

A fresh unblemished year ahead. only a few hours old.

I don’t know about you, but I was so ready for a new year to begin. After tackling many fears last year, I am just beginning to see the blessings which are starting to unfurl as a result.

For several years now. my word for the year has been hope

Over the past few months, God has been taking me past hope and stirring up expectation.

Belief in more to come than I can imagine.

Belief in a God beyond the limitations I have placed upon Him.

And although that would be a great word, belief is not my choice for #oneword2016.

But I have outgrown hope alone for my word for this coming year.

My awe at what He has been doing in and through and around me over these weeks was the clue.


Wonder as I recall where He found me.

Wonder at how far He has brought me in the past.

Wonder He is with me here and now!

Wonder for what He has for me yet to come.

Wonder seen in nature as it reflects its Creator, the God of Wonders.

Wonder as He reveals more of who He is and the promises He has in store for me, for us, through His Word.

Wonder at where I see Him moving in the world…for He, like Aslan, is on the move!

Join me as I put on my new wonder-filtered glasses to take in all 2016 has to show me about the wonderous God I love and follow!

