who’s pursuing who?

And when I walk away
You take off running
and come right after me
It’s what You do
and I don’t deserve You.

Plumb – Don’t Deserve You

Pursuing You
I have come to realize
is only the result
of Your pursuit of me

And when I walk away
You follow hard after me
calling me
chasing me
as I follow the call
of other than You

Even when I wallow
and waste my inheritance
listening to foolish council
You never stop sitting
of the home front
waiting for my return

Ever watching
You send Your Spirit
to whisper
how much You love me
how much grace is mine
how Your mercy never ends
no matter what I have done

Since I said yes to You
all the roads I wander on
lead me back to You
for wherever I go
You are there
wherever I run to
You are waiting

All ways don’t start off
with You in mind
if I am being honest
But as I tune my heart
to hear Your voice
I make the necessary changes
to my inner GPS
and realign my path
to walk along side You

Who’s pursuing who?

I couldn’t follow You
without Your love
paving the way in the first place.

I don’t deserve you, as the Plumb song goes, but how grateful I am that You never stop pursuing me!

The more I get to know You,
the more I want to pursue You.

Is that how it works for You, God?
Because You know us so well, You can’t help wanting to be with me?!

The most important part of the pursuit?

Finding what you were hoping for in the journey:

You pursuing me
the apple of Your eye
the Bride You long for
the one You love

My pursuit of You
the Lover of my soul
The Saviour I adore
the One I long for.

Waiting here for You
as You wait for me.

Let’s have a coffee date
Chat, hang out
and connect
as You share Your heart
for me
and I pour out my heart
to You.

A momentary lull
in our pursuit
as we meet face to face

How Presence
makes all the difference,
being with the one you love.


So every so often regular words don’t flow out of me, and a little poetic je ne sais quoi arises to the surface! Maybe that happens to you too? I have learned to go with it, and give myself grace for stepping out of my comfort zone :)

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