gripping onto hope

This old dog has a new trick.

I used to be petrified of going downtown. A few scary situations was all it took for fear to grip my heart in its dark hands, and leave a visible mark.

God was watching & waiting.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and my eldest informed me we needed to head downtown for a university program meeting.

Right near to where fear entered both of our hearts, from a shocking encounter, that traumatized us both.

It doesn’t take long for the enemy to strike. Especially when you aren’t ready for it.

I decided to face my fear and trust God will get us here safely, no matter what. Figured out what bus & subway stops we needed, had a map and faith.

Last night, my eldest has a panic attack about heading downtown, stemming from that moment of terror several years ago. I stayed calm, reassured her we would be fine as God is going with us, and because it was really late, simply asked God to touch her to be able to get through today with confidence.

This morning I awoke to absolute peace about heading and being downtown. No fear whatsoever.

Gos answered that simple prayer for us both.

I sit in a wonderful peace filled atmosphere as my eldest is in their meeting. Able to trust that God is and will keep us safe, that my children are in His hands, being prepared for His plans, and I am going to be amazed by what He will do with their trust and faith in Him.

I am keeping my grip on Hope.
His mercy is truly new every morning, this morning.
He is dependable, faithful, rock solid believable.

My heart is beating with new wonder at the possibilities of who I will be as I keep my grip on Him.


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