Chosen to speak


But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1 Peter 2:9-10 (MSG)

As I sit to write, fingers hovered over my keyboard, head bowed in prayer, the old doubts try to sneak their way in. ‘Why bother wasting your time’ springs into my mind.

What timing for the enemy to attack when this verse so clearly tells me why I am to write, and why you, too, are to do what He has called you to do.

Beloved, you were CHOSEN — on purpose. To serve Him and His children. To do what He desires you to do, and to speak out about the freedom you now walk in as His Beloved.

For He has brought you and I out of the shadows of night, and into the bright light of His Presence.

Once nobodies, we now are known.

Once orphans, we now have a Home.

Once rejected, we’ve been claimed as His own.

Once outside, we now are accepted and brought inside.

We are now set free to speak to others of the wonders He has made of our lives.

What lies of the enemy do you need Christ to crush once and for all? Invite Him to empower you with boldness to share what He has done for you, to free you to be who He designed you to be!

May the truth that I am Yours take root until it blooms in praise and adoration as I share You with all who will listen!

This post first appeared over at Remade Ministries:

love letter to the Beloved

yes, I mean you.
Please look at me.
I am inviting you
to come out of hiding
and enter My embrace
just as you are.

My love for you?
It’s not based on what you do,
for I am not interested in performance as a basis for My love.

My love for you?
Overflows out of me,
because I am Love.

And I felt desire for you
my Beloved,
my Bride,
back before I created
this world & all its wonders.

Do you grasp that I consider you
to be My crowning glory
of the wonders in this world?

I had a glimpse of you
as I laid out my plans for Creation
and although I knew
it would take time
and many many lifetimes
in earth’s time
for you to come to me,
I was excited
for our meeting.

I have been waiting for you
since before time began
to meet with you.

Love cannot help but long for the one it loves.

And You are she to me.

My Beloved.

I know life in its daily drudgery can be hard to cope with some days,
but I hope you know the Truth which accompanies you always.

I am with you, each & every moment of your life.

In the hard times, I bring comfort peace as the jewels of My love for you.

When you are rejoicing, I clap for joy.

When you are grieving, I hold you even closer to my heart.  For I too know the pain of deep loss.

When you finish the race before you, I am the Prize waiting for you at the end.

When you feel discarded or broken by this world, know that I long to reshape you into the masterpiece I saw you as & created you to be from the beginning.

Oh my Beloved,
that you would accept what you may not be able to fully understand on this side of Heaven….
you are loved.

Walk it out.
Be loved.
Allow yourself to be my Beloved,
no holds barred, without restraint.

As you walk as my Beloved,
the fragrance of My Presence you will carry will entrance those who do not yet know they are part of My Beloved.

My Bride awakens when she senses My desire for her.

Be loved, Beloved.


God has been wooing me with quiet loving whispers to my heart, and reassuring Words to my spirit.  The harder my days seem, the lighter they become when I recognize that being His Beloved is not like work, where you can turn it off or on at will.  His Love is meant to cover us, soak into us, and become part of us, making us over as His Beloved from the inside out. 

Be loved today, Beloved.  Allow Him to speak the words & song the song over you He longs to bless you with.

we long to be-loved


(image via Bonnie Gray

We all long to be loved.

We were hardwired with that longing, which was integrally woven into our design by our Designer & Creator.

For He longs for us to awaken from our slumber, and accept we are beloved.

But we are not only loved, and created to be loved.

We all long to be beloved.

That special someone to our special someone.

The treasured loved one, precious and not just wanted, but pursued with delight by our Beloved.

The truth is:
We are His beloved.

He paid His dearest to show us that love with abandon, right up to dying on that cross.

His drops of blood shed for us? They cleanse us, clothe us in the white robes of the Bride, His Beloved.

His heart beat? Beats for you.

When He sees you approach, His face glows with affection as His eyes catch yours.  He leans towards you, with wide open arms, ready to embrace you. He waits to hear what you have weighing on your mind, pressing on your heart, or have been carrying since you last got together.

But God? He doesn’t just sit there and wait for you to come.  He is proactive.

Jesus chose the cross out of His great love for us, full well knowing He would turn the world on its axis for all eternity.

He deposited His Spirit within you, so we would know we are His Beloved 24/7, wherever we go, whatever happens.

He not only loves us enough to save us, but to walk with us, moment by moment, through this life.  Actively loving us, 100% of the time.

That kind of devotion does not easily come around in this world.

And the clincher is: its yours, whenever you want it.  For all of your days, here and in heaven.

Beloved is not only our position before God, but our new name.

Today, let that truth steep into your very core.

Say it out loud, “I am His Beloved.”

Wait for God to say to you in return, “And you are Mine.”

My beloved is mine, and I am his.
Song of Solomon 2:16


Sunday Psalm: Be Still, Seriously?

Oh Lord
Inside I am racing
like a car engine revving up
for its heat in the big race,
go go go
get ‘er done
check it off the to do list
Peace is feeling farther & farther away with every new task I take on,
with the situation I face
causing me to spin in place
i hear Your whisper
Your voice breaking through
the chaos of my bustle
the anxiety of my hustle
and You simply say
Be still
I got this.
You are in My hands.
Nothing can take you
away from Me.
Nothing you can do
will make Me love you more
Nothing you can say
will change My love towards you
You had your chance
to do it your way,
now its time for the best
to be released
My way
My timing
My help
in My strength
with My purpose for you.

Had enough of spinning your wheels?
Come to Me
and rest.
Tired of a listless spirit?
Come to Me
and live.
Weary of what’s holding you back?
Come to Me
and be free.

Ready to make the change
to never be the same
to live fully in My Name
as i rearrange you
from the inside out?

its time to be still,
and let Me in the driver’s seat.

I know where you are headed.
I know the safest route.
I know how to guide you
through every turn, dip or stop.

be still.
Rest in me.
Lay your burden down.
I am here waiting for you.

Our next part of our adventure
together is waiting
for you.

just come.
I’ll take care of the rest.

You only need to be still.

naturally caffeinated

I am a rarity amongst most of my family & friends.

I don’t need to do coffee or tea to wake up in the morning.

I like to think of myself as naturally caffeinated, which is another way of saying I am wide eyed & bushy tailed from the moment I get up. I don’t need coffee or caffeine to get me going in the morning.

I have struggled over the years with many social events and family gatherings, as caffeine and I don’t get along.


Caffeine seems to spur on the growth of ovarian cysts, and brings on headaches when I cheat, usually by giving in (mostly in my mind, but not always) to peer pressure.

Because some people get offended because I don’t like coffee.


I worked professionally as a barista for 2 different coffee shops, one chain and one independent, for a collective total of between 6-7 years. I underwent a great deal of training (just short of my coffee master, as well as being our store tea expert) to recognize blends and regions of coffees, similar to what a wine sommelier undergoes. I know the difference between a well brewed coffee, and an incorrectly balanced one. I can tell what kind of food will pair nicely with the coffees I taste.

But I don’t like it.

And likely never will.


I am a tea girl, through and through.

The thought of a chai latte sends happy shivers down my spine.

My collection of green, white, rooibos, honeybush and herbal teas , with a few must have favorite black teas for special occasions brings a smile to my face whenever I glimpse it.

I walk into my favorite tea store, and feel at home.

You could say with accuracy, I am a tea lover.

Those who know me best understand this. When some of them enjoy their coffees, I enjoy my tea when we get together to hang out.

So why am I bring that up?

Because no matter how much anyone else tells me I must like coffee, i know I don’t, and won’t.

I love the smell, I love grinding the beans, I like making and serving coffee, but unless I am paid to drink it for educational purposes, I don’t.

Whether straight up, sweetened or with any kind of milk, I prefer tea.

The same for many of you. You may love something that other people around you may not like at all, or vice versa.

You may like the team that never makes it to the play offs.

You may wear red when this season navy is the new black.

You may like hanging out with family or at church, when your coworkers are out at the pubs or dance clubs.

You may watch PG and General rated movies instead of the 18+ ones frequenting the big screen.

The only 50 shades of gray you may care about are the ones popping up on your head.

You may take good natured ribbing, be on the receiving end of some pointed criticisms or be accused of close mindedness for your likes and dislikes.

Here are the lessons I have learned about being in these situations:

1: Look them in the eye and smile. Don’t give them the power to make you feel less than.

2: You don’t need to apologize for your view point. If you believe marriage to be sacred and live your lifestyle accordingly, you don’t have to defend it, etc.

3: Your “no” is enough when someone challenges you or criticizes you. Respectfully say “I don’t agree”, or “I see it differently.” If the person is being unkind, or doesn’t respect your boundary, walk away. If the Spirit leads them to genuinely ask why, ask for His leading to answer in the way He will best speak to the seeking heart open to hear the truth.

4: Be yourself. If you like green, wear it with all the flair and enjoyment you want. If you love to sing in the shower, do it. Who cares if you sing in tune?! Love paisley or plaid, decorate whatever you want in it. Enjoy it.


5: If someone will be hurt, demeaned, put down or crushed by your actions, they aren’t healthy likes. Spend some time seeking God and figuring out His best for your life. Just coz everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean God wants you to.

6: God made us all unique, but with one common trait: we were all meant to be in community, and united to Him. We are all different, but all meant to be supportive of one another’s giftings, calls and uniqueness. If you are surrounded by people who aren’t, or who ridicule your choices, find a new circle of support. Life is too short to miss being yourself, fearful of not being liked because of what you love. Or Who you love.

So I have learned that it is okay to be myself. God doesn’t want us to try and be who we aren’t.

I am one of a kind.
No one else will ever like all the things I do in the same combo pack.

And I am okay with that now!

You should be too!


called to go, do or be?

We were, and are, all called for a purpose.

Typically, most of us (myself included) tend to think of this call only as an action.

We are to go out & make disciples in all nations.


We miss the key point when it becomes about where we go and what we are doing.


We are not primarily called to DO SOMETHING or GO SOMEWHERE, we are called TO SOMEONE.

-Os Guinness

When Jesus spoke about what we were to do, He reminded us Who was to be with us to the end of the age: God.

If it becomes all about the action, we miss the heart behind it all.

The heart that loved us, everyone ever on this earth, so much He put on flesh, took up His cross & died for our freedom.

The hands that made all of humanity, painstakingly handcrafting each of us, in His image.

The mind that knows what each person is feeling.

The eyes that see everything, everywhere all the time.

The ears that hear the cries of His people, and the those crying out for justice & freedom.

The Living Word who inspired the bible, recording our interactions with the God over all.

We need to be spending time with Him, the One who made it all, gave it all and loves us all in order to live out our call.

Drawing close to Him is the number one priority to finding our what it is He created you to do.

Getting to know Him will reveal who He is, how He can equip you to the task at hand, and help you reflect Him to the world around you.

Our number one purpose, our call?

To worship Him.
To know Him.
To be known by Him.
To press in close to Him.

Because God?

He isn’t stagnant.
He is constantly on the move.
Keeping watch over His flock, seen & yet unseen.

As we spend time in His Presence, we will see where He is wanting us to move, what He is wanting us to say, where He desires for us to go, how He wants us to help.

Staying close to the God over all will reveal more of His character and His loves.

The more time we spend with Him, the more we will become like Him.

Poured out for the purpose for which we were called, just like Jesus.

Jesus didn’t compromise time with His Father in getting all He was to do done.  When He died on the cross, up to that moment – everything He was to have completed was finished.

And God was with Him, as He sought hard after God in prayer and presence even though the crowds pressed in, even though He had a long hard road to travel.

Not sure what you were called for?

First and foremost, as a worshiper.

In His Presence, all the rest will fall into place.

You will fulfill your purpose when the One who called you speaks the way.

Tuning in to the right frequency is required.&n The closer you come, the clearer the reception.

We were not called primarily to action, but His Presence.



A character in a book I am currently reading used the word ‘belovered’ by accident when trying to describe how God loves us.

I like it!

So being me, I decided to break it down and see what the pieces contribute to the whole 🙂

Be– God loves us with an astounding love, because of who we are. We can BE ourselves BEfore Him, He who never changes.

Love– outpouring care and adoration towards its targeted recipient- whether they accept it or not.  God so loved the world He gave His very own Son, to help us make our way back to His great love for us.  Love like His never fails, never runs dry and never gives up on those they love. Never ending LOVE.

Red– Red has been the universal colour of love for centuries. (Just think Valentines Day.) His blood poured out on the cross in a fantastical display of love for all to see. Instead of seeing RED of the anger He is entitled to over our wrongdoings, He chose to offer His love on the cross to demonstrate His extreme love.
Red represents all in love. Given to His last drop.

Lover– God just doesn’t like us as a parent loves their children. God loves us with all the passionate desire of a lover longing for the one they adore. That’s right: God adores us.  He longs to embrace His bride, which we are all a part of when we are His children. It is a mystery beyond our full comprehension this side of heaven.

Beloved: As His Bride, He will never stop pursing us. Never stop loving us. Longs to spend time with us. Hear our voice. Look into our eyes. How we long to be with the ones we love is a faded recollection of His longing for us.

Belovered– when we rest in His love (Be) we will walk as His beloved.  Loved beyond measure.

Are you ready to be loved like that?

Take His love letter out for a spin. 

Let His love flow over and into you.




By the Lover of your soul.

I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love & more love!

~God; Jeremiah 31:3 MSG

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

~God; Jeremiah 31:3 NIV



Everybody should have a Hoho.

Not the snack cake variation, but the kind that comes in the mail.

What is a Hoho?
Their creator, Crystal from says it best:

And here is the picture of my Hoho, whom I have named Foxy…

Isn’t she cute?

I have struggled off & on for years with how I look… mainly because I have listened to too many peoples’ versions of what they think beauty is.

I don’t think I have ever felt beautiful. I don’t think I am the homeliest of the bunch, but I am no supermodel.

I can tell you, partly due to the ministry & work of Crystal, that I have been able to accept my uniqueness, my You-ness (which is pronounced Eunice). I was looking at these hohos she makes, and felt the whisper that I too was unique and lovely in my own right. I don’t have to be perfect. And I am lovely in my uniqueness.

There is only ever going to be one Hoho of a kind. No two are exactly identical, as the variations in design & size are endless.

The same is true with us.

God made each of us as unique creations. On purpose. By design.
And says “It is good.”

I bought my funky hoho to daily remind me that I am beYOUtiful.

I am the most beautiful when I am being myself.
Coco Chanel, famous fashionista, stated

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

God is pleased when we accept ourselves as His unique craftsmanship. Wanted, planned, designed.

The pleasure Crystal must have when she hears how God is blessing the children (& a few adults, I am sure!) with the comfort & reminder of their cute cuddly hohos.

Accepting we are beautiful by being ourselves is a priceless concept sewn alongside every stitch of these hohos.

If you need a reminder of how God sees you, the Bible has many verses on how much God loves & cares for us, and considers us treasures.

A very visual person, my Foxy Hoho will be reminding me of many such verses daily.

Thank you, Crystal for your hoho ministry, & exceptional craftsmanship!

PS. I will be HOlding onto the truth of who I am in Christ, and asking Him to HOld onto me.

Hoho, get it?! 🙂

A line…

We spend a great deal of time in a line.


Image from:

At the grocery store, bank, registration, movie theater or fast food place… like sheep, we automatically join the cue and wait our turn.

In Old Testament days, this even happened in the temple: lining up to enter, especially on holy days.
Lining up to buy your offering.
Lining up for your turn to offer your offering.
And if you were a priest, you lined up to receive the offering, burn the offering, or receive your assigned portion of the offering.

God’s presence resided in the Holy of Holies, and was only approached once a year by special choosing. 

But God wanted more.

And then there was a line written in the sands of time for all to see, spelling out the Name above All Names, Jesus.

The Word became human, and walked among us.

God with us.


And turned traditional lines on their heads.

People didn’t just line up to see Jesus, like well behaved sheep.
but flocked, sometimes to the point where Jesus was overwhelmed with compassion for the crowds. (Matthew 9:39, Mark 6:34, Matthew 14:14) They could sense He loved His life in a way they had never imagined possible.

With the Living Word came a new way to live.


Align ourselves with His Kingdom.
Follow His ways, His leading.
Love with His heart.
Offer His hope.
All in.

When we accept Jesus for who He is, Holy Spirit moves in and takes up permanence residence inside of us. The Presence of God moves into the temple again.

When we try to do things in our own strength, drawn back into the old way of living mindset, or in sheep talk, baaaaaaaaad ways 🙂 we need to realign ourselves with God:

Come back into His Presence, and worship Him.

Lay our burdens down at His feet.

Speak out our wrongdoings, and ask Him to cleanse us again.

Invite Him to speak to us anew, and ask Him to teach us to hear His voice loudly, over the other voices vying for our attention.

Tired of lining up?

I am.

Jesus erased the barriers in worship keeping us from God directly.

You can go to Him at any time now.

No lining up, just aligning required.

Aligning with the God of everything will change your life, both here on earth and eternity to come.

It will be costly, aligning yourself up to a Holy God, for you will see how much you don’t line up.

His grace, mercy, and love will be waiting to minister to you through the process.

Align to His design.

The rewards will be so worth it.

For eternity.

when is more enough?

Why do we always want more?
To do more?
Be more?
Acquire more?

When does NOT desiring more,
being content with:
who we are
what we do
what we have
become enough?

My husband is brilliant in his chosen field. He cares for each client in such a way that years later, these clients or their family members eagerly greet him to tell him how much his  compassionate care meant to them in their hard times.

My husband is a registered nurse, who works in the community in clients’ homes. He sees all sorts of conditions, from minor surgeries to cancer to palliative end of life situations.

He truly is amazing at what he does, and not just because he is my husband.

He reminds me each day that where he is working is where he is meant to be, not with his words or pay cheque, but with the compliments and thanks he is always somehow surprised by.

When you are exactly where God wants you, using the gifts He has given you to the best of your ability to bless others, you have more than enough.

For many years, being in a field primarily female based, my hubby has struggled with maybe he should have become a doctor/nurse practitioner- become more than he is.

How he is is pretty amazing, right where he is at.

We all need to be reminded
that who we are,
when we walk in what we were made for,
is more than enough.

I truly believe God blesses those who use their gifts & talents wisely with more:

More of His presence.
More of His strength.
More growth.
More of Him.

This is a lesson we see many people excelling or failing at in the Bible:

Abraham’s firstborn from Hagar, Ishmael, was the result of Abraham taking his eyes off of God’s promise to come, Isaac.
The brothers have been at war ever since, because the firstborn does not know God is enough, he has the desire for more yearning within without knowing where to find it.

Noah placed his trust in God, and his family saw first hand how God was more than enough in their rescue.

David let his eyes stray where they shouldn’t have, and ended up causing a death to cover his sin. David knew God to be more than enough when he was on the run, but lost sight of it momentarily.  His firstborn from Bathsheba did not survive.

Solomon, son of David & Bathsheba, had more wives and concubines, riches and power than almost any other king on earth… and at the end of Ecclesiastes realized that life without God want worth anything.

Jesus demonstrated God to be enough to help Him every step of the way…and changed the world as a result.

Paul encountered God so powerfully, He intimately knew God to be enough no matter the circumstance.

Mother Theresa walked this out as well caring for the unloved orphans.

Many many authors have been learning this first hand…Max Lucado, Ann Voskamp to name a few.

When we become content with what we have, somehow God makes it more than enough for us.

When we accept who we are, somehow our offering, our walking out our calling and using our gifts becomes more than enough for God to use.

God’s More Than Enough
is more than enough
for me.
