there will never be


I wish that you could see that beauty is within your heart

Too many of us allow our insecurity or the words of others to try to restamp our value.

Simply put? God only made one of you. You are the only You which will ever exist or be.

He made you in purpose, just the way you are:

And you were made with such care, your skin, your body and your hair are perfect just the way they are

He thinks you are wonderful, exquisite, worth His pursuit.

There could never be a more beautiful you

Whether you are a guy or gal, this is true of you.

Don’t buy the lies, disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

Don’t like one part of your appearance? God does! He likes the curl which refuses to be tamed, every ounce of extra weight and your baby toe which sticks out a bit.

Because it’s part of YOU!

Beloved, please tune in to His love as He continues to speak truth, freedom and purpose into us.

You are irreplaceable.

No one else is meant to do what God has planned for you to do here on earth.

No one else can bless His heart like you do.

No one else can love Him as you can.

You are the crowning achievement of creation, for you are made in His image.

He is so beautiful beyond description, and somehow we mirror that beauty in a way we may never fully grasp until Heaven.

May you walk, head held high, as the Beloved. A one of a kind expression of His beauty and love wherever you go.

Quoted Lyrics by Jonny Diaz, “More Beautiful You.”

ten things I like about you

I really like ten things about you.
Even though i may not have met you yet.

That may sound strange, but as an observer of people, I have finally figured these things out.

And you probably need to know what these things are.

1. I like the fact that you aren’t me.
I spend more than enough time with myself, so I like that you are not me. I find our differences interesting. Think about how boring it would be if we were all alike.

2. You are here on purpose.
You were not an accident, no matter what anyone else had told you. God planned you, on purpose, from the spark that He first set off when He created you in your mother’s womb. You are handcrafted, and a one of a kind original. There will never be another one of you, ever. He designed you after Himself. He intentionally placed you in this place and time.


Image from-

3. God has equipped you with talents and gifts.
Sometimes you need to be reminded that you are good at something. We all have strengths, and when we get to know each other, we begin to see these in one another. It may take a friend or coworker to point it out to you before you may begin to see it in yourself. You likely are good at a few things, not just the one you may be best at.

4. God cares for you.
Each and every person who ever has been, is or will be is important to God. So much so that Jesus died for each of us, to pave the way for us to draw close to Him. He is the closest friend you can ever have, will never leave you and always wants the best for you. He is in your corner no matter what.

5. You are here for a purpose.
You are meant to do wonderful things with your life. Bless people through your profession, invent something, raise your kids well, mentor or teach others, encourage and help others. God will reveal the things you are meant to do as you get to know Him, and yourself through His eyes.

6. You are worth being heard.
If no one has ever told you so…what you feel and think matters. You have a story worth telling, and it deserves to be told. And heard.

7. You look great when you smile!
That’s right, a smile makes you look your best. And when you smile, it increases the likelihood that those around you will smile back at you.

8. Things may be tough, but they will get better.
This world is just our temporary home, and it’s a hard life most of us are living through. But its not our final destination if you believe in Jesus, and place your hope in Him. Heaven will be your forever home. No more tears, sickness, disease, pain or loneliness.

9. You always have something to be thankful for.
As bad as things can get, take some comfort in the small things around you if you can’t see any big things to be grateful about. Being able to breathe, read, hear, walk. A roof over your head, food on the table, a job. A cloud in the sky, sun, rain puddles, flowers, cat purrs. Whatever you can find, remember to be thankful for having it.

10. Someone is thankful for having you in their life.
They are. Whether a family member, close friend, coworker or a stranger you helped out…someone has been blessed to have you in their life.

I hope we meet, whether virtually, here on earth or in heaven one day.

Until we do, remember these ten things that you need to know about yourself.

It took many years for me to reprogram the lies and believe these truths about myself. May you cast off what needs to go to make room for these truths you were meant to know about you.

I am glad you are here.