Your original promise

The original promise is the direct blessing of God received in faith.
Galatians 3:20


On the days when the moments of pain, grief or hurt try to overwhelm, God tangibly reminds us throughout His Word of His promises.

The fact that there are at least 365 of them, depending on which version you read, reassures my heart that He knows we need this reminding know a daily basis.

What we need is not a shock to Him by any means.

Our Creator didn’t just plop us on this earth and wash His hands of what He had made.

He continuously was seen throughout the history recorded in the Word by his people, interactive and present.

Reminding us He is with us.
Acting and moving on our behalf in ways we can’t even fathom.
Speaking love and truth to us.

But God went even deeper, by promising us His blessing.

Straight, no holds barred.

His direct blessing has been spoken to each of His Beloved, and offered as a gift of love to each who chose to receive it.

By faith.

Our part is to believe He IS who He says He is and trust His Words ARE true, even when we can’t yet see the fruit of our faith in the here and now.

Abraham believed decades before his promised son arrived.

Joseph believed generations before Israel was delivered out of Egypt.

Hannah believed she had been heard by God after an awkward encounter with a priest accusing her of being drunk in her fervency.

Mary believed in faith the moment the angel proclaimed her the mother of the long awaited Promise.

None of these faithful knew exactly what was up ahead, but they knew the One who made the promises, and placed their faith in Him.

Unsure of your future?
At a crossroads, or a crisis of decision?

Grab on tight to the promises of the Promise Keeper.

He is who He says He is  and He will deliver on His promises.

For He will never change being who He says and reveals He is:

Promise Giver.
Promise keeper.
The Living Promise.
Promise with us.

This Promise will never let us go.  If eveything else in your world is unsettled, He will be your steady foundation.

Reach out and grab the Promise.
His hand is always outstretched to you, and is only a prayer of faith away.



A fresh unblemished year ahead. only a few hours old.

I don’t know about you, but I was so ready for a new year to begin. After tackling many fears last year, I am just beginning to see the blessings which are starting to unfurl as a result.

For several years now. my word for the year has been hope

Over the past few months, God has been taking me past hope and stirring up expectation.

Belief in more to come than I can imagine.

Belief in a God beyond the limitations I have placed upon Him.

And although that would be a great word, belief is not my choice for #oneword2016.

But I have outgrown hope alone for my word for this coming year.

My awe at what He has been doing in and through and around me over these weeks was the clue.


Wonder as I recall where He found me.

Wonder at how far He has brought me in the past.

Wonder He is with me here and now!

Wonder for what He has for me yet to come.

Wonder seen in nature as it reflects its Creator, the God of Wonders.

Wonder as He reveals more of who He is and the promises He has in store for me, for us, through His Word.

Wonder at where I see Him moving in the world…for He, like Aslan, is on the move!

Join me as I put on my new wonder-filtered glasses to take in all 2016 has to show me about the wonderous God I love and follow!



Sunday Psalm: Everything an Offering

I have
comes from You.

I came into this world with
was Your Work.

I have been blessed with
was from Your hands.

I can become
and leave behind
also came as a gift
from Your nail scarred hands.

I am
I lay down
as an offering
before You.

I may face
will be with You
at my side.

I will be
can be
because of Your love.
& when i follow
Spirit’s leading.

I am & hope to be,
every thing
I have or will ever be blessed with,
I humbly offer to You
my King.

In everything,
every thing,
be glorified
in me.


His transforming makeover

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:1-2 MSG

All my life, all your life, is worth offering to God.

In exchange, He makes us over!

Not your typical makeover, visible only on the outside, but one that happens from the inside out, shaping us with a well formed maturity we could not experience otherwise. The makeover He has designed for us where we become more like Him, and more easily able to sense what He wants us to do, where He has for us to go, and quickly respond in obedience.

All in, as an offering, for all He has in for me!

Won’t you join me?

We can trust He has the best in store because of our Creator’s great love for us!

Hey, this post was originally posted for Remade Ministries, where I am Friday’s devotional contributor. Feel free to visit any time:

image from:


proof is in the…grace?


When I try to control my life, I make an utter mess of it.

And I know I have been doing so when I feel surrounded, inside & out with mess.

God, however, sees my mess far differently than I do.

I want to clean up my messes until I am spotless, and no sign of the mess remains behind to give a viewer any inkling there had been any mess at all.

I sweep my messes under my internal carpet & put on my public face before I go out…but the mess remains within.

God says He has washed me pure as snow, and He doesn’t see the big pile of mess that I do.

He sees building materials for the message He wants to make out of my mess.

I am made 100% clean through Jesus, but the scars that remain behind? They speak to Him of where He is taking me; they speak to me of all the struggles, guilt & shame i see in those same scars.

I see remnants of mess, He sees beauty in the making.

In the last few years, I  have been learning its okay to let people see the mess within. Not everybody, but as God has led me to share to a chosen few, my stress has ebbed from trying to hide my mess.

Because we all want to be known and accepted for who we are, right now, in the middle of the newness He is making from the mess on hand.

For we can’t always see what those around us do, how far we have come as we have followed Him.

Our emotions can fog up our vision if we let them have them loudest voice.

I don’t want my stress or mess to be the loudest voice I speak, I want His message to be the words i cling to, and the words i share as He leads.

When you move beyond standing in the midst of your mess, you may catch a glimpse of the message He is knitting together from the broken strands left behind.

Master Creator, His tapestries reveal the glory of their Maker.

You, and i? We are examples of His abundant grace, with which He covers our mess.

Say yes to His dress for you.
Let Him weave the mess into a stunning array of grace, to be worn every day.

Our mess will become something so much greater in His loving hands!

naturally caffeinated

I am a rarity amongst most of my family & friends.

I don’t need to do coffee or tea to wake up in the morning.

I like to think of myself as naturally caffeinated, which is another way of saying I am wide eyed & bushy tailed from the moment I get up. I don’t need coffee or caffeine to get me going in the morning.

I have struggled over the years with many social events and family gatherings, as caffeine and I don’t get along.


Caffeine seems to spur on the growth of ovarian cysts, and brings on headaches when I cheat, usually by giving in (mostly in my mind, but not always) to peer pressure.

Because some people get offended because I don’t like coffee.


I worked professionally as a barista for 2 different coffee shops, one chain and one independent, for a collective total of between 6-7 years. I underwent a great deal of training (just short of my coffee master, as well as being our store tea expert) to recognize blends and regions of coffees, similar to what a wine sommelier undergoes. I know the difference between a well brewed coffee, and an incorrectly balanced one. I can tell what kind of food will pair nicely with the coffees I taste.

But I don’t like it.

And likely never will.


I am a tea girl, through and through.

The thought of a chai latte sends happy shivers down my spine.

My collection of green, white, rooibos, honeybush and herbal teas , with a few must have favorite black teas for special occasions brings a smile to my face whenever I glimpse it.

I walk into my favorite tea store, and feel at home.

You could say with accuracy, I am a tea lover.

Those who know me best understand this. When some of them enjoy their coffees, I enjoy my tea when we get together to hang out.

So why am I bring that up?

Because no matter how much anyone else tells me I must like coffee, i know I don’t, and won’t.

I love the smell, I love grinding the beans, I like making and serving coffee, but unless I am paid to drink it for educational purposes, I don’t.

Whether straight up, sweetened or with any kind of milk, I prefer tea.

The same for many of you. You may love something that other people around you may not like at all, or vice versa.

You may like the team that never makes it to the play offs.

You may wear red when this season navy is the new black.

You may like hanging out with family or at church, when your coworkers are out at the pubs or dance clubs.

You may watch PG and General rated movies instead of the 18+ ones frequenting the big screen.

The only 50 shades of gray you may care about are the ones popping up on your head.

You may take good natured ribbing, be on the receiving end of some pointed criticisms or be accused of close mindedness for your likes and dislikes.

Here are the lessons I have learned about being in these situations:

1: Look them in the eye and smile. Don’t give them the power to make you feel less than.

2: You don’t need to apologize for your view point. If you believe marriage to be sacred and live your lifestyle accordingly, you don’t have to defend it, etc.

3: Your “no” is enough when someone challenges you or criticizes you. Respectfully say “I don’t agree”, or “I see it differently.” If the person is being unkind, or doesn’t respect your boundary, walk away. If the Spirit leads them to genuinely ask why, ask for His leading to answer in the way He will best speak to the seeking heart open to hear the truth.

4: Be yourself. If you like green, wear it with all the flair and enjoyment you want. If you love to sing in the shower, do it. Who cares if you sing in tune?! Love paisley or plaid, decorate whatever you want in it. Enjoy it.


5: If someone will be hurt, demeaned, put down or crushed by your actions, they aren’t healthy likes. Spend some time seeking God and figuring out His best for your life. Just coz everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean God wants you to.

6: God made us all unique, but with one common trait: we were all meant to be in community, and united to Him. We are all different, but all meant to be supportive of one another’s giftings, calls and uniqueness. If you are surrounded by people who aren’t, or who ridicule your choices, find a new circle of support. Life is too short to miss being yourself, fearful of not being liked because of what you love. Or Who you love.

So I have learned that it is okay to be myself. God doesn’t want us to try and be who we aren’t.

I am one of a kind.
No one else will ever like all the things I do in the same combo pack.

And I am okay with that now!

You should be too!


wrecking ball

Try how you might,
don’t you know
you are actually
towards Him?

He knew you would run
and so He planned
to use the path you chose
to draw you in,
in to His Presence.

When you come into
his courts
and into His Presence
you cannot help but be

His Presence
is like a wrecking ball…

When you run to Him
He wrecks you
in the exact places
needing to be broken…

Then He lovingly rebuilds
us the way
we were meant to be…

Restoring us to our intended design.

Loving us back to life.

Setting us
on the pathway
to walk beside Him

Made whole
by the majestic Creator

Set free from our cage
by the triumphant Savior

Guided in life
by the precious whispers of the Spirit

The wrecking ball
is controlled on purpose
in His plan for us.

Run run as fast as you want
His love will continue to call to your heart
and woo you home,



Connection helps combat depression.


We were hardwired to interact, both with one another & God. Lone wolf, black sheep or not.

Knowing you have a soft place to fall, arms of support, a listening ear, backing when its needed and words of love- this is the kind of connection our soul cries out for from birth.

Its ultimately the cry for our Creator, which we are better able to grasp when we connect with one another.

Everyone wants to know they are:


VALVES for short.

Our heart beats with joy when its valves are working properly.

Our life is less blue, less lonely with the oxygen of connection.

Our soul can find rest, peace with healthy interaction.

Its time to connect.
Not just be acquainted with.

Acquaintance implies a distance, a holding back from one another. At times a hesitancy to place value on a new relationship.

Each person you meet might be one who deep down is seeking connection. To know they matter, to somebody.

You may be placed in their lives to model the ultimate connection…a lasting permanent relationship with God.

You cannot tell from the outside all that may be stirring on the inside of those you meet….but God can.

You are part of His plan for reaching those in desperate need of connection.  To point the way for them to find who it is they are truly looking for.

You may end up blessed in the process!

(Hey, for those of you who want to read a bit more about how connection helps fight depression, click the link below to be taken to a great blogging site by:
Dale Partridge)