in light of Him

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20 MSG

Some days, when I work myself into a daze, my mind wanders from the truth in the Word. 

I need to remind myself of who He really is, and what He is really capable of every day. 

The verse above reminds me how grateful i am that His Spirit is deeply and gently at work within us to help us believe, trust and step out to do what He asks of us.

God can do anything He wants, yet chooses to move through you and I! That truth is one I need to wrestle down & accept. Even though I may want to talk myself out of it, my inability to be live it doesn’t make it any less true!

I tend to push myself around, but He is direct without beating me up as He guides me to become more like Jesus.

I am so thankful His grace and patience is never ending, and that He works through us so what He wants done will happen through us. When we yield to Him, His ways come to pass!

Because He is Creator, Mighty, Holy & Awesome, and the Master Planner, He knows exactly what He has hardwired into us, how to fan it to flames and direct us to live out the purpose He has for us.

We may not know what He fully has in store for us, possibly even until we step into heaven one day.

Our part is to trust even when we don’t see the full picture, because we know the One who not only does, but created it! He will light our way as we seek Him with each step.

You have more depth than I ever could ever imagine, God. Help me to trust You when Your ways don’t appear to make sense in the middle of the situation or circumstances find myself in.

PS. This post originally has been seen at:

be kind

There are many kinds of people out there in this world.

Not all of them are kind.

You too may have brushed up against one, have one in your family, or work with one.

Sometimes they don’t know any better, because they have not been shown much kindness in their lives.

Sometimes they know they are being unkind, and they don’t care about the explosive hurt they hurl at those they come across.

What are you & I to do when someone we know, or meet, is unkind to us?

Be kind.

Hurt people do hurtful things, and hurl hurtful words.

That is their choice.

Our choice is to show them the better way. To walk in the kindness of Jesus, and be kind.

For our actions reflect our choices, not those of others when we remain in control of our emotions & decisions.

“Why should I be kind?” my daughter asked me years ago when she had been picked on at school.

I told her, “You being kind lets people know who you are. Do you want to be known as mean, or kind?”

Today, she is one of the kindness women I know. Kids flock to her because they can sense her genuine kindness and care for them. Her path has not been easy, but she has always responded with kindness to the obstacles she has faced.

Because she too knows the One who is the most kind, who helps us show kindness in the face of opposition.

The One who was so kind, He chose to take everyone’s sins on the cross, even those of His enemies.


The One who went to the cross because of His great love for us all.

The One who offers this love at all times to all people, always.

Such kindness the world had never quite experienced before the cross, not since.

We don’t end up where we were headed because of His kindness.

We were headed for the pit,
now we get to sit at His banquet!

Beloved of God.

I would say that is the beat example of kindness I could imagine. Showing love & care to all, regardless of their response.

If God could show such radical kindness to the whole world, I believe He can help us be kind to the people we come across each day….we only need ask for His help to see them as He does- those desperate for a kind & loving God.

Is it easy to be kind?
Not always.
Some times it is a sacrifice of obedience, showing kindness to someone whose words or actions cause our stomachs to roll or our teeth to clench.

But knowing Jesus, the kindest man I have ever met. The One who doesn’t hold my mistakes against me and always gives me a second Chance when I genuinely ask for one?

How could I not share the kindness He has shown me?

confetti toss


What can you do when you feel low, blah, deflated?

Fight it with one of His secret weapons.

How about if the person you are with is feeling the same way?

Throw kindness like confetti!

I am sure you are saying to yourself, “Okay now, she’s losing it!” or “Just hold on now, that sounds a little crazy!”

And it is.

But I won’t apologize for it.

When we liberally slather kindness on those around us, it seeps into the cracks around peoples hearts, soothes the blisters of their wounds, coats their soul with a warm embrace, and before they know it, it is everywhere.

Confetti is known for being found days, weeks, months later…which is why many have discarded this practice in terms of more favorable rice or doves being released to celebrate at a wedding.

I believe God is best seen when we toss kindness like confetti.

Kindness isn’t always convenient, or practical, but oh how we need more of it in our world, our lives, our hearts.

Kindness is a balm to our spirits, reminding us we are cared for.

One small kind act can have a ripple effect leading beyond our imaginations.

The teacher who tells the struggling student to keep on writing.

The parent who gets us at the crack of dawn to drive their child where they need to go.

The boss who ends the review with the best of their positive feedback.

The one who puts a buck in the outstretched hand.

Randomly giving coffee gift cards away at the mall or bus depot.

Receiving kindness like that catches our attention.

Kindness reminds us of the One who is Kind.

Our showing kindness to one another warms His heart, for we are expressing true value to one another as we do.

We are all special to Him, and He lavishly shows us this, day in and day out.

He doesn’t give us the rewards we deserve, but the best ones He has in store for us.

In need of a pick me up?

Look up for His smile.

Then pass it on.

It doesn’t matter whether the person you are being kind to knows you or not.

God knows them, and longs for them to see His loving kindness for themselves.

When we become His hands, feet, smile and helps to one another, He is being seen.

There may not be an earthly price tag attached to kindness, but there is an eternal one.

Love, and kindness, last forever.

I want to be known as one who tosses kindness like confetti at a wedding, with exuberant joy as i celebrate the kindness my God has show me.

I heard Graham Cooke say many years ago as he shared his testimony how God is the kindest person he knows.

I too have found that to be true.

His kindness tints every loving action He showers my way in the confetti swirl of His Presence!




Not a word we tend to think about apart from investing with our money.

I wouldn’t be here today without the investing that people, in God’s perfect timing, made in my life.

When I was at my lowest, love was poured into me.

God met me and pulled me out of the pit I had made of my life, reeling from what I had done in response to what had been done to me.

God got me. Accepted me as I was. Loved me as I was. Loved me for who I could become in His hands. Guided me towards help.

My life has been completely made over from His investment.

The transaction Jesus paid off to buy my freedom was an investment of love. Poured out to cover all I had done and will ever do. A love offering that keeps on loving in equal parts grace and mercy.

An investment in me, making me worthy; His.

I have had several mentors who came along side me when they saw I needed direction, and guided me as they poured into me. Helping me make wise choices, develop necessary skills, forgive as I needed, seek God’s face when at a crossroads.

Their investment of love allowed me to more fully live.

The life we live is impacted by those around us.

There will always be negative influences to block out with our shield of faith.  People who don’t like where you are headed as you follow God’s lead.

If God’s investment in me was worth His all, how can I respond with less than my all?

As a wife, mother, daughter, friend, coworker, God places people in my life for me to invest in.

To encourage, to love, to come alongside in times of need, to work together with, to share my hopes & dreams and encourage theirs.

It is in investing in love that we truly live.

Our purpose after loving God with all we are, is to love His people, all of them, with the love we have been shown.

An investing, overhauling, radical expression of love.

Love is the only thing that can change the world. 

In Jesus, it has, forever.

What better investment can we make with our lives than to follow His example.

Love the ones you are with, as He loves them.


I was inspired last week to use my words in a more unique way last week.

One of my coworkers was gearing up for a major licensing exam and a major sporting tournament this past weekend.

God laid it on my heart to social media bomb her with the following:
“You are amazing.”

I found some fun pics saying that phrase, and sent them to her regularly to show her I believed in her, and she could do it.

Everyone needs a word of encouragement sometime. And some times, yours may be the only one they get.

God is pleased when we invest in one another.

Take the time today to call, email, post or tweet your appreciation to someone who has invested in you.

The hash tags #YouAreAmazing & #youareamazingmarathon are available for you to use.

Imagine His smile if we set social media on fire with blessing and honoring one another with speaking the truth He speaks over us every day: “You are amazing, My child. You are a handcrafted unique one of a kind expression of My love. And I adore you!”

It doesn’t have to cost a lot to show your love. A batch of cookies, a card, flowers, cutting a neighbor’s lawn, a kind word…

As you invest in love, watch & see what God will do with it!

Care and compassion will always be on fashion.



Everyone needs more kindness in their lives.

Aim to deliver.

Jesus showed us how to do this, while He was with us, and which was recorded in black, white and sometimes red in our bibles.

The red reminds us of His ultimate act of kindness, dying in our place on the cross. The blood that flowed was filled with kindness.

Jesus showed His kind heart in many acts….

The man with the crippled hand He healed on the Sabbath:

Is there a person here who finding one of your lambs fallen into a ravine, wouldn’t, even though it was a sabbath, pull it out? Surely kindness to people is as legal as kindness to animals!

Matthew 12:11-12

The woman who had hemorrhaged for 12 years, likely physically exhausted, broke and desperate, who took the risk to touch Him despite all cultural barriers of the time, and was healed by touching His hem.
His public acknowledgement of her would have freed her not only by her physical healing, but restored her in the community again as now not to be shunned (unclean). That is a wonderful showing of kindness…
Matthew 9:20-22

Jesus taught, shared the Kingdom and healed everywhere He went…

When He looked out over the crowds, His heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.

Matthew 9:36

These passages are no more than a few lines each, but they reveal in minimal words the character of the God we serve.


With the new start we all have, knowing God believes in us, loves us, and daily showers us with grace & mercy…how can we not share this good news with those around us?

We can.

Be kind.

To everyone.

We don’t know what is really under the surface in each other…and how much a timely kind word can change someone’s day for the better.

You might be the only one speaking a kind word to them that day, week….

I can recall brief sentences spoken to me over the years that made a huge difference between giving up and pressing on.

Just as God’s kindness gave you a spark of hope, aim to share that same spark every chance you can.

Be kind.


Words are like salt.They can add flavour, melt ice and preserve life, when sprinkled right; or bring sickness when misused.
– Laugh Again Canada tweet

Let your conversation be always full of grace, (as if) seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
-Colossians 4:16 (NIV, brackets mine)


How salty are your words?

I am not referring to off color or ruse language here, but words that add to the conversation- well chosen, uplifting, encouraging, wise, timely spoken words.

Words that are flavoured with kindness and grace, that can thaw a hard heart.

Words that encourage life and taking steps forward, leaving what needs to be left behind.

Words that are applied, like salt, as needed and with the right touch. Not too heavy, not too light, but just right.

Words that show you actively listen, and sensitively respond in a way that make the hearer know they are valued and respected.

When was the last time you were hurt by an unkind or untimely word? It stings, like salt on an open wound, leaving deep uncomfortable and sometimes unexpected pain behind. Such a word can leave you feeling ill, and off kilter.

When was the last time you spoke that word you wished you could take back? That spoken word that brought tears, divided hearts, left a rift in need of repair?

I remember using words as a defensive weapon when I was in high school, flicking them like a fencing epee to keep others from getting too close and hurting me. It never felt right, but it became a habit I needed to break when I entered the workforce.

I still remember crying over how cruel words and labels were that have been spoken over me, and my regret from wielding mine in a hurtful way.

It takes an awful lot of the right circumstances now to get me to draw out my old failsafe pattern….too little sleep, too little self care, not speaking up often enough about things that are really upsetting me, or someone failing to respect my ‘You shall not pass’ boundary.

As a writer, singer and avid reader, I understand the impacting power of a well chosen word. The power to bless or hurt. The power to encourage or dampen. The power to share love, or hate.

The choice is yours.

We are, however, not alone in this battle. We have a Guide in Holy Spirit, who prompts us on what To say and when to speak when we ask and listen for His direction.

God knows the power of words. His Word is full of them, and His son was a living example of this in the Gospels.

Take a moment, and pause before you speak. Ask God to help you speak as if your words were salt. Words that will add just the right amount of salt to heighten the flavour of the unique ‘dish’ in front of you, without being overpowering.

Use your words with care in such a way you always seek to preserve relationship with whomever you speak with.

Let’s leave careless words in the past, and move forward with kindness, grace and respect. You may be surprised how a carefully chosen a and delivered word can change a life. It could even be yours.

kind words- health for the soul & body


Kindness is essential to our soul and body.

You can connect with God, sleep right, eat well, forgive often & love your job, and still need kindness.

We all do.

We were designed to need encouragement.
Genuine praise.
Positive input.
A well timed kind word.

More than just a pat on the back or a cliche comment, kindness demonstrates to our soul that we matter.

We all have that burning desire to be known, to matter.

And in a world where so many of us are consumed with self, our stuff and getting through the day, we forget this key fact: we ALL NEED kindness. It isn’t an optional part of the package, like paying to upgrade to automatic.

Without kindness, we wither away.

Years ago, psychologists experimented on children in orphanages. Some were given positive touch and words; others only spoken to when they had to, and touched only in necessity, never in kindness.

The kids that were given kindness developed well. The children from whom kindness was withheld, did not flourish. In fact, many died of what I suspect were broken hearts from not feeling wanted.

Withholding kindness deeply wounds.

Offering kindness can open hearts, help restore and bind up wounds. Show them a glimmer of hope. To know that someone cares.

For many people, God is the kindest person they know.

I remember hearing Graham Cooke, British author and public speaker, share how he was basically hidden away from his father’s sight, never allowed to the table at meal times or ever to receive a birthday present, let alone a kind word. Graham ended up extremely angry, confused and in trouble. God stepped in, and loved up on Him that has radically changed Graham for life. He regularly shares how God is the kindest person he knows. Because for Graham, He was.

If you are listening to too many harsh words from those around you or the enemy, you need to withdraw to clear your mind within, and begin to listen for God to speak words of love, mercy, grace and kindness towards you.

Yes, you.

And it doesn’t stop there. As His hands, feet & mouth to the world, like the prophets of old, God may use you to speak something positive, encouraging, uplifting or kind to someone you know, as He whispers what to speak through you.

The bible reminds us that:

“Kind words are like honey. Sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

-Proverbs 16:24

Offer kindness to everyone you meet.
You never know, your words can make the difference in helping someone feel they can go on for another day, because they are reminded they matter with your kind words.

For they don’t just matter to those around them, but to God.

Your kindness may be the missing piece for them to understand that God loves them.