grieving through Christmas

I am shockingly breaking with my theme of “Praising Hymn through Christmas Carols of the Ages” today, for I feel lead to share this with you.  May what He has stirred up in my heart touch yours as His love flows through these words. xo

Christmas became a hard season for me with the unexpected loss of my hubby’s sister a few years ago, adding to losing his father & my grandparents.

I wasn’t expecting it.

I have noticed that we talk alot about the cheer, the bright and the merry, but not about how to keep our eyes fixed on the light when we feel full of woe, heavy or weary.

I get how hard the year of firsts, seconds and thirds can be. I read somewhere the first three years after a major loss are necessary to grieve through when love has been lost.

This is the first year I have beheld the wonder of His Presence at Christmas again far outweigh the loved ones I still miss.

God gets it too. He purposefully gave up His Beloved son so we could know just how much He loves us.

Nothing that happens to you, seen and unseen, goes unnoticed by God. Your lows as much as your highs catch His heart, and turn His eyes to you.

A few strong godly men I know are facing the loss of their mothers this Christmas. Likewise, a few girlfriends are grieving the loss of their spouses who left them this year. You too may be struck with sudden unexpected loss. I get it, and I hurt along side you.

May I remind you He loves you dearly?

My prayer for you is for Him to draw close to you as only He can right in the middle of your grief.

Nothing’s wasted in His Kingdom. Ever.

There is a purpose greater than you may be able to sense right now. Lean in, trust Him to hold on tight and let Him carry you through.

He’s got you covered with His love, and will never let you go.

Each and every tear you shed in your private grief? He bottles like a precious wine.

For everything, absolutely everything, that matters to you matters to Him. Always.


image by Dayspring Cards.

don’t skip your sorrows: wisdom awaits

Don’t skip over your sorrow, there is wisdom it wants to teach you.

-Dr. Henry Cloud

God uses all circumstances & scenarios to teach us if we are His, and to try and reach us if we aren’t.

My recent fall has taught me a few things about myself.

This being my second minor blow to the noggin, I realized I have been on the go too much without enough of His energy to keep me going.

Lesson #1:

Doing for the sake of my glory doesn’t bring Him glory.

As I have been needing more rest after this latest physical ‘adventure’ I have been learning to discern between laziness and my need for rest.

Lesson #2:

Its okay to listen to what your body needs, but you need to filter it through what He needs for you to do each day.

I am not the same person I was a few years ago, nor even the same as I was two weeks ago. I have been listening more, to myself, to others and to God. I find I don’t miss talking as much as I thought I would. I have to control my impulses a bit tighter, as emotions occasionally flare sharply where they used to start with a slow burn.

Lesson #3:

Not everyone will get you have been going through changes on the inside. Be yourself anyways.

Taking the necessary time off to recover has made it more clear what I need to do less of, or leave behind, and what is most important to me.

Lesson #4:

When you say no, and people don’t like it, remember: Not my problem. Sometimes, you have to say no to good to say yes to the best.

There has been one change I noticed the most over the last few years since my first concussion. I am a bit numb-er to extremes. My temper doesn’t blow as badly as it used to, but I also don’t get as excited as I used to either. A few things that used to really bug me don’t bother me at all anymore, and a few things I used to love to do don’t have the same thrill.

Lesson #5:

Over the passing of time, the touch of His hand and life lessons, things will change. I will be okay. He’s got me through it all!

I don’t like to lose, I don’t think any of us do. Most of all, I don’t like feeling like my life is out of control. Quick breath. This situation has revealed to me the truth to me in a most abrupt and earth jarring way…

Lesson #6:

I never was in control.
He always has been, and always will be in control.
Thinking I was was a lie,
knowing I am not is freeing truth.

What lessons have you been learning through the sorrows that have come your way?

The final lesson I will share with you all today?

Lesson #7:

It’s okay to cry.
My tears when I am upset by things in my life are healthy release for me, and matter to God.
So much so that He collects them in a bottle with my name on it!