our foundation

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.

Hebrews 11:1-2

It is only our faith in God which allows us to stand, even when surrounded by darkness.

Knowing He is our firm foundation helps us hold on, for it is our act of faith that distinguishes us here on this planet. From those who wander without an anchor tethering them through their lives.

And in the reaching out in faith towards Him, despite our doubts or what we can see about us, we find God has been reaching for us. Holding us close, anchoring us to Him, our firm foundation.

God with us, He makes life worth living. Despite the ups & downs you may be experiencing. Despite the brokenness and hopeless feelings you might feel. Despite being alone, lost or seeking shelter.

He alone can your life be built upon, this eternal foundation. God before all time & space as we know it.

Because let’s face it. Anything else is only temporary.

Feeling overwhelmed in the storm? Doubled over with pain, loss? Alone to your core? Listless and without purpose?

Reach for Him if you are searching for a life that matters.

Note: This verse and italicized words were first published Jan 14th, 2015 as a guest “Drop of Encouragement” that I wrote for Remade Ministries.  You can check it out at:
Drop of Encouragement- Our Foundation

label maker

What label are you wearing?

I don’t mean literally like lululemon, Guess or Roots, but rather the sort of labels you associate with yourself, on the inside…

For years, I wore the label victim.
As many who have been physically or emotionally assaulted, or swindled and taken advantage of in any way can relate, you can fall into thinking of yourself as a victim.

Poor me.
Why does this always happen to me?

Or the label someone spoke over you, that you decided to wear because you took their word for it…

Unattractive, ugly, homely.
Loser, dummy, stupid.
Lost cause, black sheep, not worth it.
Weak, poor, failure.
Deserted, abandoned, unwanted.
Broken, beat up,
waste of time.

Although we can all have moments when each of these words could apply, they are and were never meant to define us, or be worn by us.

They are the enemy’s clothing…

Because He knows our true value and worth, he tries to do his best to cover up our true light, our true selves with his mudslinging.

We were never meant to wear anything but God’s intended covering…Himself.

God reminds us over and over in His Word who we really are to Him, when we look at ourselves from His point of view….

His Beloved (Jeremiah 11:3)
Child of God (1 John 3:1)
Heaven’s Poetry (Ephesians 2:10)
Whole in Christ (Colossians 2:10)
Forgiven (1 Peter 2:24)
Never Alone (Deuteronomy 31:8)
An Exquisite Fragrance (2 Corinthians 2:15)
Free (Galatians 5:1)
God’s Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)
Overcomer (Revelations 12:11)
Greatly Loved by God (Romans 1:7, Ephesians 2:4, Colossians 3:12, 1 Thesselonians 1:4)
Valued (Matthew 6:25-34)


And God doesn’t stop there.

Besides revealing who we really are in the Word, God also gives us His armor, shield, helmet & sword to protect us from these enemy attempts to cloak us in darkness.

We are not to be defined by our enemy’s reaction to who God says we are.

Who He designed us to be.

When Truth speaks, we need to claim it, proclaim it, and release it deep into our lives. Then we will begin to believe it, and let it become part of us.

Its time to remove the counterfeit labels off of your life, and let your true self shine.

Clothe yourselves in Him.
Let Him be your cover.

The One True Label Maker
is waiting to give you a new makeover.
And it will be a perfect fit.

shift to fade


Once a story is given flight, and its words come to light, truth is released in all its power.

Secrecy gives way to the dark side.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of searching for the light in the far off distance, because I have chosen yo remain in darkness.

Finding your voice leads to freedom.

Freedom is found in the truth.

All truth is found in God.

Speaking your story, in all its good, bad, ugly & sad, triumphs & tumbles, releases our soul within us from the hidden places we lock it away in.

Whether or not you ever shout it from the rooftops, you deserve to be heard.

Your voice, your story has value.

When you share the truth, even if it is painful, somehow you feel lighter within, after the telling. I wish I could describe it another way, but that’s the closest I can come.

The chains fall off, and you are set free.

Jesus came so each of us would know we are of value to Him, to hear us out at any time, to speak wisdom to those who listen, and to live those who open their hearts & lives to Him.

Your story has value, because He values you.

Keeping traumatic or painful experiences bottled within only hurts the person doing the bottling.

Under pressure, you will always blow.

Uncorking it will release the build up, causing the contents to breathe and expand within. To pour with greater ease.

The light cannot shine on what is kept hidden.

Its time to bring whatever you are hiding or keeping within out.

Put it in His hands.

Tell a trusted friend.

Seek wise counsel.

Share your story.

Step out from the dark and into the light.

The darkness will begin to fade as you head towards the light with the passing of time.

Shift to fade, and let the Light shine through you.

Take back the controller, and make the switch.

Your story shared for His glory.