greatly blessed, highly flavored, deeply loved

Last night was one of those nights.

When you are so tired you can hardly keep your eyes awake, and just as you are comfy in bed trying to fall asleep….

  • hubby starts puking (from something he ate)
  • daughter gets a massive nose bleed
  • hedgehog starts running like a maniac on its wheel
  • cat starts snoring
  • the weight of the money getting tighter with a third car repair in ten days looming ahead

And you think, right there on the edge of losing it, “How will i ever get to sleep?!” before you hear His whisper, “I’ve got you.”

I left go, give it all to Him, and have a wonderful seven hour sleep. 🙂

God has an amazing way of flashing His promises and blessings through my mind & into my spirit when i need it most.

For in Him, as His Beloved, I am:

  1. Greatly blessed.  I am moving in with the King of all that is, ever has been & ever will be into eternity. I have an eternal inheritance as His daughter, His Beloved. Hullo, can I get an amen, soul?!  And if that was not blessing enough, I am never left alone. He is always with me. Even through the worst this world & circumstances can hurl my way.  I can rest in His loving care.
  2. Highly flavored.  I have been hardwired uniquely by the Master Craftsman just so, and my uniqueness when offered to Him & for His Kingdom blessed Him.  He gives good gifts to all His creation. Each sunrise, sunset, baby cry, flower blooming, rain fall – is a gift for us to enjoy.
  3. Highly favored.  Each talent & skill He bestows on us is a visible sign of His favor, as is our ability to walk right up to Him in His throne room & climb up on His lap, to ask anything we want of Him.   As His Beloved, we have especial favor in the eyes of our Love.
  4. Deeply Loved. His Love is astounding. That You choose to shower Your love upon me, breathtaking wonder! Going to the cross to show me just how much You love me- as far as the east is from the west, with no end? Overwhelming joy!

If you too are in the midst of hard times, take the time to draw close to Him again right in that moment when you feel like you can’t take much more.  Allow Him to shoulder your burden, fill You with His peace & love, and comfort you as He walks with you.  He truly shines all the brighter against the dark backdrop in your difficult moments.  Don’t forget to ask Him to remind you who you are to Him.  He loves to love up on His Beloved 🙂



i am greatly blessed

shift to fade


Once a story is given flight, and its words come to light, truth is released in all its power.

Secrecy gives way to the dark side.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of searching for the light in the far off distance, because I have chosen yo remain in darkness.

Finding your voice leads to freedom.

Freedom is found in the truth.

All truth is found in God.

Speaking your story, in all its good, bad, ugly & sad, triumphs & tumbles, releases our soul within us from the hidden places we lock it away in.

Whether or not you ever shout it from the rooftops, you deserve to be heard.

Your voice, your story has value.

When you share the truth, even if it is painful, somehow you feel lighter within, after the telling. I wish I could describe it another way, but that’s the closest I can come.

The chains fall off, and you are set free.

Jesus came so each of us would know we are of value to Him, to hear us out at any time, to speak wisdom to those who listen, and to live those who open their hearts & lives to Him.

Your story has value, because He values you.

Keeping traumatic or painful experiences bottled within only hurts the person doing the bottling.

Under pressure, you will always blow.

Uncorking it will release the build up, causing the contents to breathe and expand within. To pour with greater ease.

The light cannot shine on what is kept hidden.

Its time to bring whatever you are hiding or keeping within out.

Put it in His hands.

Tell a trusted friend.

Seek wise counsel.

Share your story.

Step out from the dark and into the light.

The darkness will begin to fade as you head towards the light with the passing of time.

Shift to fade, and let the Light shine through you.

Take back the controller, and make the switch.

Your story shared for His glory.

pitch black?

We all have days that can be tricky to navigate.

A coworker shared with me today they believe they had been in a really dark place while at university.

A good friend is trying to hold their head up high and keep moving forward despite the darkness swirling around a legal battle. And battle it has been.

A few of us, myself included in my circle of friends are all coming out of dark places. Having each others’ support helped the climb back out easier.

Another is down in the depths struggling to find her way.

Through it all, God is still God.

That might seem trite, or casually stated, but it is anything but.

God is ruling 24/7, 365 days a year, for all time. Eternity, in fact.

He who set time, the stars, moon, sun, sky, waters, and land in their place. Who made all creatures, great & small. Who made man & woman, their home, gave them each other & their purpose.

He is still ruling over it all.
Always has, always will.

This fact is one of the bright lights I fix my eyes upon when I have been in my darkest places.

His unswerving love for me,
His constant presence,
whether I feel it or not.
His plans for me, to bless me,
to give me a bright future.

These truths twinkle as I make my way through the dark.

In fact, without the dark, they might not appear to shine as brilliantly and clearly as they do.

They are the guides to help me find my way back Home, when I struggle to see the path.

My trust is in Him, not what I see about me.

For my vision may easily be swayed, falter or dim, but His will never fail.

His light will continue to shine for all eternity.

The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out. John 1:5 MSG

Holiness has a radiance that the deepest dark cannot squelch.

When all appears pitch black, take another look.

God is there, waiting for you to catch a glimpse of Him. To hear His whisper of loving Hope.

Never doubt, light wins in the end.
Love triumphs.

Just because you have been in a dark place, it does not mean God has abandoned you.

The fact you are still here?
Proof He has not.

I have had a few dark moments, and a few even darker periods, when i felt my heart shatter and i couldn’t keep on going. God never seemed closer than when I was completely depending on Him, and how He wanted me to see those moments.

The light He provided to help me combat the sheer dark was more than enough.

May you see His light shine through the dark you are faced with, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is more than enough to help you through it.
