Paid in Full

I’ve wiped the slate of all your wrongdoings. There’s nothing left of your sins.Come back to Me, come back. I’ve redeemed you. Isaiah 44:22 MSG

You know that list you have been keeping in secret? That running tab of all the wrongs you have done? All the things you failed at, failed to do or failed to stop yourself from doing?

It’s time to let Him wipe your tab clean.

Whereas we may keep a running total, God doesn’t work that way.

When Jesus went to the cross, ALL your sin was wiped out in the avalanche of loving grace and holy blood that was shed for our wrongdoings. All of them. Ever.

We can allow that list we are keeping—which has already been marked fully paid—to hold us back from drawing close to Him.

God reminds us in this verse that He wants nothing to keep us from Him. So much so, He cleared the way home for our return.

Run home, friend.

Allow your Father to fully embrace you and clothe you in the pure garments He has waiting for you when you trade in your list for His loving grace.



This devotion first appeared at: Remade Community.