introvert- come out of hiding


Believe it or not, I am an introvert.
I take quite a while to feel like I belong when in a large group of people. In fact, I normally don’t.

I struggle with the tension of being born to communicate, and the burning desire to keep myself hidden.

As Gandalf says so aptly, "Keep it hidden, keep it safe."

But hiding means burying part of myself away…the truth that God wants to express Himself through me:
to sing His songs of Love
to write His words of Hope
to encourage with His wisdom
to love up on with His heart

When I hide, the enemy wins the skirmish, if I fail to be who God designed me to be in that moment.

I recently made a huge leap and joined a ladies bible study at a new church. I was acquaintances with one woman, the one who invited me.

Fear was saying, "Do we have to go through meeting new people AGAIN?"

The Spirit countered with, "For such a time as this."

I went. And have been going every week since.

God has spoken to me more in the past four months as I took the leap to obey.

I am getting to know some lovely and lively women of faith, from many backgrounds, several of whom have encouraging me to keep pressing into God and use my gifts.

Becoming known in a safe environment builds trust and faith to step out from the shadows and into the Iight.

Sharing what is on my heart through word or song is a part of who I am.
Hiding it away leads to lies and shame.

Join me and step into who you are designed to be by the Designer.

I may be an introvert by nature, but I can do all things in His strength.

As I step out from my hiding place, I trust He is there to guide me.
I am safe in His arms.
I am confident He has good plans for me.
I have a living hope.
I can be known.

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