Psalms, because I can see myself in most of them.  Crying out to God in the midst of my anguish and pain.

But that’s only part of the purpose for the Psalms, Beloved.

The psalms were not penned to remind us we are alike in our difficulties in life, but to remind us of the Hope each psalm contains for us all.

Hope Himself will rise to meet us, as God met each psalmist in their journey of waiting and seeking.

Our living Hope is entrenched in each word of HiStory, the Bible; for He is  both the inspiration for every word and the rescue for each person recorded in its history.

And because He is, and always will be, He is our Living Hope in our present moments, no matter what they are.

He rejoices with us when we get or hear good news.

He cries with us when our hearts break from sudden or slow loss.

He mourns with us in our grief.

He actively pursues us when we feel lonely.

He houses us when the echoes of abandonment try to return.

He makes His home with us, giving us hope, purpose and a future intertwined with his heart.

So like the psalmist of Psalm 119, I choose to wait for His word of Hope.

For Him to speak life into my weary brittle bones. To spark passion into the embers of my dry heart. To come to me and show Himself strong. To love up on me in every area where I have lack. To provide over and above what I can believe for in the natural.

So I wait for You.

Because You have never failed to reveal Yourself to expectant hearts who eagerly wait for You.

Will you join me in the wait?


Sunday Psalm: Renewed Capacity

The enemy likes to try and suck the hope and joy out of us, and diminish You in our eyes, O Lord.

Last night You spoke so clearly as You lovingly reminded Your Beloved that You are unchangeable.  Never fickle. Always loving. Forever good and holy.

Your capacity to pour into Your people is not the issue here.

Our holding on to You and not letting our hope fizzle out and our joy wither is.

Because if we are allowing enemy lies to be counted as truth, the hope and joy we have in You will begin to fade.

Only You cause our gifts to grow.
Only You can restore our Hope when all is dark.
Only You can bring joy when we have been long in the season of waiting.

But you don’t just leave us where you find us, God.

You take us beyond to the next beyond as the love You have for us becomes deeper as it unfurls.

You don’t just restore us, You add an increased capacity to hold even more of You!

I give my “But God,” “Why me,” and “How long” into Your hands. and in a beautiful exchange, You pour out increased faith, love, joy and a fresh wind of hope to enter the empty spaces left within by my feeble doubts and insecurity.

All I have comes from Your hands.

I believe You have more in store for Your Beloved.

There is a release of sweet grace entering this space reserved for You.

There is a heightened awareness of Your love, the fragrant aroma of Your heart beating for me.

The capacity to hold truth is being enlarged as You increase my ability to hear, sense, taste and see You.

No looking back over my shoulder except to review the ways You have blessed me and rescued me.

Onwards towards all You have for Your Beloved!



Sunday Psalm: Renewed Capacity

The enemy likes to try and suck the hope and joy out of us, and diminish You in our eyes, O Lord.

Last night You spoke so clearly as You lovingly reminded Your Beloved that You are unchangeable. Never fickle. Always loving. Forever good and holy.

Your capacity to pour into Your people is not the issue here.

Our holding on to You and not letting our hope fizzle out and our joy wither is.

Because if we are allowing enemy lies to be counted as truth, the hope and joy we have in You will begin to fade.

Only You cause our gifts to grow.
Only You can restore our Hope when all is dark.
Only You can bring joy when we have been long in the season of waiting.

But you don’t just leave us where you find us, God.

You take us beyond to the next beyond as the love You have for us becomes deeper as it unfurls.

You don’t just restore us, You add an increased capacity to hold even more of You!

I give my “But God,” “Why me,” and “How long” into Your hands. and in a beautiful exchange, You pour out increased faith, love, joy and a fresh wind of hope to enter the empty spaces left within by my feeble doubts and insecurity.

All I have comes from Your hands.

I believe You have more in store for Your Beloved.

There is a release of sweet grace entering this space reserved for You.

There is a heightened awareness of Your love, the fragrant aroma of Your heart beating for me.

The capacity to hold truth is being enlarged as You increase my ability to hear, sense, taste and see You.

No looking back over my shoulder except to review the ways You have blessed me and rescued me.

Onwards towards all You have for Your Beloved!



Sunday Psalm: Bless the Lord

Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being,
praise His holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all His benefits.
Psalm 103:1-2 NIV

Oh the thousands of ways
I could bless Your Holy Name
as I look back at my life,
the one I have had
only because of Your hands.

All I have comes from You,
each and every blessing
flows through Your heart
of love before You send it my way.

With every breath,
I choose to thank You
and bless You.

Whether I am standing in the desert or the ocean of plenty,
whatever my season
I bless You Lord.

When my heart is overwhelmed
and I cannot speak what is
captured within, I will still choose
to bless You Lord.

When my lips ring with grateful song, or cry with the pain of loss,
I will bless You Lord.

In the quiet of this moment,
or the loud shouts of corporation praise, I will always choose to bless You Lord.

For You deserve all the blessings
honor, glory and praise Your children can offer You,
24/7, 365, for eternity.

We join the angels in
proclaiming Your
forever song of praise
as we bless You,
over and over and over again Lord.

Bless You Lord, my soul cries, as I worship You, Worthy and Holy One!



O my soul, bless God.
From head to toe,
I’ll bless His holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
don’t forget a single blessing!
Psalm 103:1-2 MSG

Sunday Psalm: Breakthrough is Coming

Open up the heavens, we wanna see You.
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river flowing from Your heart
filling every part of our praise.

-Meredith Andrews

When I feel blue or
down in the dumps of
my despair,
You breathe
the truth of who You are
into my spirit,
and stir my heart
back to life:

Breakthrough is coming.

No matter how it looks,
however You choose
to set me free, Lord
I willingly accept it.

For not only is freedom
just ahead,
You remind me
it is not based on
anything I can do
to earn it.
My part is to receive.

But Breakthrough
and Freedom are
one & the same…
for they are found in You,

Living breathing
fully man & fully God
wherever You walk in,
Your freedom abounds.
When You speak,
Breakthrough obeys
Your command.

So I will continue to wait,
praising You for who You are,
seeking all You have for me.

In Your time,
from Your hand,
for Your glory,
may the breakthrough
I am waiting for
& You have promised
come to be.
