the road less traveled: on the hump days


This morning, hubby was less thrilled than normal to start his day.  Work added some last minute changes to his day, which he dislikes profusely.

All that to say, I thought I had to start work at 8am today.
And my ride got me here late.
It turns out, no one is starting til 9am this morning.

Welcome to hump day.

Wednesday doesn’t have quite the same reputation as Monday, nor is it looked forward to as much as Friday.

It’s the middle of the work week,and some days, it feels like it.

For those of us on the road less traveled, God gets it.

There were years of hump days, where God went from the OT to the NT in a 400 year hump where people were doing their own thing, with precious few seeking His ways.

God gets our struggle.  How could He not when He not only designed us, hand shaped us & equipped us? Then pursues an intimate relationship with each of us?!

There are a few verses which speak to pressing in to God on a daily basis, but this one caught my eye & heart again this morning:

Do your part today. Not someone else’s or the part you need to do tomorrow. And whatever you do, do it well, because you do it unto the Lord, not men (or yourself!)

-Colossians 3:23

That includes hump days!

Every day, God encourages us to do our best.

For His sake.

Even on hump days.

But He doesn’t leave us to our own devices as we do.

He is with us, to whisper guidance, to reassure & boost our confidence, to warn us to slow down, to empower us when we get weary.

Because of Him, we don’t need to have hump days like the rest of the world.

He takes our offered hump days and makes it so we can look back on them as jump with joy days.

Because He was with us through it all.

Ever present.

Even on hump days.

What an awesome God we follow!