when God’s love letter appears unexpectedly

I have searched the whole world to find you. You are My Beloved. The one I have chosen. The one I love.

I have a deep seeded cry I have left unspoken for a very long time.

It is possible to appear normal on the outside but to have a  broken piece within crying out for healing.

I know, because God showed up in the service today and read my mail.

I have struggled with a deep sense of loneliness for several years now.


Or so I thought.

God knew.
God heard.
God saw.

Following a time of intimate worship this morning, our pastor shared what He had placed on his heart.

The first piece of mail was mine.

Just like the woman who had been bleeding for years, desperate for healing, I too was shocked that Jesus shared my most intimate need in public.

But I know why He did.

Just as that woman who touched His hem and was instantly healed, something needed to shift beyond what was touched within me.

I needed to hear He loved me, outloud.

That He passionately pursues me.

That I am His, and He is mine.

That I do not need to be lonely anymore within His love.

My heart is safe in His hands, and all my broken and restored pieces matter to Him.

Everything about me matters to Him.

And the same is true about you.

Today, let the lover of your soul in.

You too will be changed beyond imagination, and loved beyond measure.

Whether you are heart broken, single, married, widowed, on your own, in the family you were born in or welcomed into: you are loved.




May His love be the best Valentine’s gift you too receive again today.


4 thoughts on “when God’s love letter appears unexpectedly”

  1. Dear friend, how very beautifully you have shared this deep place. It is in us all. As you say, unspoken. I have been a widow for 15 months today. I had a gift in my beloved husband. How I need to hear this promise, that God knows and will be there for us He hears and sees and loves us. Bless you for sharing. God has used your words in a special way today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “My heart is safe in His hands, and all my broken and restored pieces matter to Him.” Finding rest in him. I’m so glad you shared this at Open Mic Monday for the soul. What blessing. I love the beauty of love letters being read aloud from above. Glory up high. Have a wonderful week and again, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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