love n grace


Love does.

Love reaches out to us, offering to lift us out of the mess, pain & brokenness we are in.

Love that offers second chances, hope on the horizon, a shoulder to lean on.

Love entangled eternally with Grace.

Grace in the person of Jesus.

Who took on human DNA
The very King of Heaven
To meet us face to face
At the very place
That was keeping us apart.
Sin crossroads.

And in one final act with eternal consequences died for those very sins WE deserved to die for.

So we have a choice.
To die alone,
Or die in the arms of Love & Grace.

For Love breaks our fall
And Grace carries us home.

Love is a person, as is Grace.
His name is Jesus.

He took our fall
So He could bring us home to the Father who is waiting
And introduces us to Spirit- who comforts, instructs & guides us on our journey towards our forever home.

All this love and grace
for you.

For me.

For us all.

Love beckons,
Grace calls.

“Let me help.
I love you.
Welcome home.”

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