timeless living

Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one. 

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (ESV)

Stand in line at the checkout, and the intimate details of people’s lives are exposed for all to see. In this know-all world, it is refreshing to read today’s verse where God is calling us to live the opposite of what we see about us.

When I first read this scripture, I thought it was referring that we should keep to ourselves, like a hermit or a lone wolf. Upon rereading it, I spotted through His eyes that it is a reminder on how we are to be of the world and yet not in it.  

We are to be His hands and feet to those in need, yet we don’t need to know all about one another, like the tabloid at the checkout stand would suggest.  

We are to instead follow His lead to live quietly but with purpose.

We are to be dependent upon Him alone as His children, not the world and its systems.

We are to use our hands to further His call in our lives, to bless one another as we depend upon Him for everything. This dependence will attract those who don’t yet know Him, who are seeking their true Home, and looking for rest. His ways have stood the test of time and will continue to do so forever!

Pause and Apply: Evaluate where we are getting our directions. Are we first sitting at His feet and listening for His voice? He has wisdom for your life and direction for your decisions.

PrayerHelp me quiet myself to hear You over those clamouring for my attention. I desire to see Your timeless plans instead of the world’s limiting standards.

This post first appeared yesterday over at remadecommunity.org 🙂


He hears…

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18


You let someone down, failed to meet that deadline, were passed over for the position or promotion, lost your one person whose love made your heart soar.

What crushes one heart may vastly vary from another, but we each can be crushed when the weight of loss or our choices come crashing down upon us.

And when we are crushed, we can forget we are not alone there.

No one else on earth may fully comprehend what you are going through. No two of us are exactly identical through and through, as we have each been made unique.

We might resemble another on the outside, yet our experiences, emotions and energies can set us apart in an instant.

There is One who hears what we may not be able to form into words in the moment our spirits are crushed.

For He doesn’t need our spoken words to know what’s on our hearts.

God can hear your heartsong whether you speak it out or keep it unspoken.

He hears your cry as you emit your brokenness, in the very moment your spirit screams in pain.

For crushing is painful.

But nothing is lost in His plans or purposes for us. Not even our crushing.

God knows the plans He has for us, and they are good. For our good, from our good, good Father, who has our best in mind.

He knew the crushing would come, so He knows how to comfort and restore us once it has.

If like me, you feel crushed today, may you hear the truth of His promises to you:

He is always with you.

He not only loves you but adores you.

He knows everything about you, as only a Maker can.

He sees all that happens to you, and cares so much about your pain that He keeps eveything tear you cry.

He hears all, spoken and unspoken, and is always listening for you. He loves to hear from you.

God will never stop coming to your rescue. He may have eternally saved us once and for all, but the Word is filled with His love in action as He continually comes for those He loves. To protect, to heal, to rebuild, to make new, to give hope, to guide.

Today, draw near to Him just as you are. Crushed, broken, needy, unlovely, worried, anxious or fearful.

He promises to meet us where we are, and never leave us there alone.

Our spirits may be crushed in the now, but I keep pressing forward into His embrace.

For I know the only way I was meant to fly is when He lifts me up and breathe new life into this form once again.


This post was shared at “A Grateful Heart” link up today: http://embergrey.com/epic-weekends/ #agratefulheart

move on or love up on – the crossroads we all face

We each face a crossroads when confronted with a situation, person or comment which is unexpected, uncalled for or unwanted.

We can choose to ask God what to do, or take matters into our own hands.

There are times when God does call us to turn the other cheek, forgive and move on.

There are others where He calls you to move in and love up on the offender.

Both responses bring a shift of atmosphere into the situation, if we follow as He leads.

Matthew 7:7 reminds us:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

When faced with a crossroads, are you asking for His wisdom and discernment?

God reminds us He gives wisdom to those who ask for it. He will guide us if we choose to follow.

How we choose to respond is based upon how whom we choose to listen to.

If you are seeking <peace in a tumultuous situation, your Abba will give it to you if you keep seeking him first.

If you are asking for clarification Holy Spirit will prompt you if you ask.

If you are knocking on the door of heaven to know how He would like you to bring heaven down, Jesus will answer.

Our part is to choose to follow, which begins with the choice to
actively wait,
accutely listen, and
attentively obey.


hearing what isn’t being said


The emotions are the distraction. Take a moment to hear what is not being said and proceed from there. -Melaniece Lovejoy

When our emotions are on high alert, we can tend to get distracted as we listen, or think we are hearing things which aren’t actually being said.

At times, we may seem like we have temporary amnesia.

We don’t hear or see what is really being said, but instead get caught up in the whirlwind inside our hearts & heads.

God reminds us so many times not be afraid, and how much He loves and cares for us because we tend to forget the truth when we are stressed out, burned out, weary or just plan down and out.

How long may be the predominant tune playing in your mind, woe is me is echoing within your heart, or your senses may be resonating with anger.

Help me remember You love me when my thoughts deceive my fragile heart. I know that You’re for me even when my worlds fallin’ apart.

God never stops trying to get past our blockages to meet us where we need Him most, deep within….where our thoughts are swirling, our heart is beating wildly and our body is more tense than a tightrope.

Do not fear– 415 times He reminds us of that truth in His Word. Love is mentioned 668 times in the NIV version of the bible. Specifically God’s love &  His care for us is expsed several times.

Because He knew we would need a tangible way to be reminded of His love and care which we could grasp beyond our feelings.

So on those days where I temporarily lose sight of the truth that we the Beloved all have in Him?

I open His Word, and let His truth speak as it soaks into my spirit, beyond my frazzled emotion, battered heart and weariness along the journey.

Its time to wake up.

Its time to say no to falling into the enemy pit of temporary amnesia.

Its time to choose to fix our whole being upon the truth of who He is, and the truth of who we are in Him.

No more reacting based solely upon our emotions.

The choice is ours to lay what we feel and think in the natural down at His feet, and invite Him to show us how He feels and guide us to respond in the supernatural.

With You there is no worry, yeah, You plan my life from the start. So what do I do? I choose You.

Lyrics in italics from Group 1 Crew’s song, Wake Me Up (Amnesia)

stop. watch. listen.

There is a way worth searching after
There is a life worth dying for
There is a hope found in the seeking
There is a truth you’ve never seen before….
Stop, watch and listen
To the Word, to the Truth

-Kim Hill

It’s really hard to not stay in motion for me at times.

I can easily get into the get it done zone, and forget to listen for His prompting & Words along the way.

I am learning my answers are not found in my reactions, but in my delay.

Say what, girl?

When I stop to watch what is really going on, and listen for His direction as I do?  It’s amazing how I am able to see that what is going on almost always doesn’t have anything to directly do with me.

Co-worker cranky?
Kids don’t want to talk?
Spouse sulky?

When we don’t take the time we all need to:

STOP & lay our burdens down before Him

WATCH with the viewpoint of Wisdom, not our own

& LISTEN for His direction & prompts

all of us can carry things we were never designed to carry long term.

I am trying to catch myself before heading straight into tense or drama filled situations, and ask Him to show me what I need to see, wait for His leading, and listen for His words – either for me alone, or to share with the other(s) is the situation.

One day, I had a coworker speak to me in a way I don’t usually take without getting defensive. However because there were others about us, and it was quite busy, I didn’t rise to the occasion & lose my cool setting them straight. God whispered to me, “I got this, let it go.” I obeyed. The situation immediately diffused because I didn’t plug into the drama, and listened to what God wanted for me to do.

You see, God was able to act through me when I delayed my reaction.

Reacting adds fuel to the fire of offense, a stopwatchlisten delay quenches the urge for the immediate response, and makes room for Him to act.

When we get out of our own way, He can more easily lead us along His ways.

I am by no means an expert at this, but I am less reactive in the press for an immediate answer. As I stop, watch what He is doing. and listen for the part I am to take moving forward, I become more peaceful & purposeful.

Holy Spirit is the key to this process.

Without Him, we could find ourselves doing irreparable damage to one another, over and over and over again.

I have realized that when I stop & invite Him into each and every situation, many times there have been spiritual reasons behind the incidents.

When we allow Him to stop us on our tracks, we can see what is really going on, and align ourselves with Him.

His timing is always perfect, and well worth our wait.

A couple of times recently, a person with a reactive tongue has tried to push my buttons big time.
And been disappointed when I refused to join in.

Beloved, you are never too old or have gone too far for Him not to teach you how to follow His lead in a deeper way.

It takes practice & faith, and three words of passive action to help you do so:


day off

Today I have chosen to spend on family & friends.

I have feeling the need to unplug a bit more, and I am heeding the call for
more rest, less stress
more listening, less speaking
more peace, less anger
more love, less lonely
as the season begins to turn
& ‘normal’ begins its fall change.

May you too answer the call for taking time just to be, and to be loved.

Don’t worry, will be back tomorrow with a new Sunday Psalm 😉


after the noise


Noise comes in many voices.

When we don’t turn down the voices we are not needing to prioritize, we can miss out on hearing His voice.

The One voice we are most needing to hear.

Pain may be using a megaphone, your kids may be clambering for your attention, or you can’t take the wait so you keep the TV or radio on to drown out the silence.
Or it could be the list of everything you have to do, or what ifs which are speaking loudest in your mind.

Through it all, God waits.

He waits for our attention, after doing all He can to capture ours.

Today has been a weird day for me.  I have been trying not to multi task, and have been able to hear the difference voices competing for my attention.

I want my attention to always be for Him.  Not in the way a child may learn to do something wrong in order to get any attention. I  want to give Him my all.

All my attention, all my affection.

May we all learn to tune out all the loud voices so we can hear His precious whispers when He speaks to us.

talk to me

There are many voices we listen to, but one that can do the most damage if we give it free rein.

And it may be impacted by the enemy, but it isn’t him.

It’s my, your inner voice. 

Our self talk can block us from hearing God’s voice, keeping our minds so humming we are left desperate for peace & rest.

Yesterday was not a good day for me.

I have a tendency to ‘what if’ when it comes to being told ‘let’s meet’ without any details.

That feeling like you are being called into the principal’s office to get reamed.

Which is funny for me to feel, because that never happened to me.

Part of it is feeling off balance with not knowing what is coming but having been given just enough notice to set my mind on the hamster wheel, and part is my insecurity.

I don’t think I deserve blessings, so I auto think worst case scenario.

And that isn’t healthy for me, my mind or my relationships, especially with God.

As I said yesterday was a mental fight to regain my peace.  So when the worst case scenarios started running through my head, I simply but strategically prayed for God to give me peace in the wait, give me wisdom and to prepare me for whatever might come up. 

Coz really, if its my time to leave a job, freaking out about it doesn’t help me change the reality or cope well.

So I made sure I ate well, did some stretches to keep myself loose, and kept on working, trying to not allow my mind to wander but stay on task. I tried to actively listen for His voice, and let go of the fear of the unknown as I did.

Wisdom is found in knowing we need help, and asking for it in from the best source possible.

Prayer was the best thing I could do at that time, in that busy office.

At home, putting on praise & worship music and diving into the Word helps me calm my mind, and face my fears, knowing God is with me.

I don’t have to let the ‘what its’ have any long term air time. Keeping them as brief commercials means I don’t need to fear them, I can choose to change the channel from Woe is me or fright night to Rest in Him.

At any time,
in every situation,
call out to Him
for what you need.
Whether rescue, rest,
restoration or wisdom,
we will find purpose,
peace in His Presence.
Let the fear go,
let Him go before you.
The wise ones seek the Source of all Wisdom daily!


love the one you’re with- 3 ways to show it this Valentine’s Day

Love is a choice.

You may have heard that before, but this Valentine’s, may it sink in deep.

We show this love by how we care for those around us.

By choosing to love them, our love can be seen like an outer garment.

We choose to love.

How we express that love should be up to three key factors:

1. Listen:
Keep an ear out for how the person says they want to be loved, which is usually their primary Love Language.

My hubby is Physical Touch, so a long hug, hand hold or kiss he interprets as how much I love him. If we spend too long apart, those small touches remind him he is loved.

My daughter is Show Me. A spontaneous gift, a thoughtful card, going out of our way to drop her off or pick her up from school…those speak volumes too her of how much she is loved.

My son is Quality Time. Spending one on one, whether chatting, reading together, gaming or watching a comedy or action dvd reassures his heart that he is loved.

Mine is Words, or Tell Me you love me. I text, call or email loved ones regularly as a way of reminding them how much they mean to me. Hearing I was on someone’s heart or mind & they tell me about it makes my day!

(PS. Not sure what your love language is? Take the free test at:
Discover Your Love Language , it is so worth doing…for all your relationships.

2. Look:
How we see them show love usually reveals how someone wants to be loved.

It is likely no surprise that a writer & singer would love to hear loving, kind & encouraging words. Take the time to observe your loved ones as they express care & love to those around them. They will give you the best clue you need by how they show their love.

3. Get Equipped:
Learn how God says we are to love up on one another:

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

This is a huge list to try & do on our own. Trying to love in our own strength leaves us exhausted and empty.

Feeling stressed about how to love like the list in 1 Corinthians 13?

The good news is God helps us to love others when we come to Him to be loved…

The overflow of His love through us is more than enough to express our love to others.

This Valentine’s, let your loved ones know how much you choose to love and treasure them.

Your loved ones doesn’t need our freaking out about what you should get them by the world’s standards.

Bigger doesn’t mean better if your wife hates the roses you get her every year, coz you think that’s how you need to show her extravagant love & that she is special on Valentines… if she really loved daisies (true story!)

If you can only afford:
a small well chosen token…
genuine affection & love poured into a card…
a shared moment over coffee…
a dance to your wedding song…
a poem about love you printed off the internet and put in a dollar store frame…
then be yourself and express your love however you can. The best Valentine’s I ever got were hand written cards from my loved ones, as they showed how much they loved me by loving me back as I love to be loved!

Its not about the monetary price, but the choice you make to invest your love into another’s heart.

Love is priceless, and will live on beyond beauty, objects and time.

Choose to love from the best Source of love there is, its Inventor & #1 Lover of us all!

Love is always worth the investment when you choose to love the ones He loves, revealing His heart as you do.

His love never fails,
never gives up,
never runs out on us.

That’s the love I want my loved ones to know I have as my source of love, and that i will model for them.

Love wants the best.

Loving your beloveds as they long to be loved is the best gift you can give, every day!

its time to be still

I was anything but still today.
What I got done today leaves me tired just thinking about it.

And as usual, a few unexpected raised their heads and tried to unravel the day.

My first reaction was to get ticked off. (Honesty before eloquence!)

My second was to confirm a correct response (as sometimes these are needed) with someone who knows about the situation.

My third was to cry out to God.

And once again, in my busyness I bungled up the order of how to deal with the unexpected.

Go to God first.
Let it all out.
Do only if He leads you to.
If you don’t get clarification, that means to wait some more.
Repeat if necessary.

These past several days I am feeling more tired than normal. I am not sensing anything serious, just a need for some more self care and time off.

After getting home from my 12 hour work day, I sat on my comfy couch and popped onto Twitter to connect with a few feeds I am always blessed by reading.

Within five minutes, the following two verses and one quote had all grabbed hold of my heart.

I am listening, God.

My New What to Do When I Don’t Know What to Do List:

Bring it all to God:

Cast all your cares on Him, for He adores you. 1 Peter 5:7


God is always with us. He will never leave us. He’s always present in the place of need, the place of pain to provide comfort and hope. @jeremycamp tweet, Jan 12/2015 3:05pm

and because:


In the middle of my longest work day, I needed to remember its okay to be be still.
To wait.
To catch my breath.
To listen.
To expect He is with me.
To recall how He loves me.
To claim the promise He has the best yet to come for me.
To let God battle for me where I am meant to let Him.
To remember tomorrow is a fresh slate ready for me to follow the right path when I don’t know what to do.

For tonight, I go to bed now knowing:

I slipped up.
I confessed.
He restores.
He adores.
His grace & mercy He pours
onto these uplifted hands.
