soul custody

Our souls were never designed to be in the tug of war battles we find ourselves in.

They were designed
to be pursued by One
and pursue only One.

And ever since that lie
in the Garden
where perfect oneness
had existed between man, woman & God
the enemy has continued
to speak poison to our souls

You are not worth it
God isn’t enough
no one loves you
why bother
give up
stop trying
you aren’t special

And we tie up our resources trying to soothe our souls from the effects of believing those lies:
addictions: sex, shopping, porn, alcohol, gambling, drugs

When we fail to get to the roots of what is growing in our souls, which is evident from the fruit we produce, the poison continues to mutate and grow stronger as it increases in strength.

Our souls were never meant to be soil for the enemy. We were not designed to be his playground.

We were meant for oh so much more.

God designed us to hear His voice, in response to a longing we may have difficulty putting into words, but exists regardless.

That deep down heart’s cry desire to be known.
But not just known:

We long to connect at the core of who we are to the One who created us with this God sized vacuum only He can fill.

When we settle for less than the best for our souls, they will go along for a while off road, but the road starts getting bumpier, muddier and further away from where we thought we should be.

Our soul cries out for sole custody in our Maker’s care.

The battle for our souls has been being wager since that lie was spoken, enticing Eve & Adam to want more than they already had.

What God had spoken of as not just good, but very good.

The same God who walked alongside them in the Garden wants to walk beside you.

Not only does He offer Himself as your escort, He offers to set you free from the lies and pain that affects your soul. He came not only to tell us He loved us, but show us just how much He does as well.

If you are showing the signs of an inner battle being waged, and are tired of fighting on your own, please know God is waiting for you to say the word.

And He will come, this Father who is longing to adopt us into His forever family, heal us, give us our freedom, and pour out His love into our battered, weary souls.

We were designed for sole custody.

Let Him be all He was meant to be for you: mind, body, spirit, soul.

Life as you know it will change, when your soul begins to become whole and find its resting place, its true home in Him.

The only holding up this custody battle is the child in question.

God has already won the ultimate battle, and the enemy knows it.

Don’t let him win.


fighting the bluez

Today was a mental fight day.
I couldn’t take too long off, or I knew I would lose the battle.

I find that when I am in recovery, that period between fully sick and fully well, I am not at strong mentally with my defenses. Certainly, extra napping and strong medications may be part of the factors impacting my state of mind. But there seems to be something else.

Without sun, without warmth, without a kind touch, I begin to feel blue and wither a little within, shriveling up on myself to try and hide away.

Today the bluez struck big time.


(image from:

I was okay on the bus while cranking my tunes (for me worship tunes are battle music). I ate breakfast, drank my yummy chai rooibos tea while mostly hot. I whipped off the bulk of my to do list before noon.

I took my next medication, and things took a turn for the dumpster.

I felt awful. Too hot, ready to find a dark corner and sleep it off. But…I was at work.

Realizing I could go home early made me feel even worse. And that doing so would be conceding defeat.

I ate my lunch, purged some files, did some techy posty stuff, chatted with some coworkers about a coming project, all the while silently praying that the bluez would subside.

They did.

Until I got home.

When i caught sight of my trashed main floor, 40 minutes before company was due to arrive, I almost gave in.

I pushed up my sleeves, tapped in a strong assistant, and 35 minutes later it was done.

I decided to take a quick recharge my batteries break with two of my fave recent Darlene Zschech songs with my last five minutes before my friends arrived, while the kettle was on.

By the time the first arrived, I was feeling almost like myself again. A little more tired version, but chipper and glad to see my friends. The chatter and resulting laughter helped banish my bluezy feelings.

What do you do when the bluez try to overtake you?

Do you give in?
Do you fight back?
Do you pull out your secret weapon? In my case, praise and prayer?

I am a hardwired communicator, so I find music, books, and movies invigorating and great assets in helping me cope with hope when the world seems dreary and blah.

One of my friends is a garden whiz. She loves to plan, plant, and dream about her gardening.

Another finds fitness helps her stay centered and well.

My husband finds a walk outdoors with a friend, chatting along the way helps him to fight his battles against the bluez. is a good basic list of healthy ways to face the bluez.

No matter what you choose, know that the bluez do not last forever.
The despair and doubt of the day after Good Friday does not last beyond Easter Sunday.
Good news IS coming.
Spring WILL arrive.
Winter WILL be over.
The sun will shine again.

The rain, although not much to look at, serves a purpose. To soak the ground, to help it produce a good harvest.

May the bluez we all fight soak us enough to appreciate the sunny times ahead, but never enough to turn into despair.