food for thought

There have been two occasions where people specifically listened to God and acted upon it, where the result ended up with my family being fed.

When our children were quite small, circumstances left us tighter than usual for money with sick (a la chicken pox) children at home.  With about $50 to our name, we didn’t know where our next week’s meals were going to come from. It was Christmas. We didn’t know what exactly to do, nor shared this fact wih anyone else.

But God knew, and prompted two couples we had briefly met at our last night, their first, with our small group in early September, to do something about our lack.

Imagine our surprise when we got the knock on the door and not only did we have a full turkey & all the sides Christmas dinner, but enough money for groceries for the next week!

We had barely enough time to register our need before God met it through obedient followers.

The week before last, hubby had a procedure which required him to take a few days off work (unpaid) and I too needed to adjust my schedule to drive him to several appointments. We had faith it would all work out, but no idea how it was going to.

Last week, all our needs were covered. I just realized yesterday that we wouldn’t have enough to cover our bills and groceries for next week. I briefly prayed and reminded God He said He would provide.

Tonight, we were handed a cheque from someone who anonymously donated the exact amount of our grocery bill each week!

Here is the clincher: In order for us to have received the cheque tonight, they needed to donate it 10 days ago.

God prompted listening hearts, who acted upon the impulse they heard.

Because of them, we are not going without next week.

Now I could have pulled out a credit card and made sure we ate. But God knows how much I want to be debt free wherever possible, and so answered me in such a way I knew He heard my specific prayers.

His people tuned in and acting upon His clear direction can change the world, one need, one life, one family at a time.

The next time God prompts you to do something for someone you don’t quite understand why?

Do it.

Exactly the way He leads you to.

You too may be the answer to someone’s prayer.

You too may be the way He is going to meet their need.

I used to be embarrassed about talking about the first story, but I realized that was the enemy trying to squelch the testimony of how God provided for us through the Body.

Maybe you too are like us and it wasn’t the fact that you blew your money, but an unexpected health concern, car or home repair which just kinda popped up without warning.

I realize that this is part of how the widow’s oil and flour didn’t run out.
Because God moved through His people (Elijah) to provide (the widow) for the need.

Jesus did the same with one basket of fish and loaves.

Miracles still happen today when God is able to move on obedient listeners to provide for the needs He has designed them to meet. They could be basic needs, such as food or clothing. Paying off a hydro or gas bill. Giving a gas card or bus pass. Buying a plane ticket for someone called to go. Praying for the sick. Babysitting for a single mom or pet sitting a family in crisis. An encouraging word or card.

Whatever it is, God can use you to make a miracle happen when we follow as He leads, and give as He directs.

The underlying why to all He does? His love for us.

When we act upon the prompts Holy Spirit gives us to lend a hand, He involves us in demonstrating that love to the receiver.

Food for thought, isn’t it?!


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