Looking back, these past three days were jam packed with pockets of wonder. Which is miraculous considering the past three months have contained some of the most stressful days I have had in decades.

I have shared before that I have had low energy, initially thought to be just very low Vitamin D & osteoarthritis flares. It became apparent on Friday that my stress level had surpassed my normal threshold to cope with on my own.

My usual support structure wasn’t enough given the weight of my current anxious feelings, which are not normally characteristic of me. I had one other bout of this type of blues 19 years ago, with a great doctor supporting me over the 3 months it took to come through it.

So I took a deep breath, made an appointment with my doctor, and met with her late Friday afternoon. She heard me out, asked a few questions, and stepped to support me in the same way my retired doctor had.

Both these doctors said a few things that you too might need to hear right now, friend.

You might be maxed out with the load you are carrying, as it might be a lot heavier than you are used to.

Covid-19 & money matters, work loss & stress, change in you & family routines, physical pain & relational stressors might have combined in your life to weigh heavily on your mind & heart too.

You are not alone.

Not only is Jesus waiting to help you carry whatever matters to you, he will guide you to the best way to “offload” what you no longer need to carry/ His gentle whispers of direction have helped me make wiser choices for my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. You are not weak to ask for help with your load, for we were never designed to carry things alone.

There is no shame or condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Getting medical help is part of my success plan, and I refuse to take any flack for doing so.

If you too are feeling blue?

Tell somebody.

Get help.

You matter too much not to!

#sharingHope #hopefortheharddays

PS. I am currently only blogging here once a week on Mondays for the rest of the summer, but this post was too much all at once. So stay tuned for the rest of this post tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “WHEN FRIDAY HITS”

  1. Helppful words! I find myself being immobilized with terror.Something Kris.V. said”Stop watching news programes and read His news. It is too much for us to carry, of course we are never meant to carry it.


    1. Wise words, Myfanwy, I gave up watching the news years ago, as I found it disturbs the sense of peace I fight too hard to hold close! I pray he will help us both leave fear and anxiety in the rear view mirror!!


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