Sunday Psalm: within & overflowing

Holy Spirit,
I am Yours & You are Mine.

When I accepted Jesus,
You moved in to this temple,
and remain with me,

I have all of You
that I can ever need…
but I need more of You
to activate what You want…
for me to do,
for me to learn,
for me to speak,
for me to know,
for me to hear.

I want to be soaked
in Your Presence,
not just connected with You
but interconnected with You.

May I never unplug
but have You fill me
always to overflowing
as I obey You,
spending time in the Word,
sitting at Your feet
& praying as You lead.

Spirit use me.
Break out & fall on
those who don’t yet know You.

May they desire Your Presence
more than anything else
once they catch a glimpse of You.
