
lifted hands
raised in adoration
humble heart
bowing down in praise
joining the forever chorus
of One body
One heart beating
to the rhythm
of Your Love
One mind united
in devotion
to the Son
as we are
intertwined with
One Spirit
in the love dance
of the ages

the more I lay me down
and lift You up
the freer I become
both able to soar high
and stay close
to Your Presence
as I align my will
to Yours
so Your Kingdom
can reign in me
and receive
all the Glory
You are due
for ever and ever


Image from:

come away

Its time to come away, My love.

Just you and I.

We need time together.

You need rest, restoration, and a fresh infusion of my love to remember who you are.

I need to see you.

I miss you.

Why do I want to spend time with you?

If only you could grasp how lovely you are to Me.

I adore you.

I have plans laid out ahead for you, plans to bless you and renew your hope.

We have a future together that begins now, as we hang out.

I gave My all, My best, My Son for us to be able to reconnect, and for you to know just how much I love you.

I am all in.

My love for you is not dependent upon what you do, but who you are to me.

My precious child.
The one I adore.
The one I long for.

Come away, My love.

Let Me refresh you beside still waters.

Let Me nourish you with Living Water & the Word.

Let Me whisper words of love, hope, truth and blessing into your spirit.

Let Me hold you as you press into Me on the hard days, through the difficult times.

Let Me free you from the snares and tangles of the enemy.

Let Me pour My love, grace, mercy into you until they well up and overflow out of you.

Let me in.

I will always be here for you.

For eternity.

Come away with Me, My love….
