community: family by choice


I am very blessed in community.

I know several people who feel like they are all alone in their circumstances or situations, and the reality is: often it’s due to your choices.

We don’t always reach out to show our need nor vulnerability when we can, so we essentially build a wall to block out connection when everything within us may be craving it.

Connection begins with a choice to be vulnerable, and let someone in.

Community happens when hearts are knit together through regular connection.

Family occurs when God blesses community with a love which can only come through weathering the storms arm in arm, knowing your family has your back and won’t leave you on your own.

Jesus modeled this well while He walked among us.

He carried an atmosphere of invitation to those who were outcast and lonely in society, and they came.

The disciples are a perfect example of choosing to connect, seeing what someone is capable of beyond their current situation, becoming community through shared living, and becoming family by choice.

God deliberately chooses to connect with each of us.  He wants us to live in close community with Him, Abba Jesus Holy Spirit.  He wants you to walk knowing you are already in His forever family, even if we aren’t physically there yet.

God didn’t choose those we would automatically assume would be on the inside.

For His community is family by His choice.

●Cain, marked with His divine protection despite his crime.

●Jacob, wrestling with God after stealing his brother’s birthright.

●Saul, more concerned with following his fears than God’s leading.

●David, lacking strong self control over his attraction to women.

●Solomon, who tried everything under the sun to come to the realization that without God, all is futile.

●Paul, murderer of the faithful.

●Moses, the stutterer.

And just so we keep it real, there were also women He chose to include in His community which make us sit up and pay attention:

○Sarai, who laughed off the Promise to come.

○Hagar, who took off when things got tough.

○Pilate’s Roman wife, who had dreams of the Jewish Messiah.

○Elizabeth, barren for so long she must have given up hope of a child, chosen to bear the forerunner to the Messiah. (And her priest husband ●Zachariah, struck dumb when he doubted the angel delivering God’s Good News, in the Holy of Holies!)

○Tamar, who tricked her father-in-law to do the right thing but broke the law to do so.

○The Samaritan woman at the well, with her colourful history, spreading the word about living water.

All of these people are and were part of His story through the family He chose to create.

And we are included.

We have the opportunity to build community and family wherever we are,  for we carry God with us.

The Father who is just waiting for us to come near and join the family.

The Son who is just waiting to connect with us and not only show us who we truly are but help us become whole.

The Holy Spirit who draws us into community, helping us to see beyond our natural sight the Kingdom He is shaping about us.

Community is family by choice.

It has always been God’s choice to choose you.

It is your choice to accept the invitation of life long family and beyond which He has always offered, or stand alone on your own two feet.

Only you can make the decision to move into connection, to stay isolated in your current situation.

Community is family by choice.

runaway, run the way Home

I have had a tendency to run away from home way too often.

And God always keeps an eye out from His porch, waiting for me to return.

There are times I run because I don’t get what God has planned, and so I fill up at His table only when I hit exhaustion, and can’t run any further.

Other times I strike out on my own to try to maintain control over my life, before heading Home with my tail between my legs, humbled by the startling reality I faced – which reminded me again only He is in control.

Then there are the times when I am sick and tired of waiting for an answer, and I take off to lick my wounds & try to hide away on my own, even though I know that is the wrong place to be.

All the while, my spirit longs for Home.

My body longs for deep rest.

My mind longs for peace.

My emotions long to be still.

My heart? It yearns for Your love.


I have been keeping how I have been feeling about this current fall bottled deep within.

I hadn’t yet cried until yesterday afternoon.

Why? Because I have been trying to be brave in a situation where I have been praying for God’s justice, and discovered He may prefer for me to offer mercy & grace.

I was hoping to be made whole from someone other than Him.

Someone i respect pointed out that out, as well as that I need to be more aware of what’s going on around me, which hurt.

Because I have been trying to hold it all in, and barely managing with getting all my ‘have-tos’ completed as best I can.

Honestly, I felt slapped in the face with what was not intended to be received that way, but hit me hard through its delivery. It left me reeling for a few hours.

But family speaks truth even when it may hurt.

You see I normally try to be sensitive to the needs of those around me, for the most part. I realize I can’t always do that to the best of my ability at times, but God still wants me to listen for His cues and follow them. Whether it be an act of kindness, encouraging word or offering to help.

In trying to do more than I should be more quickly than I ought to, my sensitivity chip isn’t tuning in, as I struggle to keep it all together.

I had a few friends over for tea last night to catch up. All of us hit a rough patch of various degrees over the past two weeks. We heard one another out, hugged each other, offered comfort where we could, and are praying for each other. That was the other aspect of family I had been missing out on too.

After they left, I still had an ache I couldn’t wrap my thoughts around as I headed for bed. Heavy hearted and drained.

This morning, I awoke to hear God whisper: “I am enough for you. Come rest in me.”

With a jolt, I realized i had been living on my own again, this time without understanding I had even done so.

I am packing my bag for a permanent move Home.

No more flings with independence. No more long runs with futility.
No more sleepovers with sulking.

I am so thankful He is always with us, even when we can’t sense Him, for we are His, I am His beloved.

He will always welcome us home, and help us wash the laundry from the road we took to get back where we belong.

God’s beloved;
God’s permanent residence.
Encircled by God all day long,
within whom God is at home.

Deuteronomy 33:12 MSG


lonely, so lonely

After losing this piece twice by trying to directly post it to Facebook, I have decided to press through and post it as my blog post for today.

It relates to the Christmas story, so I am going to run with it 🙂

I bet Mary & Joseph felt very lonely in their separate situations before getting married.

Its not every day you see an angel who gives you remarkable news.

Notice the angel didn’t appear to both of them together about the coming of Jesus, but individually.

They weren’t alone, for God was with them through it all, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t feel lonely along the way.

I have decided to go public about my previously private struggle with loneliness.

This week, I have realized I also struggle with SAD.  This is the third winter I have felt blue, which doesn’t help my lonely feelings other than to amp them up.

There, i said it.

This morning, I felt like a freight truck of obvious collided with me as I read the article I have linked below:

I can relate to entering a full room and feeling alone.  Set aside, like I don’t belong.

Then I hear the whispers of truth combat the lies the enemy has planted, like land mines waiting for the right pressure to ignite.

I am wanted.

I am set apart, not set aside.

I have been lovingly handcrafted with care.

I am irreplaceable, unique, one of a kind.

There will never be another me.

I have a purpose that only I can fulfill.

God is with me.
24/7, I am in his gaze and on His heart.

Loneliness is an emotion, more like a side effect that may come with a job, or particular situation.

Purpose is a fact. Recorded for you to be able to revisit as needed.

How can we tell which of the people we know or meet are struggling with loneliness, feeling unwanted?

We can’t always tell. Many of us hide our struggle away, because we fear the rejection that could come if we admit it out loud.

And we can’t always hear God say who is struggling in our hustle and bustle, because  the reality is we aren’t always listening at the right moment.

There are three key things you can do with everyone you meet which can help, and make you appear approachable:

1. Make eye contact.
2. Smile.
3. Share a kind word, encourage them if you can.

Spending time in the Word helps steady me, as does getting enough rest, and regular time with my support team.

Spending time in the world can heighten my struggle, so I try to limit how much I do in a day, to try and maintain my perspective, especially in the winter.

Christmas can be a time of heightened emotions. The extra weight of expectation can weigh heavily upon us as we try to get more done in the same amount of time, preparing for the holidays.

If you struggle with loneliness or being unwanted, this can make you question why. Why bother?

The Christmas story gives a beautiful example of why God can down to be with us.

Its actually the highlight of the story to me, because it meets me exactly where I am at.

When the angels invited the shepherds to the birth of their King.

Did you know shepherding is one of the loneliest and lowliest jobs of the day?  Shepherds were the outcasts, pretty much one step above lepers. They were sent out to live with their flocks, a lonely job, especially if there was only enough flock for one.

God purposefully invited the lowliest to sit at the feet of the Mightiest, and worship Him.

Not only that, but their invitation was mind-blowingly amazingly special. A whole choir of angels singing His praises, and the invitation to join them in welcoming their King.


We have all been invited.
Some times, we need to be reminded of our invitation.

Reminded of the truth:

God didn’t come for only those who have it all together.

He chose the humble to parent His son, a virgin betrothed to a carpenter, from a small town.

He shared the good news first with outcasts & outsiders before the insiders were notified.

The only fanfare in His arrival?
The spectacular display of angelic voices- seen only by the shepherds and their flocks. Yet God didn’t see that as a waste, rather a special invitation it would be hard to ignore.

Our position, our emotion, our standing- none of that can disqualify us from our invitation…

All are invited to worship the King this Christmas:
the lonely.
the hurt.
the outcast.
the broken.

May you too find hope in His Presence this Advent, and may He rekindle your joy at His arrival.

His purpose for coming to earth?
For all to feel welcome.

Come to the manger.
Come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
God with us.
His gift.
For you,
for me.
