forgive me note

Today, its time to write something fairly raw and honest.

I had to write a note and forgive someone today.

That person was me.

I still struggle with being too hard on myself. I have grace for everyone else, but me.

As I did this exercise tonight with my small group, i had a break through.

Forgiving myself is God’s plan for me, once I have sought His forgiveness. I have been blocking my own freedom by raging at myself for what God has already forgiven me for, and forgotten!

So here is my note, and the pic of what I chose to surrender to God tonight…

Dear ME,

God has given me grace, and is not holding my mistakes and wrongs against me.

So I choose to forgive me too.

If the one who has the right to judge me pardons me instead, I need to pardon myself too…
or else I don’t show Him the respect He deserves as my Saviour, or myself as His creation, the one He loves.

So, self?

Tomorrow is a new day,
just waiting for me to arise,
greet my God
and begin with a fresh start of grace.

You are forgiven, self, in Jesus’ name.



PS. You may need to forgive yourself or someone else too. I would suggest trying to write it out, draw it out or pull out the play dough and craft it out.  However you need to process it, make the time to listen for His prompting on who or what you need to forgive, and do it.

Stewing in unforgiveness doesn’t look good on us, and only hurts us by holding it in.  Shame tells us the game is over, God reminds us our life continues on & His Grace is enough.

~Mike Foster

Freedom awaits on the other side of guilt & shame.

Love breaks our call,
Grace carries us home.

~Bob Goff