when no is the final answer

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Matthew 5:37 NIV

When the phone rings, the letter or the email arrives, a person inquires and a request is involved, God gives us two options of response.

Notice pray about it isn’t one of them in the verse above.  In the context of the paragraph this verse comes from in Matthew 5, oaths are being discussed.

We are not to make oaths or swear on the life of a family member.  We are to let our yes’ be yes, and no’s be no.  We are to keep the words that come out of our mouth as  promises.

Other than making a few key ones into covenants, God deals with us in promises.

He will be with us.
He is with us.
He loves us.
He is for us.
We are His.

These are just a tip of the promises God reveals His character and heart through to us.

God’s Yes and No are set once they are spoken. He doesn’t say what He doesn’t mean.

Our responses are to be the same.

Over the past few weeks, I covered a few extra shifts at one job, and gave 2 months notice to my other one of my shift changes (I set my own hours at this one) as a result.  Once I committed to working those set shifts, my promise was given.

Unless there is a medical or major emergency beyond my control, I try to keep my yesses.

I also have been learning that if I have to ask God about it, it is likely a no. 

If I don’t know whether it fits with my gifts, talents, time or family life- its a no. 

If it is a major request such as sponsoring, if the budget can’t stretch, its a no. 

If it isn’t something I am passionate about, or directly helping someone in need, its a no. 
If its a one off, then I will know immediately if it sits right with me, especially if its relationship building. If not, you guessed it- no.

If it is going to become all about me if I step into it, its a no.

I am not called to be anyone else but me.

Just because someone thinks it might be something I should do, doesn’t mean it is.

By now, I have a pretty good grasp of who I am, flaws & all, and saying no has been an issue in the past when I was more insecure.

I realize now that stepping out when I wasn’t to be was a huge contributing factor for insecurity sneaking its way in.

Stepping out where we are meant to trod, we know the yes that lead us there was meant to be.

There are many things we are all capable of doing.

Then there are the gifts that inspire the happy place within to burst forth and passionately spread as we use it, let it grow and deepen.

There will always be requests to answer.

Yes or No.

Maybe, let me think about it, and I will get back to you are not part of Matthew 5:37.

Simple, yet complex at the same time if you don’t know yourself very well.

If the asker won’t like you for saying no, that is their problem.

God blesses us when we walk where He is guiding us. Don’t add undue stress by veering off the path trying to impress, or by mollycoddling someone’s feelings.

Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.

The enemy already has enough options to try and attack us on.  Don’t give up any unnecessary ground because you are more concerned about another’s feelings than God’s plan for you.

And my last comment?
Don’t apologize, simply say no.

You don’t need to explain.
They shouldn’t push you for one.

Your boundaries should be in place to have the confidence enough to answer yes or no, and end of discussion.

Do you ever have a problem saying no?  Can you relate?

There is a freedom found in saying yes to the best and no to the rest.


As you press close to His Presence, may God help you know who you are, and how He is calling you to fulfill your purpose. 

All i need is You

Left my fear by the side of the road
Hear You speak
Won’t let go
Fall to my knees as I lift my hands to pray

Got every reason to be here again
Father’s love that draws me in
And all my eyes wanna see is a glimpse of You

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord, Is You Lord

One more day and it’s not the same
Your Spirit calls my heart to sing
Drawn to the voice of my Saviour once again
Where would my soul be without Your Son
Gave His life to save the earth
Rest in the thought that You’re watching over me

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord, Is You Lord

All I Need is You, Hillsongs United

I discovered fear at the side of the road.

On my way home from the hospital after having my tonsils out, I slipped under the shoulder seat belt and out onto the gravel side of the road….

And fear has tried to be my constant companion since.

The time I misplaced my parents in Toronto at a Tall Ships event.

The time someone attempted to pull me via my backpack from the subway doors onto an empty platform.

The day my husband lost his job.

When I started bleeding while pregnant with my second child.

Fear can rise up to try and grab ahold of us whenever we value what it threatens.

And the only thing that gets rid of fear?

God’s presence.

Not only do I feel healthier and become whole in His Presence, but my fear is revealed to be a lure of the enemy to snag me from where God wants me- close to Him.

Jesus just had to come close by a few people in the bible who were under the enemy’s influence, and they cried out in fear, because
His Presence is
and THE Authority in all of heaven and over all the earth.

The demons tremble in fear when God draws near.
Even from a mere glimpse.
For they know His true power.

When we draw closer to Him, the more His light shines on the areas the enemy is trying to keep us in the dark with.

No self help book can do the same for your spirit, soul and body as when the God of the universe speaks your name, and sets you free.

All I need is You, Lord.
All I need is You, Lord…

May we all draw closer to God,
And kick fear to the side of the road
once and for all.

For I know who is watching over me.
And He is all I need, always.
