Sunday Psalm: in the depths

In the depths
where we hide our hearts
the deep cries are made

In the heights
of Heaven
Your tears at our plight
were great

For You so loved us all
You decided to send
part of Yourself
to meet our need
with the gift of Your son
merged with our DNA

Such depth to Your love

That very same babe
free to be a Rabbi of renown
who spread Your Words of love
as He walked through our towns
speaking peace to our hearts
and life into our hidden places

No matter to You
was too large or too small
You touched each of us
with the greatest Love of all

Such depth to Your Love

Never ending
Your love will go on and on
Your heart will beat for me
Drawing me out
from where I’ve hidden away
into Your embrace
which restores each day

Such depth to Your Love!



come out

I can so relate to the scene in the movie Frozen where Anna keeps asking Elsa to come out from behind her locked door to play with her.

In fact, I cried at that scene in the movie theater. Probably not the norm for that timing in that particular movie, but it struck a chord with me.

Part of my gifting is exactly that:
encouraging people to step out of their locked rooms, cages, pasts into the freedom God has waiting for them.

And the faithfulness I have is in fact His faithfulness radiating through me, to reach those under lock down & remind them they have the key to their freedom.

Jesus is the key.

Not only figuratively, but literally.

Whomever Jesus calls free, He has set free.

Seeing it come to pass in our life requires both action, and someone who believes in us can help make all the difference.

Jesus took care of making us free, the act, and puts people in our lives to help us see the freedom He offers, and cheer us on to it.

Anna never gave up loving Elsa, even when Elsa turned her away.

Jesus never stops loving us either when we stray.

Are you hiding yourself away like Elsa? Scared to be who you sense He has made you to be, but unsure how it will look or what to do?

Hiding does nothing but tether us to the spot. Whether fear, hurt or indecision, the result is the same: we can’t move forward, we are stuck.

As with Elsa, we can spend years wasting our talents…if it weren’t for the Anna God always puts in our life to point us to God, and our freedom.

Its time to come out of hiding.
Turn the key,
open the door,
step through
let go…
of the past
of your fear
of your hurts

Come out, come out
wherever you are.

Your freedom awaits.

And because I am a little creatively wired, I am sharing a Face in the Hole image i put together to remind me that how that I have been set free to walk as He designed (Elsa) I am now to be an Anna to help others live free!
